Chapter 74: 25 plans

In 1892, with the eastward move of Mao Xiong's strategy, the situation in Europe was generally stable. There are only two small things worth noting internationally:

First, the Austrians successfully manufactured the world's first automatic pistol, the Schöberger pistol, which was fed by a magazine and loaded with gunpowder gas energy.

22. The Communist Manifesto was published in Poland, and communism began to spread.

These things are almost negligible compared to the issues that Bulgaria will discuss next.

The "One-Five-Year Plan" formulated during the Mustaum period was generally inherited by the new government.

多项 More than 300 of the original plan was cut by Ferdinand half unrealistic, and more than 50 were modified goals.

Since the house was copied, the state has sufficient funds. By the end of 1891, more than 40 tasks had been completed. The remaining tasks were basically completed by the end of 1892.

The puppet passers are all tossing lovers. Ferdinand is not a person who can live idle, or a person who can let his people idle.

According to the investigation data of later generations, once the bureaucracy is idle, corruption and procrastination will follow. Instead, he gets up early and greets hackers every day, and the government will be more clean and efficient.

The "One Five Plan" has to be completed in advance. Want to celebrate? Ferdinand said no problem, let's discuss the "two-five plan" first, and then celebrate. No? Are you not patriotic, and dare to hinder the development of Bulgaria, you can get away!

斐 Under the influence of Ferdinand's firm attitude, the Bulgarian government has very efficiently put forward a "two-five plan".

In addition, Ferdinand is now holding a national policy meeting and is also sending a signal to the outside world that a new Bulgarian cabinet has been selected.

The outline of future development is in front of you, you can't change halfway! Isn't that a hindrance? Bulgarians are absolutely unacceptable now!

After using economic means to control public opinion, Ferdinand began to cook frogs in warm water. The moisturizer was silent. After a few years, the Bulgarian folk thought was unknowingly biased by Ferdinand.

What used to be popular: Liberal democracy first, political ideology of political parties, and then industrial development; now it has become a priority to develop productive forces, promote industrialization of the country, and then realize liberal democracy.

The slogan of media propaganda has also changed to "require bread without freedom", coupled with the fact that people's living standards have improved in the past two years, this view was quickly accepted by Bulgarians.

"In the past two years, the work of the government is obvious to all, and this cannot be separated from the efforts of everyone here. On behalf of Bulgaria, I thank everyone for their efforts!"

As soon as Jeff Ferdinand's voice fell, thunderous applause rang out. This is true! Ferdinand can be sure. After all, be praised and applaud.

"Of these, Mr. Constantine has performed particularly well. It is his dedication to preside over government work that has yielded remarkable results. Now I announce that I have appointed Constantine-Itolov as Prime Minister of the Bulgarian Interim Cabinet!" Ferdinand dropped before the national policy meeting A blockbuster.

Everyone was stunned, and then thunderous applause rang again. Constantine's appointment as prime minister was well prepared, and news had previously spread. Now the Bulgarian government can compete with him.

The most advantageous Chekov has a low political sensitivity. He has no political ambitions and quits on his own.

Then even the former Secretary of Agriculture James has enough qualifications, which is even more strange. Interest in scientific research is much stronger than politics, and now basically stays in the laboratory.

Then no one else is worth mentioning, basically no one can shake Constantine's status. Oh, and there is a former prime minister, Stam Borov, who was trained far away in Vienna, but no one in Bulgaria would welcome him back.

Even so, Constantine was very excited, and he was on the peak of his power. Looking at Ferdinand gratefully, I didn't know what to say for a while.

Jeff Ferdinand smiled and offered him a break and said, "Okay, now our Prime Minister will introduce: the achievements of the Five-Year Plan and the basic situation of unfinished projects."

Constantine's interruption, Constantine has recovered from the excitement, adjusted his mentality, and said with a spirit of anger:

"On January 5, 1888, the Bulgarian National Assembly passed the 'Five-Year Plan', and the historical society will remember this moment, it started the beginning of Bulgaria's industrialization!"

"It has been four years since 1888, and now, with the hard work of all the citizens of Bulgaria, we have achieved phased victory!"

"First of all, in terms of education, we completed the task as early as 1890. We built the first Bulgarian university from scratch, with more than 1,500 college students The batch of graduates is about to enter the society; eight higher vocational colleges have been established with more than 13,000 students; 36 new middle schools have been established with more than 50,000 middle school students in the country; There are more than 110,000 primary school students in the country. "

"In terms of transportation, by the end of 1891, a total of 987 kilometers of railways and 8,658 kilometers of highways had been constructed. That is to say, under normal circumstances today we have completed the goal of 1,000 kilometers of railways!"

Uh ...

Constantine frowned about most of the time, but only roughly introduced the results of the "One Five Plan."

Of course, this is the cut-down version of Ferdinand's "One-Five Plan". Judging from the results, Bulgaria can now declare success to the outside world, and many areas have completed their tasks ahead of schedule and exceeded their requirements.

These data, everyone knows in advance, but can't help but be excited. Ferdinand is an exception. It may have been seen in previous lives. It is not sensitive to these data and does not feel that it is great.

Compared to the "One Five Plan", the current "Two Five Plan" is the real problem. The scope involved is broader and the task is even more important. Once completed, Bulgaria is also a late industrial country. The total industrial output will surpass Sweden in one fell swoop and enter the top ten in Europe.

After a pause, Ferdinand saw that everyone had eased from the excitement, and said, "Well, let the past go. Only by looking to the future, Bulgaria can develop better. Now it is time for us to consider ' The issue of the "Five-Five-Year Plan" has been reviewed by everyone in advance, so now we will start to demonstrate the feasibility! "

First of all, military reform. We mentioned it in the "One-Five Plan." It was delayed due to unexpected factors ...