Chapter 11: The beginning of cruel competition

Vienna in June is full of greenery and flowers in bloom, like a paradise on earth. Of course, this is impossible. Vienna in the 21st century is almost the same.

After entering the market in June, competition in the retail industry became more and more fierce, and competition among major supermarkets also reached Chiyu, a traditional grocery store, which was forced to close.

The bustling Vienna was suddenly slumped a lot, walking to the street full of advertisements for transfers, and only a few small shops were still open. Numerous small shops engaged in daily necessities are facing a choice, either changing careers or closing their doors.

The capitalist world moves all over. ——Capitalism

In the future, there are many supermarkets that cannot support, and capitalists with flexible minds have chosen to transform. Since the loss of selling daily necessities, I sold something else, such as changing to a clothing city, or entering the catering industry and starting a buffet.

Relying on the popularity that had accumulated before, the business was booming for a while, and more people were encouraged to join in. Many sales industries in Vienna were chaotic.

的 The fluctuations in the market soon spread to the financial market. A small-scale economic crisis broke out in Vienna. Of course, speculators would not show mercy, and the storm came.

Of course that is the future, and market fluctuations still need time to ferment, and now it is only limited to competition in the retail industry.

Cote Fly is now well-funded, and Robert is even more confident. He doesn't know he has been targeted by the Falcons.

"Mr. Cameron, how long do you think it will take to end this war?" Robert said with anger.

"If the current situation is maintained, it is possible that by next month, the supermarkets in Vienna will be reduced by one-third, and after half a year, they will be reduced by half again. By then, everyone will be exhausted and survive. With fewer competitors, this price war will stop! "Cameron analyzed

"No, there will be comments from long-losing shareholders, and it has now spread to department stores and will affect our listing plan!" Robert rejected this proposal

"Then we can only intensify the price war, our losses will be great!" Cameron frowned and said

"Then continue to descend, I hope to end the fighting within three months. At all costs, kill the miscellaneous fish and earn our lost money back!" Robert said fiercely

He followed Robert with a smile and thought of a clever idea: "The retail price of goods in supermarkets is now lower than our current purchase price. You can send someone to buy in other supermarkets in secret."

"You can both fight your opponents and reduce your procurement costs! Remember to do it secretly, and if they are discovered, they will have trouble learning it."

"Okay sir, as you wish, today I will reduce the price by another 10%, maybe I can scare away some miscellaneous fish!" Cameron said with a smile

The retail market is again lamenting. Because of its large scale, Volvo is required to print Volvo exclusive supplies on most of its products.

In order to avoid being exposed, the goods bought from Volvo must be repackaged. After trying it, Robert had to give up.

Then other supermarkets came to Mould, which suffered heavy losses for a while, but was quickly discovered by Ferdinand, and Cote Fei's purchase in Shuanghui Food Group decreased.

Jeff Ferdinand smiled, thinking, "Robert is dying, and he will soon know what the target is!"

Volvo can do it, it is large enough to be amortized everywhere, and it is only aimed at the Cotefly family, even if exposed to Ferdinand.

Don't look at the strength of the small capitalists. If they all move, Ferdinand will also avoid three points.

Jeffrey Dinan did not hesitate, but just let people release the news that Kote Fei's stock has been reduced. I believe that as long as it is not a fool, it will have a problem.

It really didn't take long for the savvy capitalists to follow suit and sent someone to pick up the goods at the Cotefly department store, leaving Cameron busy.

Capitalists with backgrounds have also used a lot of relationships to add to Carter Fei. For example, Carter Fei's department stores are often cut off from water and power.

Of course, there are always a few rumblings to make troubles, and even when it is fierce, it kills people.

Everyone knows that Carter's Department Store is losing money, and they have tacitly targeted the department store. Of course, Ferdinand's secret guidance is also necessary.

In half a month, two bombs were dropped in Robert's house, and he was ambushed three times on the road. Members of the Herder family were not frequented.

特 The employees of Carter Fei Department Store have not been implicated too much, and there are not a few who have been hit by sap. There are countless people asking for leave and they resign without approval.

I am indeed a qualified capitalist. It seems that this is not the first time that the Held family has encountered each other. They are all used to it, and they immediately react to it.

Strengthened security measures and pressured the police station while looking for a relationship. The confusion was soon subsided, but their bad reputation was now even worse. UU reading books

In order to calm down this trouble, in just one month, Carter Fei paid a high price of 200,000 pounds.

The loss of the department store supermarket can only be considered as ordinary, only more than 40,000 pounds. At the department store, the flow of people is now declining, and it is also losing money.

The biggest expenditure is of course public relations. Finding relationships, of course, will cost you money! When it comes to such a fat sheep, who wouldn't take a bite? Is that still an official of the Austro-Hungarian Empire?

Of course, this matter is not over yet, and the official suppression came, but the competition continues! Cotefly is not only losing money in supermarkets, but also losing money in department stores.

James was forced out of the mountain, and he quickly stabilized the department store. He knew that he was targeted this time. Otherwise, if there was no one to guide him, how could he possibly target the store instead of moving to the supermarket?

The old James quickly locked his target and looked at it and said, "Robert, get ready to close the department store. Let's lose!"

"Why Uncle? They're going to be so mad they can be so crazy!" Robert said unwillingly

"The opponent has not made any effort, we have been very hurt, and continue, I am afraid that the Herder family will no longer exist!" James said with emotion.

"You mean, the Khalari family shot at us?" Robert asked uncertainly.

James shook his head and said, "Not yet, otherwise this matter will kill us! It is estimated that at most Ferranz's hands and feet moved, then I can't say for sure!"

I am not Ferdinand not wanting to take action, mainly because of his reputation. If it were shot now, wouldn't it tell the world, what did he do?

However, this does not mean that Franz will also stand idly by. If you do n't, you are dead.