Chapter 110: Rectify the bank

The Weibot couple were relatively quick to respond. As soon as the national debt was issued, they were ready to buy, and many more people chose to wait and see.

In general, the middle class is the vanguard of buying. Who can call Bulgaria's financial market so conservative?

I ca n't even play stocks. Apart from depositing money in the bank, most people find it difficult to find other investment channels. ? Real estate in Bulgaria this time, the custody will be lost! It is not surprising to buy Treasury bonds.

古 Nicholas discovered a very strange phenomenon, that is, the Royal Bank and Union Bank are doing well, but the Bulgarian National Bank is not concerned.

This is not okay. Although he can't compete with the Royal Bank and United Bank, he is prepared for the sale of government bonds. He wants to tie the three together, but can't the gap be so big? ?

Nicholas thought to himself: "You must think of a way. Otherwise, the gap will still be so large that it will make the government think that the National Bank is deliberately demolishing Taiwan and not cooperating with the sales of government bonds! It will definitely have a major operation on the National Bank ...

Nicholas's sense of politics is still very sensitive. At the moment of life and death, he decisively chose to convene a high-level bank meeting and think of a way!

"Why aren't you all very capable one by one? Now let's look at your performance in the sales of national debt, and then look at the performance of others!

Last week, Royal Bank sold more than 13 million levs. Even if the 5 million levs subscribed by the king are deducted, there are still more than 8 million. At the Union Bank of Bulgaria, they also sold 12 million. More than a million levs.

看看 Look at us again? ? I'm so embarrassed to say it, my face was panicking! !! Eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight Lev, very auspicious number! !! It's a pity that it's not enough for everyone to add another eight to me!

Now it 's okay, not even one-tenth of the people are here. The reputation that the National Bank has accumulated over the years is lost to you all at once! You guys sum up the reasons for me, and hurry up and figure out a way for me. Do not seek to exceed others, at least not too far! !! "

There is no sound under the crow, even those who usually do not deal with Nicholas, dare not speak easily! National Bank's poor performance in treasury sales, they were stunned.

If there is no comparison between Royal Bank and United Bank, you can find a reason to shirk it. Now there is nothing to explain. Everything that happened is to show that they are incompetent! !!

Uh ...

In fact, the "excellent" performance of the National Bank has attracted the attention of Ferdinand. No one has seen such a bad thing before! Anyway, it is still a state-owned bank, with deep roots. Even if it is overtaken by two rising stars in treasury bond sales, they are open!

I have so many high-quality resources, so far, I haven't even had a small amount of people. This is too much! What's more, after so long, no effective measures have been taken!

Well, the measures taken by Nicholas have been ignored by Ferdinand, the key is that he has long been dissatisfied with the Bulgarian National Bank! !!

As the only state-owned bank in Bulgaria, I haven't even figured out my main responsibilities! !! Ferdinand doesn't care if it's profitable, but you always have to go with national policy? ?

Since it does not cooperate with government policies, should pure business operations always be profitable? ? If the annual profit of several hundred thousand levs is also counted, it is barely profitable!

But think about the government's hundreds of millions of dollars in funds every year. The interest of a big boy has not been paid. The government has also waived its taxes and attached a large number of preferential conditions. Ferdinand ca n't wait to fly it!

Uh ...

At the regular high-level government meeting in November, Ferdinand cast aside the problem.

Jeff Ferdinand: "Prime Minister, what are you going to do with the mess of the Bulgarian National Bank?"

After listening to Ferdinand's words, Constantine understood immediately. Now that the boss has defined it as a "message", of course, it must be dealt with seriously!

Constantine also did not have a good impression on the National Bank, especially in the sale of national debt, it was simply hitting the government's face! !! If it weren't for the other two banks' performance, he didn't know how to end it?

Sorted out his thoughts, Constantine said seriously: "Her Grand Duke, the Bulgarian National Bank has a long-standing problem, its management system is chaotic, and its internal problems are serious. It has rotted into the roots !!

Take the recent national debt sales as an example, the three major domestic banks in Bulgaria have taken over at the same time. So far, more than half a month has passed. We can compare:

The sales channel of Royal Bank's national debt is 18.75 million levs; the sales of national bonds by Union Bank are 19.68 million levs; the sales of national bonds by National Bank are 3.56 million per day!

From the above data, we can see that there are serious problems with the National Bank, and it is imperative to rectify the National Bank! !! "

After listening to Constantine's words, everyone was slightly surprised The national debt sales are going smoothly. If it were not for the National Bank's drag, the first batch of national bonds might have been sold now!

I have no objection to the rectification of the National Bank. They are all promoted by Ferdinand. The chain of interest in the National Bank has little to do with them, and naturally it cannot be opposed.

局长 Anti-corruption director Boris Christoph, can't sit still. Since the anti-corruption campaign a few years ago, they have never had the opportunity to make big moves. After all, stability overwhelms everything during development!

Now the opportunity is coming. How bad is the Bulgarian National Bank. Apart from themselves, Boris knows the most. It can be said that a lot of problems can be found casually.

"Her Majesty, there may be serious problems with the accounts of the Bulgarian National Bank. I suggest that while rectifying the bank, we also send a task force to verify it!" Boris said in a right look

After hearing Boris's words, the others looked complicated and kept aloof from everyone in the Anti-Corruption Bureau. Without the sharp sword on its head, it may be cut off at any time. Moreover, the anti-corruption bureau is very detached. It is nominally led by the government and is actually directly responsible to Ferdinand. The Prime Minister's account, Boris, did not buy it! !!

For the cooperation of the younger brother, Ferdinand was very satisfied, and said very sternly: "Give me a check !! Boris, your anti-corruption bureau will check this time to the end. I don't care how many people are involved, how many big people, arrested Count one by one and show no mercy !!! If anyone dares to intervene, catch it first! "

After he finished speaking, Ferdinand glanced at the sitting crowd and looked very angry. In fact, Ferdinand 's heart is already blooming. As soon as the government is short of money, someone will come to the door. No wonder the ancient emperor likes to keep a few corrupt officials, which is the best weapon to solve the financial crisis! !!