Chapter 62: "Ignitious"

Seven scarred figures in hoods continued to poke instruments on the large machine; it had encrypted several symbols and it seemed to be built in pure gold. An anxious man kept walking back and forth as he waited for something to happen, or someone to come. Amplifying the vision, it was able to see the large room where they were at; a huge hangar-like building with several metal cages and people in different deplorable conditions, some even died and were left there for days, their skins already being sucked in and the bones were prominent.

When the vision was amplified even more, and sounds accompanied, screams, cries and moans of pain made their way. A tall old man walked in, he was dressed with gold armor and seemed to be ready for battle. He walked to the one leading the hooded figures and this one bowed at him. "Is this the machine? How does it work?"