Chapter 108: Wilbur

In the early morning of the next day, Wibbert rushed to the factory again, and the workers had already come by in twos and threes. Not for others, just for the free breakfast in the cafeteria, and you can't be late!

For the well-thought-out Wibute, this can save another expense, and the food in the cafeteria is good, the bread tube is enough, and a small portion of vegetables, and occasionally milk.

Thinking of this, Wibbot is very proud. In the entire development zone, and even in Bulgaria, there are only a handful of factories that can provide three meals for free. Machinery factories are one of them.

Xie said hello to a colleague who knew her, and Wibbert entered the cafeteria. At this time it was the peak of dining, and many people were sitting in the restaurant. After picking up a breakfast, Wibbert found a place to sit casually.

The news of Kuomintang was spreading very quickly, and in just a few days, it became known through newspapers. Even a group of tech dwellers who deal with machinery every day are still discussing, and Weibote, who is eating, is quickly attracted.

Well, the Bulgarians at the end of the 19th century had not developed a good habit of reading newspapers, mainly poor! After all, the printing cost in this era is not low. An ordinary newspaper is just a few days of income for an ordinary worker.

Ordinary people know the national debt and listen to others. The specific situation is not clear to everyone.

听说 "I heard that the highest interest rate on government bonds this time actually exceeded 10%? Did you know?" A man said in a frown.

"Really, Saddam, your boy didn't lie to me? The country actually gives such high interest, why not borrow from the bank?" Another asked in doubt.

"Don't listen to him blindly! One of my distant relatives is working in a bank. The interest rate on the national debt is up to 10.75%, but the term is 20 years! Repay the principal and interest when it is due. Think about it. Is it high ??? "Another person said bluntly.

Hearing what was questioned by Bush Jr., Saddam seemed to step on his tail and suddenly became angry. He asked sharply, "Why not high? No more than 10%. Did I say something wrong? Mr. Bush Jr. !!! "

"So what? Saddam 'Mr.', Twenty Years of National Debt, have you waited? What if you want to use money halfway? Or what if the government changes ?? I do n't think so It 's reliable in the short term. Although the interest is a little lower, at least the risk is small! "Bush said sneer

Saddam glanced at Bush Jr. and said, "You coward! Don't take risks at what? You may choke yourself when you eat!"

Uh ...

I may be too emotional, they talk too loudly, attracted the attention of the cafeteria management, a young man came to stop.

"Sirs, please observe the discipline of the cafeteria and eat civilizedly! If loud noises occur again, please go out!"

Intimidating, Saddam and Bush Jr. apologized immediately and said in unison: "I'm very sorry, we are too excited, we will change right away and never again!"

Affected by Ferdinand, the rules of the machine factory are very strict, or all the factories in Bulgaria now attach great importance to rules, and they are similar to military camps! There are clear rules about what can and cannot be done. Once violated, the consequences are very serious.

Don't look like people say very lightly, "Please go out" is easy, it is difficult to come back. That also means farewell to the free meals in the cafeteria for a long time in the future. Prepare three meals a day to take care of yourself, which is a lot of expense for them!

Of course, you can choose to leave, but Bulgarian workers in the 19th century were still simple. They can resign for any reason, but they can't leave because of their own reasons and being punished in violation of the rules, because they will not be able to raise their heads in front of relatives and friends!

Besides, the job of the machinery factory is very sought-after, with good wages and benefits, and it is among the top in all Bulgarian factories! Many people want to come in outside. For this job, Saddam and Bush Jr. passed the five levels and cut off from a group of competitors.

A vignette just passed, and before he asked about it, Wibbert heard the news he wanted.

He thought to himself, "It seems that the news of the national debt is true!" At the same time, I also wanted to make things clearer. After all, Saddam 's conversation with Bush Jr. was too brief. The specific details were interrupted by the cafeteria administrator. At that time, he was not good enough to go there. asked.

Wei Bote is a typical technical house, not good at communication, not many friends, every day is the workshop-the cafeteria-return to the rented dormitory, three and one front and back. Occasionally when I have a rest day, I just sleep at home and have no bad habits.

Now I want to find out the news It can be difficult for him. Dealing with people has always been the biggest headache for Weibo! But promised his wife, you have to do it!

With thoughts, Wibbert was restless all morning and made several mistakes in a row, which caught the attention of the workers.

We need to know that such errors are deducted. Under normal circumstances, a skilled hand such as Weibo will not make it, let alone continue to make mistakes!

"What's wrong with Wibot? Is there any physical discomfort? Or tell the supervisor, take a two-day break, you haven't taken a vacation for a long time?" Korqin and his group asked with concern

"Kerqin is okay, are you still unclear about my body? When did you get sick? Besides, everyone is working overtime, who hasn't worked overtime every day for a while!" Kuwait smiled and said

The workers of the 19th century were not as precious as the later generations. They worked 15 or 6 hours a day. They were usually sick, and two days of rest were extravagant. Not a serious illness, don't see a doctor! For ordinary workers, a doctor's visit basically declares a family bankruptcy.

Even if Ferdinand introduced the Labor Protection Law, workers have not improved much except that they have increased some incomes and improved safety at work. In order to make more money, workers choose to work overtime voluntarily. As long as they pay overtime, the government pretended not to see it.

Korqin looked at Weibote, and he didn't look sick, and he urged: "Well, that's good! You have to be careful, if something goes wrong, you'll be free today!"

After hearing Kerqin's reminder, Wibbert responded suddenly and quickly regained his mind. But isn't it? If we make a mistake again, I'm afraid we have to do it for free today. We dare not take this lightly!