Chapter 130: ,bloody battle

The mid-level army that broke out in full force did not think about the situation, and Serbia's will to resist was much greater than before!

The good thing of leaving the position and running is no longer there! Now every time you win a position, you have to go through hardships! The front is the enemy, and the back is the oversight team.

The war is still going on. As the Serbs are desperate, the casualties on both sides have risen sharply! In order to reduce casualties, the Central Commander Vasily Ivanov decided to wash the ground with artillery fire!

The casualties have come down, but the consumption of materials has risen sharply, and the front has been advanced more than thirty miles, and more than 50,000 shells have been consumed!

However, the Serbian's desperate effort was quickly interrupted. The two main groups interspersed to the rear destroyed the main traffic route. Leskovac's supplies could not be transported!

Waiting for the Serbian army to come over, the ammunition reserve on the front line is almost running out! Ivan Rich, the garrison commander, is going to be furious now. First of all, the domestic machinery's keep order, and the deserted soldiers on the southern line have reached thousands.

Now the logistics supply is broken again. How can this battle be fought? If it is said that the grain reserve can be maintained for more than a month, but the ammunition reserve will be fatal!

Twenty-three days ago, the Serbian army on the southern route was added together, with a total of more than 80,000 people, and by now one-fifth has been reduced!

I haven't collapsed yet, Ivan Rich is well-managed! It 's good now, the grain is out! There are only more than 5,000 artillery shells and more than two million rounds in the entire army!

The most important thing is that the troops in his hands are afraid to act lightly! Until now, the Serbian army has not collapsed. Thanks to Ivan Ritchie's use of the only main division as the warrior clan, the newly armed young man as cannon fodder, and the shooting of thousands of deserters, he barely stabilized Live the front!

Otherwise, such a large number of casualties would have collapsed long ago! Of course it's almost the same now, Ivan Ritchie knows how long he can't keep in the current situation!

At the military conference, everyone looked at them with one glance, yawning for a long time, and sluggish! Obviously, the hard battles these days, everyone is suffering!

Ivan-Rickey's own condition is not much better, if one is not careful, the enemy may break through the line of defense! Now they have retreated to the last line of defense, and then everyone will be shot!

Ivan-Rickey said tiredly: "Not much nonsense, the situation is now very clear, we can not hold it for long! I have reported the situation to the country truthfully, but the military order is to let us stick Three days to get time for the main force in Niš! "

什么 "What? How is this possible? Our current situation, don't say three days, whether we can stay until tomorrow, is a question!" Exclaimed an officer.

"Yeah! The situation is now very clear. We have been holding Bulgaria's main force for four days. The main force in the Nish region has not yet secured a partial teacher. Are they all rice buckets?"

Everyone started talking and talking, complaining, and dissatisfied with the domestic orders!

"Well, anyway, the order is still to be executed! Doesn't the main force of the Nish area take three days? We give him!

Now I order five more lines of defense on the way to Niš! You immediately organize the people and fix my line of defense! In any case, you must give the main force three days!

Otherwise, we will lose this war! Even if the southern front is exhausted, everyone must stick to it! "

Everyone answered in unison: "Yes!"

Obviously, Ivan Ritchie slipped his head! From here to Nis, there are still more than a hundred kilometers. Such a long distance. In the 19th century, the march of light would take two or three days. Pass!

青年 A young military officer asked in confusion: "General, what about the enemy army interspersed behind us? If they are allowed to move freely, I am afraid that they will cause us trouble later?"

Ivan-Rickey's face changed. In order to run smoothly, he must first kill the enemy forces behind him, then he must draw troops from the front line!

He was silent for a moment, and said, "Take two regiments from the front line, and half of our reserve team, and temporarily form a reinforcement division. Zack Vecchio will be the temporary division head to kill these hamsters!"

Uh ...

Nish Serbian Front Command, General Subolovich is now bleeding! The left army sent by Bulgaria is not a soft persimmon at all!

From the counter-offensive, only two days have passed since then. More than 20,000 heroic Serbian soldiers have fallen on the road of charge, and more than 10,000 wounded, and the enemy position remains motionless!

When defending, it is the most suitable time for the machine gun to exert its power, especially the heavy machine gun! Mark core machine guns made their debut in the Balkans, giving the Serbs a head start!

的 On the first day of the offensive, the Serbian army sent over 10,000 dead bodies and achieved his magnificent reputation!

In order to stop the bullets, the Serbs have even taken out the medieval shields, and they still have no eggs!

Suborovich hesitated, even if he was desperate, he could not die! More than 30,000 casualties have been paid, and the enemy's loss will not exceed a thousand by visual inspection. Such a battle cannot be fought at all!

Fight again, the soldiers must mutiny! You must know that the Overlord team drove the soldiers to charge, and now it is grumbled Even some officers have been shot black. If only a few days later, God will know what will happen!

The best way to deal with machine guns now is to use cannons. Unfortunately, Serbian artillery is not dominant now! As soon as they came forward, Bulgarian shells followed!

Moreover, the artillery of the 19th century is not easy to aim at. It often takes dozens of shells to obtain the results. This time is enough to expose the position of the artillery!

It is an artillery on average now, change two or three machine guns! According to this exchange ratio, the artillery has been exhausted, and the nasty machine gun can be solved!

Unfortunately, Suborovvich did not dare to do this, and Serbia had no artillery. If it is now over, what will happen to the subsequent war? What can be used to contain the enemy's firepower?

It seems that the best way is to switch from attack to defense! But the current situation must not be chosen by Suborovitch!

"Otherwise, we will attack again at night! The black light is blind, and the enemy has no way to aim, sending the death squad to bring an explosive pack and touch it directly ~" A staff officer suggested

Everyone's eyes brightened, it seemed feasible! Serbia is short of everything, but there is no shortage of death squads! Although it is difficult to attack at night, non-combat attrition will increase a lot, which is better than death!

Subovlovich took a deep breath and said, "Try it! If you have any ideas, try it out. Don't care about the casualties!"

The Bulgarian reinforcements are coming. We have less than three days to defeat this enemy! "

For three days, everyone's face changed greatly, what a joke! From the counterattack to the present, none of them have done their best, but now they have only harvested a few abandoned positions that the enemy has voluntarily abandoned, and there is no one that has been captured!