Chapter 54: On the feasibility of alliance

The next day, the two sides held friendly talks and signed an agreement!

Oh, it's all yy!

Diplomatic negotiations have never been made in one go. Such negotiations involving future national policy strategies are even more troublesome.

In fact, the next day, Ferdinand and Nicholas played in Sofia.

"God's back garden" is not a stigma. Even Sofia in the nineteenth century also had the prototype of a garden city. It is now full of flowers, shaded by trees, and scented by birds.

I do not know why, recently Nicholas became fascinated by history and culture. Although Bulgaria is not one of the four ancient nations, it also has some historical heritage, which can be traced back to a thousand years ago.

色 The Thracians settled here in 2000 BC. The ancestors of the Bulgarians were ancient Bulgarians who moved from Central Asia, and merged into the Byzantine Empire in 395 AD.

In 681 AD, the Slavs descending from the north bank of the Danube to the south, the ancient Bulgarians and the Thrace who moved west from the north of the Caucasus, defeated the Byzantine army under the leadership of Hanas Baruch, and established the Slavic Kingdom of Bulgaria in the Danube Valley Called the first Kingdom of Bulgaria).

Sofia is from the 8th century BC to the 7th century BC. It was built and settled by the Thracian Serdi tribe. It has a history of more than 2,800 years. It is an ancient city with a long history in Europe.

Now, the remains of broken walls still remain. It is difficult to study the exact age, revealing the vicissitudes that Bulgaria has undergone.

809 Sofia became part of the Slavic Bulgarian state in 809 AD, and has been a gathering place for Slavs in the Balkans ever since.

"Ferdinand, Zeldika is so pretty, you are cheap!" Nicholas said with envy.

"Oh, yes! Compared to the great Russian empire, it is not worth mentioning!" Ferdinand took it down, and gave a small compliment.

"Yes, but Russia is too cold! We have a land larger than Europe as a whole, but most of them are frozen ground! The world is now divided up, and the best land is in the hands of the British. Are you willing? ? "Nicholas didn't hide his dissatisfaction with the British, and couldn't help revealing it.

Ferdinand rolled his eyes and expressed dissatisfaction! Are you looking for excitement? If Bulgaria had that strength, I would have acted long ago.

After thinking about it, Ferdinand decided to stimulate Nicholas and said, "I don't think you should tell me this sentence, it is better to tell William II or Franz Joseph I! Their interest will be Bigger! "

Just after Ferdinand's voice fell, Nicholas seemed to be stimulated, and said with some excitement: "Don't presume the two **** in front of me! They are a group of timids who don't have the courage to beat the British Tigers, but only know that they do Little action! "

Jeffrey Dinan smiled, did not continue this topic. Russia's relations with Germany and Austria are not very good.

Thirty years ago, during the Crimean War, Austria-Hungary betrayed Russia and turned to Britain and France. As a result, Russia suffered a fiasco and the hatred of both sides accumulated.

Not long after William II, who had just succeeded in his throne, tore up the "German-Russian Reinsurance Treaty", if he could still calm down, it would not be Nicholas.

He seemed to be aware of his disability, Nicholas adjusted his emotions, and said gracefully, "Sorry, you know my temper is more urgent!"

Jeff Ferdinand still said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, but your identity is not suitable to say that!"

Nicholas nodded and said nothing. Ferdinand pondered his character and knew very well that Nicholas was always polite. Once angry, it was difficult for him to control himself, and he lost his usual savvy.

Sui Sui said, "Nicholas, what is the purpose of your trip?"

"Of course it is to understand the world and increase experience! Oh, why did you suddenly care about this experience?" Nicholas asked with some confusion

"Well, you continue to sell offenses! But I can still guess, St Petersburg strategy has changed, right?" Ferdinand said in a positive tone

Nicholas was startled, and said without change, "How do you know? No more than ten people know the news now!"

Ferdinand watched Nicholas confidently and said, "It's simple! The current international situation, coupled with your travel route, reveals this secret!"

"Without the German-Russian alliance, if St Petersburg's next focus is still in Europe, then it will face the German-Australian-English alliance. Unless St Petersburg wants another war like Crimea, the strategy will inevitably change!"

"It happens that the neighbors in the east are now in a weak state. Now you are going all the way east. I am afraid that you are going to understand the strength of the Eastern countries! The next expansion target of your country is either the Ottoman Empire or the Eastern Qing Dynasty!"

Nicholas frowned. He didn't like the situation where the situation was out of control. He looked at Ferdinand coldly and said, "Yeah! You are so sure, why not guess the Balkans?"

Ferdinand did not answer, and looked at Nicholas and said: "The Balkans are complex, no matter how much they expand, Russia can't eat it now! Maybe by accident, the four-nation alliance was established. The challenge is even greater! "

"The savvy of the St. Petersburg government cannot be invisible, or your country will not move closer to France!"

Nicholas pondered for a moment and said coldly, "Yes, Ferdinand seems we still underestimated you, so you can understand it so quickly! This matter could not have been kept secret for a long time, even if it was exposed now, it was the most Entering the plan is a bit more troublesome! When we go to the Far East, we may just agree with them! "

Ferdinand said cautiously: "Of course, with your country's strength, Manqing is definitely not an opponent! But what about the future? Once your country has a firm foothold in the East, it will definitely harm the interests of the British, and Europe is not a mess. Get a name! "

Nicholas seemed to be tired of Ferdinand, unwilling to continue to talk nonsense, and went straight to the point: "Say, what do you want? What kind of return can you bring to Russia?"

"It's very simple, I hope to establish a solid alliance with Russia Your country's decision to go east will inevitably adopt a strategic contraction in Europe. I hope your country can support Bulgaria's expansion in the Balkans in return for your country's The interests of the Balkans will also expand. In the future, if conditions are ripe, Romania can be divided, and even if your country wants to seize Constantinople, we can also provide support! "Ferdinand said cautiously

Nicolas was shocked. Ferdinand's appetite exceeded his imagination. It was absolutely difficult for a small Bulgarian to break the balance in the Balkans.

回报 But the rewards are also tempting. Expanding interests in the Balkans is not enough to make Nicholas attractive.

Dividing up Romania is indeed a piece of fat. The most important thing is King Constantinople. This is the dream of several generations of Russia. To this goal, wars have been waged many times.

Every time I fail, the main reason is that there is no ally. On this issue, the European powers and Balkan countries are all their enemies. Now that Ferdinand is on the Russian side of King Constantinople 's problem, it is on the Russian side. Nicholas can hardly believe it.

I asked, "Are you sure?"

当然 "Of course!" Ferdinand affirmed

If Ferdinand is not a traverser, he would not dare to make such a Shen Nuo. With the full support of Bulgaria, can the bears occupy King Constantinople? The answer is: Yes!

The two sides are too close. With Bulgaria as the rear, Mao Xiong will take the initiative strategically, and the odds are very high. Once the bears have entered the Mediterranean to gain a firm foothold, the Balkans can declare that they are in their pocket.

If it does happen, even if Ferdinand dominates the Balkans, it will not be able to compete with it, and the whole of Europe will be under the shadow of a bear. (You can refer to the Soviet Union during the heyday of later generations)