Chapter 64: Chekov London

In 1891, the British Empire was still in the midst of the sun. The economic and cultural period was the heyday.

The whole world is shrouded in the shadow of the British Empire. Although the fur bear still claims to be a challenger, France makes small moves in East Africa, and Germany quietly moves in South Africa.

Like the same London minor:

Alas, Britain's greatest wealth

He is undoubtedly an honest worker ...

See thousands of people meeting

I'm so happy

Uh ...

(Forget it or omit it, a very nice minor key, the translation has become nondescript!)

的 London during this period was the most prosperous city in the world, and the citizens of London were sharing the prosperity and hope brought by the industrial revolution in the first half century.

People's diet has also changed. In addition to potatoes and bread, beef and mutton have also come to people's tables, and milk has become a necessity.

The housing conditions have also improved, the price of soap has become cheaper, the houses have become tidy, and individuals have begun to pay attention to hygiene.

The people live and work in peace and contentment. The increase in wages allows people to afford decent money in addition to their daily expenses.

In short, everything is developing in a good way.

契 In the eyes of Chekov, London, as the capital of the British Empire, is the "dream capital" in the hearts of elites around the world.

10On October 28, 1891, the Bulgarian delegation headed by Chekov arrived by boat in London, the "dream capital".

The thick smoke filled it, and it really felt like a dream. Oh, it's a pity that there is a weird smell, which ruins this beauty.

I am proud that the relations between the two countries are good. The Chekov delegation is here again for big purchases, so it is treated well.

The British Foreign Secretary, Robert Arthur Gascoyne-Cesie, hosted a welcome banquet for them.

Alas, many people attended the banquet. The British business community sent representatives.

Well, Chekov found that he thought too much, and he didn't get the attention he imagined. Although many people come, they are mostly capitalists. The goal is very clear. The charm of money is unlimited.

This kind of life is really not suitable for Chekov, nor is it suitable for everyone in the delegation. Never before have they seen such a scene, they can only be careful, for fear of saying something wrong and being laughed at.

A group of Bulgarian elites instantly turned into dumplings at the banquet. Although it might be a gentleman's manner, nobody said anything; but the contempt in his bones was inadvertently revealed in his eyes.

契 Honest person Chekov, waited until the end of the dinner, then dragged his tired body back to the hotel, sleepless all night.

雾 In the early morning, the fog is white and humid, and since then it becomes more smoke-like. The small particles in the air are mixed with soot, making people feel dry and stinging.

At some intersections, traffic is completely blocked and people have to abandon some buses and trucks.

Chekov's London dream is broken. Whether it's the high society and the bad air, he can't accept it.

The smog in London not only harms human health, but also threatens buildings. The soot in the smog can blacken buildings. The smog contains a large amount of sulfide, which becomes acidic when combined with water vapor, forming an acid mist that has a lethal effect on the building and can gradually erode the building.

In order to combat smog, the British also developed anti-corrosion building materials. In fact, the haze in London lasted until after World War II, and was not managed.

The cause is also very strange. The German blockade and London lack fuel. The British government has adopted a strict rationing system to control coal combustion and promote electric energy.

More than one Chekov is broken in the dream. As long as anyone who has been to London in the 19th century, it is difficult to bring up good feelings.

Uh ...

工作 No matter what the weather is, work continues. In order to leave London as soon as possible, the delegation made every effort to negotiate with the capitalists.

Alas, the big brother Robert Arthur Gascoyne-Cesie, apart from showing a face at the welcome banquet, would never ignore Cherkov and others.

No way, who is Bulgarian? Bulgaria's Cabinet Minister is not yet qualified to receive the British Foreign Minister in person. If domestic ministers such as Germany, France, and Russia are replaced, the treatment will be different.

Uh ...

Since the British inventor Bessemer invented the low-cost converter steelmaking method in the 1950s, Britain has gradually become the world's steel center, and the steel industry has also become an important contributor to the British economy.

Duchkov's purpose was to go to the British steel mill for a field inspection first. The results of the Bulgarian iron ore test have already come out. He needs to customize the complete set of equipment in accordance with the actual situation.

Alas, although the government slogan is very loud, the annual output of steel is 500,000 tons. The capacity of the equipment ordered by Chekov this time is much smaller, only 100,000 tons.

Uh ...

"Mr. Victor Thomas, we have checked your equipment and the quality is very good. But unfortunately, he is not suitable for us!" Chekov said with a regretful expression

"Mr. Chekov, you know, the machines in our factory are the best in the world ..." Victor Thomas tried to introduce

"But it is also the most expensive in the world! Although in terms of production capacity, your company has the highest tapping rate, but the maintenance cost is also the highest! We want a comprehensive cost-effective, and using your machine, the coke requirements are too high! Chekov took Vik Thomas

Obviously, the Bulgarian delegation is considered a fat sheep. The capitalists do not need to think about the ethics. Victor Thomas does not have any mental burden.

Without the accompanying professional staff, it is estimated that Chekov has now been pitted by Vic Thomas.

Like all hot-blooded intellectuals, Chekov also likes to pursue the best, the most advanced, and often overlooks cost-effectiveness.


This is the evaluation of the equipment of Victor Thomas by peers. No buyer can be found in the UK.

Of course, Vic Thomas himself knew better that this equipment was just a test product and many technical difficulties were not overcome.

In order to avoid the patents of the Bessemer converter and the Siemens-Martin open hearth, the Victor Thomas factory opened its brains and planned to develop more advanced technology, which was later found to be impossible.

The experimental products developed in the early stage can not be wasted, and they are all used up, so this set of equipment is added: the material is sent to the top of the blast furnace with a hoist, and the belt conveyor, train and hand rail car are used to move the furnace and Main rolling cross.

These technological advancements have greatly increased the output of the blast furnace. At the same time, due to immature technology, maintenance costs have also increased significantly.

It seems that Victor Thomas has been used to being rejected, and continues to fight: "Mr. Chekov, I am very sincere, and have a good price negotiation. It is only slightly higher than similar products, but the production capacity is also greatly increased!"

Chekov did not eat this set said arguably: "What about maintenance costs? For now, the increased production capacity and the increased costs are almost the same, and over time, the It is possible to continue to increase! "

"But we are in stock! Mr. Chekov, if you want to order the equipment, it will not be completed until the end of next year at the earliest. In addition to the commissioning time, and then shipped to Bulgaria for installation, you must wait at least three years before putting it into production!" Vic Thomas Poor picture

Yes, if it wasn't for the spot, Chekov would haven't talked to him. Bulgaria has no experience in setting up large steel mills and is underestimated in many areas, including equipment ordering.

Unless Chekov learns Zhang Zhidong, I do n't know if it is suitable or not, and forcibly start it! But now he knows that the factory equipment must take into account the quality of the ore, otherwise it will be doubtful that the product qualification rate will be low.

The equipment of Victor Thomas may not be the best choice, but it is indeed the most suitable for Bulgaria right now. Now that the showdown is over, it is naturally a bargain.

Hmm ... (Hundreds of thousands of words are omitted from the price. The author is afraid that this will be written and he will be scolded!)

In the end, Chekov bought the complete equipment for two million pounds. It includes six major factories including pig iron factory, hemp steel factory, Shigang steel factory, rail factory, iron goods factory, and wrought iron factory, as well as machinery factories, cast iron factories, iron making factories, and fish fillet hook nail factories. .

The procurement of ancillary facilities at the Wuxi Iron and Steel Plant is just one of the episodes. There are also many industries that have signed large and small procurement contracts.

Bulgaria obtained the industrial equipment needed for development, and the British capitalists made a fortune. The entire purchase contract, totaling up to eight million pounds, caused a sensation throughout London.