Chapter 94: , Farce and power attitudes

The long-awaited Ferdinand came across this familiar scene. "If the enemy supports it, we will oppose it!" A popular phrase in later generations, to oppose it for the sake of opposition, it is clear that the people below work rhythmically and still do a good job.

I want to know that although the Bulgarian people do not have a cold against political parties, these members of parliament have to be much calmer, how can they be so disgusted? Of course, it is the credit of Ferdinand's younger brothers. Most of the people below are their own. As long as some people coax together, others immediately agree.

Other lawmakers watched Charles being hostile, and influenced by Bulgarian folk, most of them did not like the political party. In order not to be isolated, they chose to keep a distance with Charles.

It was not easy for Charles to find a gap, and Ferdinand was not hurt, but was wounded. We must know that the influence of constitutional monarchy in Bulgaria is not small, and there are also supporters among parliamentarians. It stands to reason that this proposal will also receive a group of supporters!

The result is the same as in the original political party period. We opposed all the enemy 's proposals. It does n't matter if he is right or not. After all, we will revise it later and then vote again.

Ferdinand watched the farce quietly, without any interference. Anyway, up to now, no member of parliament has come out to show their support, and they have been busy indignantly criticizing Charless.

几 A few people who were just neutral were also being pulled into the battlefield!

"Hello, what do you think about this, friend?" A

这个 "This, I'm still a little confused!" Echichi says

"What's so confusing! We are members of parliament, and we want to represent public opinion! Now the people in Bulgaria hate political parties, right? Of course, we also hate them!" Jia Zhengqi said sternly

Wu Yi is even more confused. What you said makes sense, I was speechless!

In the name of the representative, for the justice and justice of the world, for the future of Bulgaria, then he resolutely joined the critical rivalry.

Well, there is no need to vote. The results are already obvious, with the exception of the proposed Charless, others have more or less criticized them. What's more, they also taught them patriotism, saying that they felt ashamed of themselves.

Charles looked at each other a few times, then tacitly chose silence, never mentioning the matter of voting, and was too lazy to insult him.

Such a vignette, and that's it. Ferdinand had no intention of asking for trouble, and let him die with the wind. He didn't like some protagonists in order to pretend to force their opponents to play to the fullest, and then used to vote and then reverse face.

Mr. Ferdinand said that he was a qualified nobleman, and his face was very valuable, and he could not compete with several small miscellaneous fish.

No one came out to brush the sense of presence, and the next meeting went smoothly. Basically, they were government proposals, passed by Congress, and signed and approved by Ferdinand. The originally planned three-day meeting time, on the first day, effectively announced the completion of the task in advance.

Jeff Ferdinand was very enlightened to announce the holiday. Except for one-half of the members of Parliament to stay in Sofia, everyone could return to their homes, waiting for rotation, or the next major meeting.

Charleses were disheartened to apply for departure, no joke, as far as the current situation is concerned, Congress simply has no place for them! Do n't "suggest" now, is it just to stay here every day to get angry? As for party interests? What could be worse for the current Bulgarian environment? Even if someone proposed a ban on the party, Charles would dare to guarantee that he would definitely get a high vote. Most people in Bulgaria would probably set off firecrackers to celebrate!

The current political atmosphere in Bulgaria is very weird. The domestic development of a harmonious group, except for a few political parties, has a hard time. Since the election was over, many people could n't bear the strange eyes of the people around them. In the new wave of withdrawal from the party, several small parties finally could n't hold it, and announced sadly closed.

With the establishment of a new government, Bulgaria has resumed its busy days again. The whole country is like a large construction site. Everyone is working **** it, adding bricks and tiles to this country.

Christopher Waltz, the Austrian-Hungarian diplomat in Bulgaria, wrote in a letter to the old emperor, Franz Joseph I:

"His Majesty the Emperor, your vassal, Christopher Waltz, greets you.

The situation in Bulgaria is very stable. Your nephew is doing a good job and inheriting your wiseness. He now dominates the process in this country, with the supremacy of kingship and his strong supporters at all levels.

他 Under his rule, the political party became a dog of the bereaved family and was cast aside by the people; the capitalists became a lion without minions trembling and shaking. Even if the government introduces a bill that seriously damages their interests, capitalists are forced to declare their support.

May be a sequelae of the Stam era. Now the emerging capitalists in Bulgaria are very courageous and behave like saints, morally impeccable. It may be another species, and they have nothing in common with capitalists.

I may not even have discovered it myself. According to them, Bulgarian capitalists are highly ethical and willing to contribute to the country. Anyway, I wouldn't believe it. I would rather believe that they were scared. After all, their predecessors were sent to see God!

Alas, basically the political pattern we are after! Basically achieved here, although Bulgaria is only a small country, but its development speed is very amazing, and has left their neighbors far behind.

I can assert that if Bulgaria continues to maintain the current rate of development, another industrialized country will emerge in the Balkans within ten years.

If it were not for the constraints of population and resources, I would even worry that they would threaten the interests of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the Balkans in the future.

In short, the future situation in the Balkans can no longer leave Bulgaria.

Unfortunately, they are now allies of Russia. Although they work hard with us, it is a pity that the "Russia-Russia Union" is still so unbreakable.

Bulgaria needs Russia's industrial raw materials, and Russia also needs them as a moment nail in the Balkans. There is the same traditional culture, you know Bulgaria is the birthplace of Slavic civilization ... "

Christopher's letter also represents the attitude of the powers at the time to Bulgaria.