Chapter 17: 5 year plan

Surprisingly Ferdinand's surprise, Stam's Cabinet is better than expected. Originally Ferdinand was ready, his "Five-Year Plan" was rejected, and the cabinet prepared a new one.

I did not expect that the politicians of these Liberals were so innocent, and they gave up their dominance.

Once the plan is passed by the National Assembly, the leader is Ferdinand. As a matter of course, he can get some rights from the Liberal Party.

If he succeeds, Ferdinand's position will become solid. Failure can completely allow the cabinet to blame, and with a little guidance, one can question the cabinet's ability to govern.

Means is despicable, but very effective. For a few years of aristocratic life, the once filigree has now transformed into a politician, although his wrists are still a bit immature.

I was busy for more than half a month, and the Cabinet of Stam finally perfected the five-year plan. In order to take into account the interests of all parties, more and more provisions, covering all aspects of Bulgaria.

When the puppet was delivered to Ferdinand, there were already more than 300 large and small. Frankly, this plan is still good, but the biggest problem is that it is too aggressive.

斐 In Ferdinand's view, this is a complete Great Leap Forward, which can theoretically be completed, but there are too many facts for the government to do!

This is a common problem of idealism, and I always want to finish everything at once. Ferdinand did not raise any objections. If this plan is really completed, Bulgaria will be the Balkan overlord.

It's better not to pour cold water out now. Judging by the change in Stam's attitude, his calculations are now insightful. But it is forced by Bulgaria's development and cannot be opposed.

On January 5, 1888, it was called "Bulgarian Revival Day" by later historians. Stam's cabinet submitted the shocking World Five-Year Plan to the National Assembly, laying the foundation for Bulgaria's rise.

The National Assembly, which is dominated by the Liberals, passed this resolution without any risk, Ferdinand also signed on the spot, announcing the entry into force of the bill, and Bulgaria 's vigorous Five-Year Plan began.

There are too many terms, but it is convenient for Ferdinand to seize power. Ferdinand, who broke the ground, immediately convened a cabinet meeting.

Looking at the excited members of the cabinet, Ferdinand naturally smiled and asked: "Prime Minister, the plan has been formulated now, so where do you start next?"

Stam-Bolof was stunned and patronized making plans, but how to implement them?

I know that Ferdinand only mentioned five articles. If everyone works hard, it can still be done! Now that there are more than three hundred pieces of perfect size, how to complete it? How many people are needed? From where?

It's all a problem! But as a prime minister, you ca n't just be stupid and say nothing about it! Everyone is watching. If we can't come up with a feasible suggestion, it will be a blow to prestige.

Stam-Bolov knows that the trouble is big. He is not without competitors. If he can't show a certain ability, even these cabinet members will have ideas about the prime minister's seat!

I was silent for a while, and Stam stiffened his head and said, "My Excellency, please believe that our cabinet will certainly come up with a satisfactory strategy!"

"Well, I certainly believe in the ability of the Cabinet, but now is a critical moment in the development of Bulgaria, and the people are watching us. I hope you can come up with a feasible solution within three days!" Ferdinand pretended to look forward to Say

Stambolov knew that he had been pitted, and did not know how he got out of the palace, and stumbled back home.

Today's affairs have made everyone dissatisfied. Like most Liberals, with low eyes and high hands, this is also a common problem of revolutionaries around the world!

I convened a staff discussion, and everyone agreed that he was pitted by the king. But this plan was completed by Stam-Bolof with members of the cabinet. Ferdinand only mentioned five pieces, and they made more than 300 pieces by themselves. No one would believe it if they went out!

"What should I do now? I must act on it, otherwise I can't explain it?" Stam-Bolov said with a headache

"His Prime Minister, this plan has been passed, and the opposition parties are singing praises for us! It is impossible to give up, and we must at least complete half of it to account for it!" Kobev-Stambolov most trusted Staff

"Well, you're right, this is no longer my business. No one can run the entire cabinet, and the Liberal Party cannot get away from it!" Stam-Bolov understood Kobev's meaning, Ra Everyone is happy when they get into the water, and no one can run if they fail.

Ignoring the thoughts of the cabinet, Ferdinand knew that it was difficult or easy to say. It is nothing more than a plan. It is impossible to complete all the tasks with or without it. As long as you complete the five main Ferdinands, you will be satisfied!

If the cabinet can erupt once and it's all done, he will only be happier. Anyway, his credit is indispensable. UU Reading Book

After three days, as Ferdinand expected, Stam's cabinet really came up with a plan, although Ferdinand seemed to be full of loopholes!

Ferdinand nodded with satisfaction, saying, "Yes! But can you be busy with so many things? Why not split? Each department is responsible for some, and the cabinet is responsible for organization and coordination. Isn't it better?"

Seeing everyone's eyes light up, Stam-Bolof's expression was dark. This is a poor picture. The key is that it can't be refuted.

Yes, Ferdinand's ultimate goal is to decentralize. As long as you lower the right and want to take it back, it is troublesome.

I strengthened the ministries and weakened the cabinet, mainly against Prime Minister Stam-Bolof. Most of the cabinet members also served as ministers of the ministries without any loss of rights.

Jeff Ferdinand could not tolerate the presence of a minister, and if Stam-Bolof was truly a talented man, he would. Unfortunately, history has told him that Stam does not have the ability to be the prime minister.

In the Bulgarian cabinet, in addition to Prime Minister Stambolov, there are five people, namely, the Minister of Economy Michael, the Minister of Industry Wilson, the Minister of Defense Sowell, and the Minister of Home Affairs Yunus.

The Cabinet has a lot of things. It is impossible to manage hundreds of projects at all. Decentralization is the most effective way.

Gestam and the others looked at each other, and he knew that the four had agreed, and he could not refuse anymore.

However, Stam still has to show himself, saying, "His Grand Duke said that it makes sense, that the division of tasks is necessary, and we must also have a division of labor, each responsible for a part of it."

After speaking, Stam's face sank. After today, the Cabinet will not be his word, and the status of others will gradually move closer to him.