Chapter 92: Parliament

After the parliamentary elections ended, Ferdinand announced that he would reopen the National Assembly on November 8, 1892, in order to elect a new legal government.

Although this is only a cut, Ferdinand still attaches great importance to it and announced the news as soon as possible.

末 At the end of the 19th century, mankind has begun to transition to a legal society, and legal system has received increasing attention. Ferdinand, as a vested interest, certainly does not want to undermine the majesty of the law.

Since Ferdinand's succession, although the Bulgarian law has been slightly modified, the Constitution has never been directly violated, and they have tried to find a way out or to bypass it.

保加利亚 Anyway, Bulgaria's legal system is not perfect, and many places are ambiguous. Even the jurists at the time expressed their opinions inconclusively.

The small movement of Jeff Ferdinand did not attract people's attention naturally. Now that a new parliament is born, it is time to legalize many of the previous regulations.

In the days when there is no parliament, there will not be much change in Bulgaria. What should people do? This is the benefit of a conservative country and people are not highly sensitive to politics.

国际 In the international arena, Ferdinand has been hacked by Hei Chengxiang. He is called "terrorist tyrant", "evil dictator" and so on.

Well, in fact, there were no monarchs in Europe who were not scolded by them. Everyone was the same, except that Ferdinand had been scolded a little bit more recently.

But his mouth rose on others, Ferdinand couldn't manage it, just go with them, anyway, they wouldn't do anything other than yelling.

In order to ensure the stability of the country's thinking, after Ferdinand's succession, Bulgarian students will no longer go to France. They will change to Britain, Germany, Austria, Russia and other countries, even Belgium and Sweden.

Ferdinand has always paid attention to the trend of liberalism in France. It is true that it has a positive side in promoting national liberation and national independence, but that thing is really a tumor of the empire.

From the rise of liberalism, the good French empire began to fight politically at home, and its national strength was declining. Ferdinand was drunk when he thought of a world's top industrial power as a usury kingdom.

He put away his confused thoughts. Before the meeting, Ferdinand first met in the lounge the next cabinet that had been decided.

Uh ...

"How are you preparing for Constantine? Don't drop the chain at a critical moment! But Bulgaria has a precedent for removing a candidate?" Ferdinand said with a smile

Constantine smiled and answered with an awkward smile, "Her Excellency, please rest assured, we are all ready. The results of the Provisional Cabinet in the past few years are here. With these foundations, there should be no jokes!"

Fei Di Nan smiled slightly and nodded, indicating that the default. This year's parliamentarians have the lowest number of guns in history. Real achievements are the best weapon to conquer them. Even if Ferdinand does not have a black box operation, the results of this election can now be determined.

Then said: "Then you go over and meet the members first, I will come later!"

As soon as Ferdinand's voice fell, several people answered in unison: "Yes!" Then he resigned to Ferdinand and dared to go to the congress hall.

The current Hall of Parliament is very lively. Members of parliament are gathering in groups, and they are discussing hotly. There are also a few glorious and isolated, standing alone can be described as distinct.

Bulgaria has a small land area and a sparse population. Many members of parliament know each other, the relationship is not bad, and the contradictions between regions are minimal.

直接 But the direct contradiction between party MPs and non-partisan MPs has a long history. Before Ferdinand came to power, non-partisan MPs were almost deprived of the right to speak politically.

In relatively conservative Bulgaria, non-partisan lawmakers believe that political parties are a tool for power for personal gain; party lawmakers think that they have no overall view and are conservative in their thinking.

Previously, political parties had an advantage in Bulgaria, and some non-partisans could be included. Now that Feng Shui is taking turns, non-partisan parliamentarians have a dominant position. They have no way to collect people, and it is okay to squeeze out bad luck in exports.

Mr. Charles, who was just elected, is now embarrassed. The few members of the political party have no common language because of the previous fighting. The non-partisan legislator did not catch a cold on him, and he no longer had expectations for the previous plan.

The matter must start with the parliamentary elections. After the defeat of the New Liberal Party in the general election, Caston's hatred for Ferdinand rose to an inexhaustible level, and found the original behind-the-scenes supporters of the New Liberal Party-Britain and Austria-Hungary.

Apparently, the British and Austria-Hungary have been dissatisfied with Ferdinand's pro-Russian policy for a long time. In the past, it was to turn the bears . For the time being, Ferdinand strictly guarded himself and did not give them shots Opportunity.

Now the opportunity is coming, naturally I will be happy to teach Ferdinand a lesson, and maybe change the political structure of Bulgaria.

With this idea in mind, the two sides naturally got together. The British and Austro-Hungarians came forward to facilitate the union of the Bulgarian political parties, and they were preparing to win a group of lawmakers who were dissatisfied with Ferdinand, and then attacked the National Assembly.

In order to keep the secret, this time, except for the people involved, nobody knows, so it is not possible to get the members involved in advance.

现在 But now, non-partisan lawmakers are reluctant to contact them, and there is no way to talk about them. Bulgaria's major political parties have united, and members of parliament have just been able to gather enough proposals, and the results are not optimistic.

As soon as Constantine and others entered the venue, they became the focal point, chatting with enthusiastic parliamentarians everywhere until the opening of the Congress.

There is nothing tricky, everything goes according to the usual practice. Oh, Bulgaria 's Speaker is vacant. Previously, it was nominated by the party that won the election. Of course, this time it 's gone. Anyway, it will not affect the next meeting, so let the Secretary-General take over his job first.

After the puppet ceremony was completed, Ferdinand's appearance directly announced the start of the National Assembly.

First, Constantine made a work report on behalf of the Interim Cabinet, summarizing the achievements made by Bulgaria in the economic, cultural, political, and military fields in the past few years.

Previously, although there were related reports in the newspaper, it has never been summarized in this way, and a series of achievements have been added together.

He quickly gained high recognition from all members of the Diet, and even the most demanding people had to admit that the provisional cabinet government did a good job. The subsequent state consultations went smoothly.