Chapter 66: , Rose essential oil and development zone

Kazanlak is 30 kilometers northeast of the center of Rose Valley, with an average elevation of 200 ~ 400 meters. It is one of the most suitable places for roses in the world.

The best-quality Damascus roses grow here. The warm and humid air brought by the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea in the east, and the Balkan Mountains in the west block the cold air from the north, which makes the temperature difference between morning and evening greater than the center of Rose Valley.

However, the petals of Damascus roses are almost free of flower wax. What should be done to protect the aroma of the roses?

In order to protect the roses' fragrance molecules from being evaporated by the sunlight and the water, the natural environment with a greater temperature difference between morning and evening creates more morning dew for the roses than ever before.

The more morning dew, the more you can protect the aroma of roses from being lost, so here is always the world's top rose essential oil.

The processing of rose essential oil has a huge demand for labor. In addition to the large number of workers required for processing, the demand for the number of flower farmers is really huge.

Roses are very delicate. The best time to pick is from 8 to 10 every morning. Only during this time can the best quality roses be collected.

After picking, the roses are sealed to prevent the aroma from evaporating. Then they are transported to the factory and processed by the century-old distillation method to process the rose oil.

Looking at the arranged information, Ferrantz is getting more and more headaches. Rose cultivation is true intensive cultivation, and at least two or three experienced flower farmers need to pick each acre of land.

The highest quality rose essential oil requires more than ten tons of high-quality rose petals to extract one kilogram. Even after adopting the new process, the output of inferior essential oils is not much higher. (It takes three or five thousand pounds to get one pound now)

Ferrantz made a preliminary calculation, and now the yield per acre of roses is only three or four hundred kilograms. Even if one kilogram of ordinary rose essential oil is extracted, at least fifteen acres of land must be planted.

If you calculate the production capacity of 1,000 kilograms of essential oil per harvest, it is 15,000 mu. It doesn't seem to be much. If it is an ordinary crop, dozens of people can handle it with mechanized operations.

But if you grow roses, light farmers need 30,000 to 40,000 people. Unlike later generations, the harvest of roses in this era can not be a problem, otherwise the fragrance will be emitted, and no oil will be extracted.

What really hurts Ferrantz is that the flower farmers only need so much when they pick each year, and they usually don't need so much manpower.

Long-term 娉 Invite so many workers, which means that manpower is greatly wasted. If you ask for a short term, where can I find so many experienced workers?

This is also known to everyone that rose oil makes money, but Bulgaria still does not have large-scale processing enterprises. This means that the Rose Industry Park cannot be established in the short term.

"Do you want to split the processing plant? Set up small factories one by one?" Thinking for a moment, Ferrantz shook his head again. If this is the case, the processing of rose essential oil will become a chicken rib.

There was no way, Ferrantz could only honestly explain to Ferdinand.

Listening to Ferrantz's reasons, Ferdinand also felt very difficult, unlike the later generations in the 19th century.

Later generations can be handed over to the farmers for scattered planting, and then concentrated for processing. Anyway, there are automobile transportation, hundreds of kilometers of road, and it will not take much effort. And can be refined by chemical methods, a little loss of aroma is also tolerable.

As for the proposed Franz construction of the decentralized plant, Ferdinand didn't even consider it. He spent so much effort on his own, not just to make a few hard money.

It is not impossible to solve the employment problem, as long as it is enough to find a stable job for the flower farmers. Usually let them go to work as usual, only in the harvest season, they came over to work part-time for a few days.

Jeff Ferdinand's brain hole is wide open, thinking about the solution: Should we learn the posterity and engage in tourism? No! Which idiot will come to travel this year!

"Ferrands, do you see if you can arrange the flower growers into our other factories and usually go to work as usual, but just come to help during the rose harvest season!" Ferdinand thought and proposed a less reliable proposal

"My Excellency, I have also considered this issue, but now many of our factories are full, and now even if it is to be resettled, it will be a waste of money. We cannot afford to take the lead. We must not take the lead in violating labor laws and expel workers at will!" Wry smile

���么 "Then, just let the workers learn to pick roses ~~ This is even more unreliable!" Ferdinand vetoed it before he finished speaking.

Seeing Ferdinand was also worried, Ferrantz proposed: "Her Grand Duke, let's reduce the size first! As long as it is not large at one time, plus the upcoming essential oil processing plant and supporting facilities, within 10,000 people, We can barely settle! "

Jeff Ferdinand suddenly flashed, "Match!"

"Yes, industrial park, industrial zone!"

He followed, Ferdinand smiled and said, "I have a way!"

Ferrantz looked at Ferdinand with some confusion, a bad premonition emerged splendidly, His Excellency the Grand Duke would not have to make any big moves again!

Looking at the confused Ferrantz, Ferdinand did not sell it. He said with a smile, "Ferrandz, I plan to establish an industrial park to designate a direct development zone to encourage scattered domestic enterprises together!"

Ferrantz's face became even more ugly after listening to Ferdinand, and it really was. I thought to myself: This co-author is to move the factory.

Now Bulgaria has scaled factories, which are basically Ferdinand's industries. encourage? As long as you speak, can you not move?

Looking at Feranz's face that changed greatly, Ferdinand also knew the proposal, and it was a little too far ahead. Even Ferrantz couldn't understand, let alone others.

Regardless of whether others understand it, Ferdinand intends to promote it in Bulgaria. Later generations have proved that industrial concentration is conducive to promoting industrial upgrading.

Moreover, the birth of each development zone will promote the development of the local economy and provide a large number of jobs.

Franz asked in wonder: "Her Grand Duke, now our factories are scattered all over the place in order to reduce costs and facilitate transportation. If they are brought together, the cost will definitely increase! And can this really solve the problem we face? ? "

Ferdinand said in a very affirmative tone: "Of course! Once the development zone is launched, it is equivalent to building a new city, and the light infrastructure can provide tens of thousands of jobs. You can now let go of your hands and feet, Then set up a construction company and you can house a lot of people! "

After listening to Ferdinand's idea, Franz was dumbfounded for a moment, and this operation! All three views of Franz have been subverted. In order to process the essential oil of roses, he actually tossed out a new city. Is this the highest realm of using power for personal gain?

Uh ...

费 When Ferrantes was leaving, Ferdinand added: "Yes, Ferrantz, when you go to the field inspection, by the way, where is the development zone suitable?"