Chapter 127: Serbia 3

"One will succeed!"

The blood on the ground filled the earth!

He Popov was patrolling on the battlefield without paying attention, and there were Serbian wounded mourning on the ground not far away, and it was too late to deal with it, which could not arouse a little wave in his heart!

In the first war of nine years ago, Popov watched his comrades, brothers, and friends fall on the charge one by one. At that time, his heart became cold and revenge became his life. portion!

When I glanced at the battlefield, I knew that the fierce war last night, "the remains of the broken wall and the corpse running across the wild" are the best portrayal.

He Popov seemed very dissatisfied with the sorrow of the wounded, and shouted, "Pass the soldiers!"

到 "Here!" Replied a young man

Sergei Popov said annoyingly: "These wounded Serbians have been brought together, and they have been thrown far away. I look upset!"

"Yes!" Chuan Lingbing said, and then ran to answer the order.

He Popov didn't care if the wounded could move. How many people would be killed by this order. Anyway, his army, medical soldiers are precious and can only be used to treat his wounded!

If it wasn't for fear of international opinion, in order not to cause trouble, then Popov would not mind being a butcher.

On the surface, the wounded in Serbia have been treated. The bleeding should be stopped, and the bandaging should be bandaged! There are also photos taken by reporters in the field, which can prove that humanitarian relief, Popov has done his job!

It is just that there are not enough medical soldiers, and the bandaging work is done by ordinary soldiers! It 's rude, mistakes are inevitable, such as using the wrong cotton cloth for gauze or taking the external medicine for internal use. This is a small section!

In the evening, probably the results have been calculated, Popov glanced and nodded in satisfaction!

The results achieved last night were beyond his expectations! According to preliminary statistics, the Serbs left about 30,000 dead bodies and captured more than 20,000 captives, including more than 10,000 wounded!

But the casualties of the right army were only a thousand people, and it was a great victory in any way!

He Popov said to everyone happily: "Report to the country and report the results, it seems that this time our right army picked up a bargain!"

Uh ...

Compared to Popov's good mood, Subolovevich's face on the other side is embarrassed. With an absolutely superior force, he was still broken by the left army through two lines of defense one day.

Although he seduced the enemy deeply, it also unexpectedly surprised him! In order to make the game more realistic, the two lines of defense were originally planned to block the Bulgarian Left Army for a week, just to create a roundabout opportunity for the main force!

Now one day, he was penetrated by the left army, and more than 30,000 defenders were defeated and lost their combat effectiveness.

Although he has more than 200,000 troops in his hand, he can't afford such consumption. If the Bulgarian army is really strong, it also means that it has failed to lure the enemy deeper!

Even if the encirclement is completed, the left army may easily break out, which is extremely unacceptable to Subolovevich!

At the military conference, Suborovitch pointed at the noses of the two division commanders, scolding his head and covering his face and cursed, "Tongtong is a group of rice buckets! The 30,000 army was defended by the fortifications, but they were breached one day. Both of you have faces. Come back to see me?

You have lost all your faces in the Serbian army! Even if it is 30,000 pigs, Bulgarians can't catch it in one day!

Is there anything else you want to say? Don't blame me for not giving you a chance! If not, where is the military judge and enforces military law! "

等等 "Wait, I have something to say!" One of them said busyly

Subovlovi has made up his mind to kill the chicken, tamarin and monkey, and said indifferently: "Fart fast!"

"Our fifth division, in the previous rebellion war, suffered more than half of the casualties, replenished my recruits in less than a month, could not form a combat force at all!

Everyone knows what the 13th Division of Zhirivich is. This defeat started from the 13th Division. I am not trying to push the responsibility to the 13th Division!

The key is that Bulgaria 's firepower is too fierce. Hundreds of artillery fired in volleys and bombarded our positions. Before they launched an attack, we had already suffered heavy casualties! "

A staff officer jumped out and questioned: "Impossible! Even if Bulgarian firepower prevails, you can rely on fortifications to avoid it. How could it cause such a large casualty?"

日 At this time, Rivich was angry and said, "Dear everyone, I can swear to God, what Mr. Saboric said is true!

The problem lies in our fortifications. Everyone knows that these two lines of defense are not completed, and they are not available in many places!

And our gun-proof holes can't stop the attack of heavy artillery at all! Many of our soldiers were directly buried alive in the gun-proof holes! It also included my headquarters, which was hit by a shell and collapsed in half. Two officers of the division were killed on the spot!

Are we responsible for such a problem? ? If you want to be held accountable, you should first find the guy in charge of construction and find out how to engage in military law! "

Everyone's faces changed, and most of what they said was the truth! This kind of problem is easy to investigate and clear, and the returning defeated soldiers will know about the situation!

Looking at the expressions of everyone and his enemies Zublovich knew that it would be impossible to kill the chickens and monkeys, and now the priority is to appease the army!

So he said, "I will investigate the problems you are talking about! Anyway, you failed so quickly this time, and you cannot escape responsibility! Now suspend your duties first, wait for the investigation to be clear, and do the punishment ! "

Saboric and Zhirivic know that even if there are defensive fortifications, they are not the reason why they can lose so quickly! It's not easy to get a life back this time, so how dare there be any objections!

Subolovevich continued: "Because the defense was lost too quickly this time, the original plan would not work! Now we must block the Bulgarian front, our pocket formation has not yet been completed, but it does not matter!

Even if we lost 30,000 troops, we still have absolute superiority. Bulgaria has only more than 50,000 people. Now it is pushing the front 30 kilometers forward. They also have to guard the rear. In fact, the mobile force that can be used is only 40,000 troops!

No matter what reason you have, now I will launch a full-line counterattack immediately! I don't ask you to be able to wipe them all out. Within three days, you must defeat this Bulgarian Left Army!

Otherwise, the enemy's reinforcements will have to come over. By then, everyone will know the consequences. We cannot afford to lose this war!

I won this battle, and we still have a chance to win! Otherwise, everyone will be a sinner in Serbia! "