Chapter 58: Negotiation 2

This is not the end, the conflict between Britain and Russia is not only in history! The current conflict between the two countries is not small at all, and it lasted until 1907. Before Russia was defeated in the "Russian-Russian War", Mao Xiong was the primary enemy of the British!

Since the end of the 1870s, the conflict between Britain and Russia in the Persian Gulf region has not stopped, and it is now in full swing.

Because of the unique geographical location of the Persian Gulf, he is the only way for Britain to enter India by land and the ideal base for Britain to enter the two river basins and expand to Ottoman. The British Empire will not give up anyway.

By the same token, ambitious fur bears also have ideas for India and the Ottoman Empire. Naturally, they are not willing to let Britain occupy the Persian Gulf and block the way forward.

In the Persian Gulf region, the two countries are engaged in fierce competition around railways, loans, trade, and even telegraph industries.

(Don't be misled by mythical novels! What to participate in the First World War, fight soy sauce, the Great God every day to gain control of the Persian Gulf, and extract oil, John Bulls and fur bears will desperately!)

I then set my sights on the "Imperial Tomb" and thanked the American Empire for the well-known "Afghanistan"!

From the second half of the 19th century, fur bears began to expand wildly in Central Asia and soon entered Afghanistan.

Britain quits, and British India is ahead. Immediately began to interfere, the bears are not easy to mess with, why listen to you John Niu, the navy can no longer go ashore!

Then eight years of mold fell in Afghanistan, two robbers invaded one after the other, and then threw the streets and were divided up! However, the conflict in this region continues.

In 1891, looking at the world map, Mao Xiong was an enemy from the word to the east. His ability to pull hatred was just now, and he was diplomatically isolated! Forced to move closer to its former enemies, France 's relations with the same diplomatic isolation are heating up.

Before that, it was not worth mentioning Bulgaria, but now the St. Petersburg government has begun to pay attention.

With the strategic focus of the Russian Empire moving eastward, St. Petersburg has decided to adopt a conservative strategy in Europe and a limited strategic contraction in the Balkans. Fostering allies is a good choice!

In this international context, Ferdinand adopted a diplomatic strategy close to Russia. With the intention of Lang, the two sides quickly moved to the present.

Ferdinand intends to make a quick cut, and while Count Paul Shuvalov is confused, sign a peace agreement as soon as possible to avoid long dreams.

Uh ...

Jeff Ferdinand did not calm down in the past, and resolutely said: "I asked you to come to the meeting today, not to discuss, so many meetings have been discussed long ago!"

"I won't say more nonsense! Now I'm asking you to come here for the purpose of negotiating with Russia! The international situation is ever-changing and Russia is now in a diplomatic deadlock. This is our best opportunity!"

"After this village, there is no such shop!"

"You must strive to sign an agreement as soon as possible to maximize the benefits for Bulgaria! In short, this time the sincerity of the Russian Empire is more sufficient than ever, despite the lion's open mouth, talk!

"You will be responsible for the detailed rules! I will participate in the main negotiations!"

"Well, we will meet without objections!"

After speaking, Ferdinand ignored the crowd and was still thinking, and went back to rest! Today he is so tired that Huyou is not an easy job. (Well, the author of Huyouren is not good at it, usually belongs to Huyou)

Lying on a twenty-square-meter bed, Ferdinand tossed around and stayed up all night. (Please forgive poverty for limiting my imagination)

"Seeking and looking, cold and clear, miserable. When it's still cold, it's the hardest thing to do."

Early the next morning, Ferdinand appeared with dark circles. Proud of the superb makeup techniques of the 19th century, he still decisively chose pure natural appearance.

This time, Bulgaria explained very well. I just visited Sofia, but I haven't had time to adjust my status. Earl Paul hastily stepped onto the negotiating table!

Today's division of labor is very simple. Ferdinand is responsible for pretending to set the general direction. The specific content is the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In order to show Bulgaria's importance to the negotiations, the venue was chosen in Ferdinand's palace. He wouldn't admit that he didn't want to ride the carriage because he was lazy!

Uh ...

In order to finalize it quickly, Ferdinand put forward a constructive opinion: "Count Paul, if we continue to talk like this, it is estimated that you are still sitting here today next year! I think St. Petersburg is like us, and we do not want to drag on indefinitely. Just group talks! "

舒 Paul Shuvalov pondered for a moment, thinking about it. "After the dismantling of the" German-Russian Reinsurance Treaty ", I was left idle. If I don't show results, I won't be considered incompetent by the Czar! It won't affect the result if we talk separately.

"Her Majesty makes sense, for the friendship between our two countries, it is really necessary to finalize the treaty as soon as possible, and I agree to the group negotiations on behalf of the Russian Empire!"

There was a roaring applause at the venue, and everything was moving in a good direction. Russia considers the most important military alliance. Ferdinand had previously signed with Nicholas. Now it is mainly in commercial trade.

Jeff Ferdinand personally chatted with Earl Paul Shuvalov No, it is to discuss Bulgaria's most important issue-the introduction of population.

He still used his good flicker, "Count Paul, as far as I know, the Russian Empire has developed rapidly in recent years!"

末 Russia at the end of the 19th century was a glorious period, with influence from Europe to Asia and radiating the world. It was one of the main challengers of the world supremacy. At that time, the bear was confident!

Speaking of the Russian Empire, Count Paul Shuvalov was excited and said in a frown: "Yes, Lord, the great Russian Empire, under the blessing of God, is advancing at a rapid pace. It can be expected in the near future, Go beyond hate John Cow! "

Ferdinand also smiled in cooperation, complimenting, "The Russian Empire is the successor of the ancient Roman Empire. It will happen sooner or later than Britain. In the future, Europe and the world will be led by your country!"

舒 Paul Shuvalov has been a little bit drifted, but in the end is still the elite of the era, not complacent. I sorted out my emotions a bit, but I still couldn't hide my pride, saying, "My Excellency, we still have a long way to go beyond Britain. If Bulgaria joins, I believe this time will be shortened a lot!"

"Oh, Earl Paul, you are wrong. We are already allies. I guess you heard some wind!" Ferdinand showed a proud expression

Paul Shuvalov was shocked. It seems that the secret agreement really exists. The **** Foreign Ministry is out of the way, and he doesn't tell me the specific content. Could I have leaked the secret?

"Well, I heard that in recent years, the number of immigrants from the Russian Empire to the Americas has increased dramatically. What is going on?" Ferdinand turned his style and asked

(For votes, for support !!! There is a chapter at night, it is estimated to be issued around 12 o'clock !!!)