Chapter 141: War is over

11On November 16, 1894, the helpless Serbian government finally compromised. The foreign minister who was far away in Vienna reluctantly signed the treaty agreement!

At this point, the second Bulgarian war ended with the victory of Bulgaria!

The treaty states:

1. Serbia acknowledges the failure of the war and is fully responsible for the war;

2. Surrender of the main war criminals in the first war of security;

3. Concession of Serbia to the south of the Moraval River, including Niš, covers an area of ​​about 18,000 square kilometers to Bulgaria;

4. Paying 230 million levs for Bulgarian war reparations. Considering the financial difficulties of the Serbian government, Serbian assets were used to offset war reparations in the territory south of the Moraval River;

5. After the signing of the peace treaty, the Bulgarian army lifted the siege of Belgrade within 24 hours and withdrew from Serbia within one month;

6. After the signing of the peace treaty, the Bulgarian army will hand over all prisoners of war to the Serbian government within three months;

7. The Serbian government pledges that it will not take any measures against Bulgaria and ban all radical organizations;

Uh ...

There are 78 sections in the Armistice Treaty, covering everything from small to large.

However, what really involves core interests is still Articles 3 and 4. The treaty legally clarifies Bulgaria's ownership of the Moraval territory, as well as property ownership in this territory!

The other treaty contents seem to Ferdinand more like a number!

For example, in the first article, Serbia concedes and is responsible for the war. Of course, it is responsible for losing the battle. It is not just about conceding. Who will take it seriously? If there is strength, who can guarantee that the Serbs will not fight back!

The second one is purely funny. The war criminals of this war didn't ask, but they pursued the last war? And there isn't even a specific list.

条 Articles 5 and 6 let alone, the long-term blockade of troops in Serbia is really a trouble for the powers? Unlike the mountains and hills in the south, the sphere of influence of Austria and Hungary in the north is not Ferdinand's wild money-spending in Vienna. It is estimated that even military management cannot do it!

Let alone hand over the captives, not to mention that more than 100,000 people eat and drink Lasa and sleep every day. Considering the international public opinion, we ca n't use them as coolies. Who wants to do it?

Article 7 Banning radical organizations, what Ferdinand thinks are all signed for Austria-Hungary. Isn't this creating opportunities for them to annex Serbia?

Uh ...

刚 As soon as the content of the treaty reached Sofia, Ferdinand immediately approved it! I have everything I can get, and other details, just give in!

Compared with this, the Serbian government is much more tortured, everyone is unavoidable, no one is willing to get involved with this!

Alexander I was not a fool, why should such a large pot resist himself? If you want to hide, then everyone resists together, no one wants to run, collective decision!

Whether it is a member of parliament or a government official, as long as there is one in Belgrade, one must sign and agree! It doesn't matter if you're not there, authorize your family to do it for you!

搞笑 Then a funny scene appeared. After the Serbs brought the treaty back, because there were too many people to sign, and there was not enough place to sign, they had to add two more pages!

As soon as the treaty was established, the Bulgarian army lifted the siege of Belgrade and began to withdraw.

The Serbians who have just been relieved, haven't been here for a long time and are happy, and troubles are coming!

The contradiction has been around for a long time. Although the withdrawal has been ordered now, the Bulgarian army still doesn't mind giving them some trouble!

For example, if you accidentally catch fire in a certain city, you just burned the granary and household registration information; or you lost a batch of seized weapons in some place, which was just picked up by some anti-government organizations ...

Anyway, the Bulgarian army hurriedly evacuated without telling the Serbian government to come over to receive it, and then the local order became chaotic.

Especially immigrants have just moved here, and no one manages them. Now they are more typical of the proletariat. They have no assets, no jobs, no labor, and the most important thing is no food! !! !!

But they only have weapons. Although they are just some broken iron, but they are also weapons?

I have no food to eat, so I can only find food! But I ca n't find a livelihood, what should I do? Of course it was robbed. Anyway, if you have a weapon in your hand, go and grab it from the local residents!

活 Anyway, a living person can't be strangled by urine, there is nothing he can't do when he is hungry! !!

By the time Serbian officials arrived, many cities were already in chaos, and a series of crimes such as murder, robbery, rape, etc. were constantly emerging!

According to the statistics afterwards, the chaos caused by the disorder caused losses to Serbia more than the losses caused by the Bulgarian army's attack!

Alexander I, I do n't know if I should cry or laugh!

Because of the Bulgarian invasion, Serbia was tossed to death, making his throne unstable; also because of the mess left by the Bulgarian army, no one dared to take over, and no one planned to launch now. The coup, he still sits on the throne!

From the declaration of war to the end, it only took 38 days. In fact, the main battle between the two sides took less time, only a week!

Serbia was completely destroyed! Dinars in finance are not as expensive as grass paper. In the era of the gold standard, currencies without gold reserves are just a pile of waste paper!

In domestic politics, everyone is a loser. The Serbian government is a mess. Whoever takes over is unlucky! In this case, let's keep the unlucky government and continue to do it. We will take care of it ourselves! !!

He was so anxious that Alexander I finally chose to ask for help from Austria and Hungary. There is no way for the Serbian government to even stabilize the domestic situation!

民众 At least the problem of people eating, they can't get it done!

As for the conditions, I do n't need to mention it now, the boss will take care of it. I promise everything, save the younger brother and talk about it!

At this moment, it 's the turn of the Vienna government to feel uncomfortable. The Serbs have come to the door themselves. Would you like to annex it? ?

The situation now is that Serbs want money, food, and the army! You are not mistaken. In the absence of supplies, the Serbian government has no ability to send troops to stabilize the place!

Hundreds of thousands of people need to solve the problem of eating urgently, can not handle this problem, all means are useless! !!

Finally, it was shot by Franz Joseph I. Regardless of what to do later, control Serbia first! !!