Chapter 45: Food safety storm 2

If it 's just for ordinary reporting, it 's fine anyway, although in the past the media reported less, but it 's not completely absent.

The key is the Bulgarian Daily, which actually carried out follow-up reports, pointed out the purpose of adding mercury to food, and the prevalence of this phenomenon, and also introduced its harm in detail.

Also listed dozens of commodities such as cheese, sausages, canned foods, all containing a large amount of mercury compounds. As a result, those Bulgarians who were in the "happiness" of Shen Qin suddenly found that their good life could no longer live.

Wicked into the house happily and said, "Eileen, what do you think I bought back? Good Spanish sausage!".


什么 "What, Wiki have you read today's newspaper? Do you know what amalgam is? That's heavy metal! Think about it, we eat metal into our stomach! God, this is really terrible!

This will bring irreversible harm and even affect our children? Why are you buying ... "Irene said nervously

Similar stories are constantly being performed in countless families in Sofia. For a time, the entire Bulgarian food that needs long-term storage is not easy to sell.

A spectacle was staged in the streets of Sofia. Slightly wealthy families went out of their homes and throw away all the food they could buy for a long time.

Each **** dump has now become a food concentration camp, and it has become a beggar who is cheap on the streets.

It is natural that such reports hinder the capitalist's financial path and will avenge revenge. Pouring dung in front of newspapers and sending bullets to the editorial department belonged to pediatrics, and another big news soon occurred.

清 In the early morning of November 1, a strange man dropped a bomb in the Bulgarian Daily. However, as it happened in the early morning, no casualties were caused.

However, this move did not scare the Bulgarian Daily, but angered them, and also angered all sectors of society.

I was informed that the Sofia police immediately provided security protection for the Bulgarian Daily and arrested the suspects; and began to send people to focus on monitoring ~ capitalists with damaged interests.

The next day, the front page of the Bulgarian Daily published an article "Terrorists Come, Let's Wait".

In the obituary, the Bulgarian Daily editor reviewed the cause and effect of the incident, from the beginning of the door spitting to the final bomb attack, and also focused on the bomb attack, equating illegal capitalists and terrorists.

Then he said that he and his colleagues are also very afraid of death, and at the same time, they are full of love for life. The Bulgarian Daily will never compromise on the safety of the Bulgarian people, the freedom of speech, and the moral character of a journalist .

With the publication of this article, the entire public opinion community was angry, and they expressed their support to the Bulgarian Daily. At the same time, in order to demonstrate their social responsibility, they also joined the controversial army of such incidents.

As a result, more and more problems have been disclosed. From the earliest amalgam, it has been extended to the pigment extracted from coal tar-aniline violet, and dozens of additives, large and small, have been exposed.

The problem of food safety has been enlarged. From the dozen or so listed in the Bulgarian Daily, it now covers almost all the products on the market.

Experts and scholars at Bulgaria University suddenly found themselves in a new position, and came out to provide their theoretical support for these reports.

Even more scholars shouted that as long as the food safety problem is solved, the average life expectancy in Bulgaria can be increased by ten years, which has also added a fire to public opinion.

All of a sudden, Bulgaria's food processing companies became yelling, and all sectors of society demanded that the government take measures to crack down on illegal capitalists and should not be called "terrorist capitalists".

Since the Bulgarian Daily equated terrorists and food capitalists, the term "terrorist capitalists" came into being and became synonymous with unscrupulous merchants.

In a shout, the cold winter of the food processing company came, a large number of products were produced, no market was found, and the warehouse was waiting for mold.

At the same time, thanks to labor protection laws, capitalists cannot lay off workers without authorization. Under the pressure of public opinion, no one dares to report to the government now. In case the workers are dissatisfied during the government investigation, the situation of the factory is leaked out, and it has not been regarded as a typical treatment by the government.

For the Bulgarian Daily, the capitalists hate to bite their teeth, and they even want to frustrate the mastermind of bombing.

实力 Capable capitalists are okay and can afford to lose; but a bunch of little capitalists are suffering and can only hold their teeth.

The clear-headed ones are already looking for a way forward. They know that things are so big now. If the government does not find a few scapegoats, it will not be able to explain to the public opinion.

Clo-Ivan is a capitalist who runs a slaughterhouse in Sofia, and has been restless since the food safety crisis broke out.

"Oh my god, this is really bad! Damn Bulgarian daily newspapers are raised by bitches, and I haven't offended you, so why bother! And the bomby idiot is full of paste? It's better not to let me know who you are, or I'll definitely make you regret ... "

Now I can hear him more than once a day, scolding Bulgarian Daily for nosy affairs, of course, more scolding the bomb idiot!

However, Clo-Ivan was still very clever. The first time, he comforted the workers, and then began to look for a way forward.

Clo-Ivan is very clear that in such a major event, the government must crack down on it, and it will definitely not be that simple if it wants to pass the barrier easily.

As for food safety, he is also a capitalist, and water-filled meat is naturally standard. And how could the meat in the slaughterhouse be sold out every day? Chemical additives are naturally useless. Everyone does this anyway.

Clo-Ivan launched all his networks, no matter what price he was willing to pay, but unfortunately, no one in the government dared to accept them.

Clo-Ivan knows that this time the trouble is big, if you don't deal with it quickly, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get out later.

He immediately started looking for the next home, and he didn't care about the price; as long as someone was willing to take over and he could smooth out the troubles behind him, everything else was easy to say.

What a pity, now that in Bulgaria, everyone is too late to escape, who will jump into the pit!

After all, food capitalists = terrorist capitalists, and people in the industry can't afford to worry about themselves; even if someone wants to be cheap, they must also take the name of "terrorist capitalists" into consideration.