Chapter 39: Relations with Russia

3In March 1891, Archbishop Scrimment returned from St. Petersburg and became very energetic. It can be seen that this trip to Russia is going smoothly and his mood is very good.

Twenty-three days to promote the superiority of the United Russia to both sides, now cabinet members have to go around when they see him. They didn't have the courage to make a decision without Ferdinand's nod.

Seeing that the government route could not work, Scrimment was now focusing on Ferdinand. He is no longer satisfied with merely relaxing relations with Russia, hoping to further the relationship between Russia and Bulgaria, and it is best to establish a strong alliance.

"His Grand Duke, Russia is a Bulgarian natural ally. We have been assisted by Russia since the War of Independence. Although some misunderstandings occurred, it was a problem during the time of the Stam Cabinet. Development and alliance with Russia are imperative! Believe me, I can swear in the name of God! "Scrimment spoke passionately, trying to infect Ferdinand with words

I can see that Scrimment doesn't understand politics, otherwise he would not raise it at the ministerial meeting.

The conflict between Bulgaria and Russia during the Festam period created Ferdinand's superiority, and people with a little political mind would choose to avoid it to avoid embarrassing Ferdinand.

Although he was very excited, everyone did not react. It's too empty, and there is no specific content at all. Important for Russia, but what are the specific benefits for Bulgaria? Can't see this, how to get the support of everyone!

Mr. Ferdinand took the floor and said, "Mr. Bishop, you are right, the relationship with Russia is really important! The problem is the relationship between Russia and Bulgaria, which involves us and Russia, not by us unilaterally!"

同时 "At the same time, we must fully consider international relations and the attitudes of other powers! At least the attitudes of Britain and the Austro-Hungarian Empire must be considered!"

Facts have proved that Scrimment really does not understand politics, but is a purely pro-Russian faction, which is too difficult for him in international relations.

The position of Sunda 's cabinet was nothing more than Ferdinand 's visit to show Bulgaria 's sincerity in order to ease Russia 's relations. There are few specific rights.

Knocking at this time "咚咚咚 ... 咚咚咚" sounded.

"Come in!" Ferdinand said, knowing that no one would disturb the cabinet meeting unless something big happened.

Palace Minister Karl hurried in and said to Ferdinand, "Her Grand Duke, the international situation is about to undergo a drastic change! The news has just come from Berlin. On March 17, the Russian Ambassador to Germany Paul Shuvalov told Berlin proposed to extend the German-Russian Reinsurance Treaty for 6 years, which was rejected by the German government! "

Everyone was shocked that the German-Russian alliance was over and the international situation was about to face a major reshuffle.

Even the politically retarded taxi clement knows that Bulgaria's foreign policy must be adjusted.

Ferdinand thought about it and said, "This is also expected, but I didn't expect it to come so fast! From the beginning of the German-Russian trade conflict, some people expected it, and then the three imperial alliance was dissolved. No one thought of Bismarck again. The reinsurance treaty has been worked out, and now the old prime minister has stepped down. He urgently needs to prove his own William II. Naturally, he can't wait! "

This is to spread international knowledge to the Cabinet. For a long time, Bulgaria 's diplomatic relations have been a mess, mainly because its vision is limited to the Balkans, and it has not been able to clearly understand the international environment.

"His Excellency, then how should we adjust our foreign policy?" Metev, who is in charge of foreign affairs, asked nervously

Jeff Ferdinand asked, "What do you think?"

Constantine thought for a while and said, "Her Grand Duke, we should not be directly involved until the international situation has stabilized. Bulgaria is just a small country and does not have the ability to control the international situation. Let's adapt to it!"

Jeffrey Nodding nodded, expressing approval. If Ferdinand is not aware of the next historical trend, he will make the same choice.

保加利亚 After all, Bulgaria is just a small country. If you make a mistake, you may lose everything. Even if you win, you will have limited gains.

From the beginning of Constantine's government in history, Bulgaria has flexibly used international contradictions and has been at its source. The initial results have been good, attracted by various countries.

However, in the later period, two international camps were established to try to reach the source of Bulgaria and paid a bitter price.

俄国 In the Second Balkan War, Russia was dissatisfied with the sway of Bulgaria and chose Serbia, which had a firmer stand. Similarly, the Austro-Hungarian Empire had some doubts about Bulgaria's position, and finally abandoned Bulgaria.

Mayor Clement was anxious, and he knew that the international diplomatic situation that followed would be bad for Russia. The value of the Russia-Bulgaria alliance will also be greatly reduced, which is difficult for him to accept.

After a moment of silence, Ferdinand knew that it was too difficult for the cabinet to pay attention to it. After all, they were all promoted to catch the ducks on the shelf and had no experience in this regard.

"Now the international situation has changed drastically Where we go next is not something we can intervene in. So the principle is to maintain stability and continue to stabilize relations with the British and Austrian. At the same time, we must attach importance to relations with Russia and continue Promote relations between the two countries. It is also necessary to relax the relations between the Balkan countries as much as possible to lay the foundation for the next economic development! "Ferdinand made a surprising resolution

士 The politically underdeveloped Scrimment is a little bit stupid. Ferdinand, who had previously opposed the alliance with Russia, has now turned to support.

Constantine reacted first, smiled slightly, and everyone knew it, nodded with satisfaction.

Bulgaria's mineral resources are scarce. To complete industrialization, it is necessary to enter abroad. From a cost perspective, Russia is the best choice.

Ukraine is rich in mineral resources, backward in industrial development, and on the coast of the Black Sea. It can not only provide resources to Bulgaria, but also a vast market. Therefore, the relationship between Russia and Bulgaria will become Bulgaria's most important diplomatic task.

Now, Ferdinand still has some headaches. The diplomatic performance of the Balkan countries is very surprising, it is a mess.

From the beginning, Serbia went to Austria-Hungary, Greece and Romania to Germany, and Bulgaria to Russia. After the outbreak of the First World War, Bulgaria, which was close to the Allies, joined the Allies, and the countries close to the Allies successively invested in the Allies.

"Mr. Scrimment, you have a hard trip next time, and then you run to St. Petersburg again. Just in the name of non-teaching exchanges between the people and the people, is there any problem in strengthening the two-way people-to-people exchanges?" Ferdinand could not refuse ask

"No, no problem!" Mayor Clemence said immediately. Although he didn't figure out what happened to Ferdinand's foreign policy, what he wanted was the result.