Chapter 56: God's Back Garden

In Bulgaria in June, the rose has already burst into a smile, the flower is like a small wine glass, and the petals are slightly spiraled.

Looks beautiful and charming, close to it gently, taking a deep breath, a faint fragrance is coming!

"It's worthy of God's back garden!" Ferdinand said, looking at the roses blooming in the mountains!

With a flash of light, "Rose-rose essential oil, rose tea, rose tea!" Ferdinand laughed suddenly

"Sit on Baoshan without knowing it!"

Roses belong to the deciduous shrubs of the family Rosaceae, Rosaceae, and spiny. Odd pinnate compound leaves, 5-9 leaflets, oval, marginal spines, surface wrinkled, most of stipules and petioles connate. The flowers are solitary with several flowers, which are purple, pink, yellow, white, and aromatic.

The rosette is beautiful and fragrant. In addition to its rich ornamental value, it is also a good raw material for tea and extracting aromatic oils.

Rose tea is mixed with fresh rose flowers and the bud tips of tea leaves in proportion. It can also be made into rose tea. Its aroma is strong, light, and not strong.

Rose is also a precious medicinal material, beauty and beauty, pass through the channels, soften blood vessels, have significant effects on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, hypertension, heart disease and gynecology.

Reconcile liver and spleen, regulate qi and stomach, promote blood circulation, promote blood circulation and beauty, warm stomach and liver, prevent constipation, reduce fire qi, astringent, menstruation, especially suitable for women with endocrine disorders and back pain

In previous life Bulgaria was the world's largest exporter of rose oil. Rose oil is the main raw material for making high-end perfumes. It has always been in short supply and has the reputation of "liquid gold".

The history of Bulgarian rose oil production has been over 200 years, without any technical difficulty.

As early as the 16th century, Bulgarians began to extract rose water with roses, and rose oil production began in 1680.

开始 From the middle of the 18th century, Bulgarian rose oil was exported to Europe by sea via Istanbul, Turkey, or by Bucharest, Romania and Vienna, Austria.

到 Until the 19th century, rose oil production in Bulgaria's Rose Valley was carried out in the form of family workshops.

By the beginning of the 20th century, Bulgaria had become the world's largest producer of rose oil. The main growing areas were Kazanlak, Kalov, Chepan, Stara, and Novazagra.

After entering the 20th century, the peak annual output of Bulgaria was as high as 6,000 kg. About 200,000 workers engaged in the rose production industry provided more than half of the world's rose oil demand.

Bulgarian roses have a wide variety of Bulgarian roses, Damascus roses, purple branch roses, floribunda roses, etc., and they are of high quality and are widely loved by people.

Before Li Mu crossed, when he was mixing up on Taobao, in order to sell high-quality perfume at a high price, he didn't know much about it.

In the highly developed world of the Internet, it is no secret that the raw materials for the production of perfume, rose oil is recognized as the best raw material for making perfume.

In the 21st century, urban white-collar workers who have suffered from pesticides and fertilizers have begun advocating green environmental protection, pure natural pollution-free, and even some heartbroken.

I think that the traditional and primitive process is the most environmentally friendly. To this end, Li Mu has also specifically studied the production process of rose essential oil.

Rose petals contain more oil and stamens also contain some oil, which can be added to the petals for extraction. The methods for refining rose oil are: solvent extraction, distillation extraction, and carbon dioxide extraction.

In the early days of Bulgaria, the rose oil was extracted by distillation, and the rose petals were obtained by steam distillation. However, the oil yield of rose petals was very low, about 0.02-0.05% on average.

Roses must also be collected before the sun rises to the top of the mountain, or they will lose their color and aroma due to sunlight. The extraction of essential oils by solvent extraction in Bulgaria began in 1904. This extraction method increased production tenfold and has since become very common.

In order to sell inferior perfumes for the price of high-end perfumes, Li Mu has roughly backed down these kinds of technological processes, just for the female customers who fooled to understand.

Customer: "Boss, there is a problem with the perfume you sell!"

Li Mu: "What's the problem? If it is the quality of the product itself, I will return it and admire it!"

Customer: "The perfume tastes too light. It is not as good as I used it before!"

Li Mu: "Oh, this is normal! Your perfume is handmade by nature. The main raw material is rose essential oil, which is extracted by manual distillation. The concentration is naturally not as good as chemical extraction!"

"You have always seen roses. Is the fragrance so strong? The perfume concentration is too high, and there must be chemical additives in it!"

Customer: "Yes!"

Li Mu: "Of course, if you are not assured, you can go to the flower shop and smell the roses. You can also check the information on the Internet and Baidu will come out! If it's different from what I said, no matter whether there is any problem I have returned unconditionally, and the courier charges are all mys! "

Customer: "Oh, all right!"

Uh ...

The above is the daily work of Ferdinand's previous life. He is proud of the concept of environmental protection and greenness, and made him earn a fortune. The half-dead Taobao store has not closed.

Rose essential oil has always been scarce and the price on the international market remains high. Historically, Bulgarian rose oil production value was 900 kg in 1849, 1,500 kg in 1852, and the highest output value in 1905-1914 was kg.

At the time, more than 70% of roses made in perfumes and fragrances worldwide came from Bulgaria.

From the above data, it can be seen that the late 19th century to the early 20th century was the golden age of the development of the Bulgarian rose industry chain.

Jeff Ferdinand figured it out, and felt that once the rose industry chain was developed, it would become a new economic growth point for Bulgaria in the future.

In 1891, although Bulgaria also almost monopolized the supply of rose oil worldwide, it did not have pricing power.

The small-family backward production method could not be combined to lead the pricing power of the product, which was broken down one by one by foreign capitalists. A large amount of profits were occupied by international capital and had to be reduced to the place of production of raw materials.

In addition to the above information, what impresses Ferdinand most is "eat"! It seems that when it comes to the food empire, the first reaction is that it can be eaten? what about the taste?

I ate the rose, but it was only in the food empire that it flourished, and then it was passed back to the Western world.

Similar rose tea, for example, is said to be a woman to eat, and wanted to develop with pearl milk tea lacking raw materials.

Made with a little sago, rose tea, a small amount of glutinous rice flour, matcha powder, cocoa powder, black tea, bayberry, mint leaves, etc. (Specific method, Baidu myself, the author is not eating, do not care about the method!)

There are also rose porridge and rose dew, and even stir-fried roses, fried roses, and soup with roses. (Oh, the author Jun has also eaten rose pancakes, and the taste is endlessly memorable-comparable to looking at the starry pie!) There are many ways to do this.

(The book in the early morning was published, too tired, the author Jun doesn't want to stay up late !!! Good night)