Chapter 104: , Population ‘trade’

Is there any better assimilation in the world than them? Languages ​​are similar, cultures and customs are similar, and there is no national consciousness. Tell them that their ancestors are the same family, I believe it! !! It is a big deal to falsify historical data and fabricate a batch of evidence. Anyway, Ferdinand has seen more experts and professors who faked in previous lives. There is no pressure on this! !!

怕 What are you afraid of if you have low quality?

It's ok! We can militarize management and give them the rules! !!

怕 What are you afraid of being illiterate?

It's ok! I can start a literacy class and learn slowly! !!

Uh ...

I now need to recruit mining workers, and Carl's housekeeper thought of Earl Paul the first time. Anyway, 20,000 miners, how can it be possible in Bulgaria!

要 If you are staying at home for a long time this year, the aunts in the street office will come to do the ideological work for you, and also very enthusiastically introduce you to work. Don't worry about not working, building bridges and roads, or going to construction sites, these places are lacking! !!

It does n't matter if you ca n't do it. You can also mobilize your family to continue doing ideological work and work enthusiastically! !!

This is also a pioneering activity of Ferdinand. Anyway, if you do n't spend a lot of money, you will be able to manage the meal. There is another ideological education working group! !!

Carl butler and Earl Paul are also old acquaintances, and they have a good relationship with each other, so go straight to the topic: "Paul, I came here to help you!"

The steward of Carr now serves as the palace minister of Ferdinand. He has a very special status in Bulgaria. When he heard that he needed help, Earl Paul said puzzledly, "Oh, what's the matter, you palace master, need my help?"

"This is busy, really only you can help !!! I need 20,000 miners now, it is best to be in place before Christmas !!!" Carl Butler said with a smile

Hearing this, Earl Paul was in a better mood, and another big business came. But I was still a little surprised and asked, "Why do you need 20,000 miners? Did n't you only have 40,000 miners last year? Did your Grand Duke have any big moves?"

"You guessed it, just a few small gold mines! How about, is there a problem?" Carl Butler said confidently

When I heard the gold mine, Earl Paul's eyes brightened, and then fainted again. If it's someone else's position, you can't get a slice of it, but Ferdinand's industry is still fine, he hasn't lived enough!

"Rest assured, I'll get in touch with that right away, it will be done as soon as possible, without delaying the Grand Duke's business !!"

确实 He does have this confidence. Now there are many people who want to do this business in the Russian Empire. For the benefit, there are not many things that nobles dare not do! !!

At least creating a batch of immigrants is still very simple. In fact, many of the hired farmers under the nobility are no longer wealth, but are obstacles that hinder their mechanization! Take the opportunity to dismiss them, you can also earn a fortune, or cheat, let ordinary civilians go bankrupt without any technical content! !!

大家 Anyway, everyone knows this. Alexander III estimates that there will not be more immigrants to strengthen the influence on Bulgaria, and at the same time, it can alleviate the contradictions in the country. Earl Paul has no pressure to match in this regard! !!

St. Petersburg, as soon as he received a telegram from Earl Paul, Earl Wollensky was busy preparing "goods."

As a nobleman who started to decline, such good things would not be his turn, but the mother of Count Wollensky was a cousin of Count Paul, so after a bit of a relationship, he got a share of it.

进入 Since entering the 19th century, after the completion of the first industrial revolution, capitalists have risen strongly. The profits of investment industry or finance have far exceeded that of agriculture.

的 The aristocrats who have not yet turned the corner will have a hard time, and the income of agriculture has become increasingly unable to meet their rising consumption!

There is no doubt that the Count Wollensky family is one of them, and the financial resources have lagged behind the nobles who have already transformed. Although Earl Wallensky worked very hard in St. Petersburg, he has missed the best chance to enter.

The puppet monopoly group has been formed, and it is not something that small and medium nobles like him can shake. In order to maintain a decent aristocratic life, Earl Wollensky took great pains.

Now the opportunity is coming. Earl Wollensky, who is flexible in mind, quickly thought of a way. He didn't force the landless Dalit to leave. It was too inefficient and prone to accidents!

I first recruited workers in the name of the factory, and then brought them to the port, and even fooled into the ship and took the money away. The rest is the job of the Bulgarian Immigration Agency, and it has nothing to do with him.

The workers recruited by Earl Wollensky were all from remote areas, had little cultural knowledge, and were all young. It's a totally high-quality workforce and very popular with employers.

This time is no exception, Count Wollensky set his target in the Sumy region of Ukraine. At the end of the 19th century, Sumei Prefecture was still backward in the countryside, with simple folk customs, and this year's grain was not harvested again, which is suitable for him to start.

When he came to Samui city, Earl Wollensky said to his servant, "Willis, go and get some earth snakes. Lord, I'll ask them something!"

I listened to him Servant Vickers immediately understood what Count Wollensky meant, "Okay, Lord Count, I'll do it right away!"

After saying that, Vickis left in a hurry. He knew that Count Wollensky was not a patient man, especially when it came to money!

Serval cats have cat lanes, mice have rat lanes!

If you are looking for a ground snake, Vickis is very experienced. For Russia, a tavern is a good choice!

Uh ...

Less than two hours later, Vickis brought three earth snakes to Count Wollensky!

Count Count Wollenski glanced at the three without a word, without politeness, and asked with a certain tone: "Are you all here snakes?"

I saw the appearance of Count Wollensky, and all three knew it was a noble master. The Russian empire has a strict hierarchy, and what kind of people have the pomp!

The three of them answered, "Yes, master!"

Earl Wollensky nodded, then said gently: "Very well, my factory now needs a large number of workers, and this task is left to you.

Remember that you must be strong young men and women! What's the treatment: food, food, 5 rubles per month! !! The number of people, the more the better!

I will give you 20 rubles for every 100 people recruited; for more than a thousand people, I will give you another hundred rubles! Questions? ? "

"No!" The three answered in unison

Earl Wollensky waved and signaled that the three could leave, and it seemed that one more word with them would be harmful to their identity!

The three of them didn't mind, and they behaved politely and left cheerfully! Noble master, it's normal to be proud, and if you really communicate with them, then there will be problems!