Chapter 8: Volvo in development


In 1882, Germany, Austria, and Italy held negotiations in Vienna. On May 20 of the same year, the "Three Nations Alliance Treaty" was signed, marking the formation of an alliance of three countries.

30September 30-World's first hydroelectric power plant begins operation (the dam on the Fox River in Epington, Wisconsin is the site of the world's first hydroelectric power plant).

Uh ...

On January 14, Ferdinand convened its management personnel and held an industrial development planning conference.

The meeting staff not only includes the emerging industries established by Ferdinand, but also the traditional industry leaders of the Kohali family.

Mainly Ferdinand found that many traditional industries still have great potential to tap. In his planning, there are many places to communicate and complement each other.

For example: Like many big aristocrats, the Kohali family also has its own wine estate, dedicated to serving its own family.

Jeffrey Ferdinand usually drinks a little on his own and feels very good. He felt very wasteful. It was too wasteful to support a large group of people just to serve a few people in his family.

It is entirely possible to expand the scale and sell to the market. Even if the output is enlarged and the taste is reduced, as long as it is not lower than the large goods on the market, he can sell it.

The wheat and potatoes produced by the farm like the manor house will no longer need to be sold outside this year, and your own factory can fully digest it.

There are cattle and sheep in the pasture, you can build a slaughterhouse yourself, and then send it to the supermarket to sell.

比如 For example, you can allocate a piece of land near your city to grow vegetables, produce and sell it yourself, and so on.

的 The pomp of European nobles is often beyond imagination.

如 Just like Ferdinand now, there are more than a dozen dedicated maids, and a team of chefs no less than five-star hotels in later generations. Any Italian, French, Indian and other national cuisine can be done.

In the castle where I live, there are no less than three hundred guards and servants. The clothes he wore had a tailor tailor who only served him alone. There are seven or eight luxury carriages for their own use.

He drank the milk, and he had his own dedicated pasture. The best quality cows were selected for him alone. There are also standard wine estates, which use only the finest grapes and so on.

Of course, his pomp is not much, Princess Clementina's style is quite large, and it fully meets her French princess identity.

Anyway, in addition to the necessary expenses, the Kehali family's income is not less than 100,000 pounds a year, which is spent on their pomp, and this cost is increasing year by year.

This is also the source of the transformation of the big aristocracy to the big capitalist. The income of traditional industries can no longer meet their growing consumer demand.

Jeff Ferdinand was so annoyed by these bad habits that he desperately wanted to change all this. As for whether he would lose the face of the aristocracy, he said he would bring a vest.

Jeff Ferdinand did not intend to challenge the aristocratic system. His **** decides his head. He is a beneficiary. On the surface, Ferdinand is also a loyal supporter of the aristocratic system. Some of the pomps have not changed. At most, the maid has served as a secretary.

斐 Just as Ferdinand reorganized the industry, changes were also taking place in the retail sector in Vienna. Squeezed by Volvo, many grocery stores' profits have plummeted, and behind the scenes capitalists have transformed and entered the supermarket industry.

Starting in February, a department store named Xiao Dingdang opened, breaking Volvo's monopoly position, and starting a hundred disputes in the retail industry.

Until October, Vienna, an international metropolis, opened more than 80 department stores and supermarkets.

At the beginning of the site selection, everyone kept a certain distance and deliberately avoided short arms. Although there is competition between each other and it is harmonious to get along, everyone's profits have passed.

However, after entering 1883, the rising stars have sprung up, and they can no longer avoid it. There are seven or eight department store supermarkets on one street in some areas. Other supermarkets are directly door-to-door to grab business directly.

Because the supermarket industry has no technical content, capital has rushed in. By the end of 1883, the density of supermarkets in Vienna was comparable to later generations.

Cruel competition has begun, and various means have emerged endlessly. Price wars are naturally the first choice. Discount advertisements on the street are all over the place. Everyone's good life is over.

Volvo is the overlord of the industry, and its stores have spread throughout the cities of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, as well as in Germany and Italy. Despite the impact, Vienna's stores remain profitable.

Until 1884, Cotefly Department Store announced the reorganization, and the department store giant officially entered the supermarket field.

Jeff Ferdinand was surprised. The brutal competition in the supermarket market in Vienna didn't help him any less, the purpose was to scare off some big capitalists.

I was also very successful before. Although Volvo's stores in Vienna were hit, in other cities, relatively conservative capitalists were affected by this. Volvo's loss in Vienna, UU reading doubled in other cities and earned back.

Ferdinand is still very familiar with the background of the Cotefi department store. The Kohari family is also one of the big consortiums in the Kingdom of Hungary behind the scenes.

As the dominant player is Hungary-a capitalist interest group in the flour processing industry. Although Ferdinand also has a flour processing factory, most of them are self-produced and sold, so they usually don't pay much attention to this situation, and this time they were caught off guard.

He reacted to Ferdinand and immediately used his family relationship to figure out the ins and outs.

Due to the rapid expansion of Volvo, its proportion in the retail industry is becoming larger and larger. Naturally, the Shuanghui flour processing plant has also risen with the rise of water, and its market share has continued to increase.

Hungarian flour sales in the Austro-Hungarian Empire have plummeted, and capitalists in the flour industry can't sit still. If Ferdinand was an ordinary person, naturally he could find a way to yield him, or send him to see God.

But Ferdinand is also a great aristocracy in Hungary. It belongs to internal competition and many methods cannot be used. Except for them, the capitalists who have a painful skin, others are doing side-views.

Yu Yu is supporting the entry of Cote d'Affaires, changing Volvo 's dominant position in the retail industry, and also forcing Ferdinand to make concessions.

Ferdinand was relieved when he occupied, as long as it was not the meaning of the entire Hungarian consortium, then he would not be afraid of all the Cotefi department stores.

And the news came so quickly, it also clearly showed the meaning of peace, indicating that the other party did not intend to die with him.

This incident also taught Ferdinand a lesson. We must strengthen the construction of intelligence work. Passers are not omnipotent. If you usually pay more attention to these old family relationships, it is estimated that the two sides have already made peace, and this time it will not happen.