Vol 2 Chapter 14: Big Bulgarian

The British took a hard time in Paris, did not get the results they wanted, and set their sights on St. Petersburg in an attempt to win the support of the Russians.

The Russians are very respectable and agreed to participate in the investigation committee of the British organization, but their attitude on Armenia is very different from that of the British.

Nicholas II expressed no interest in the Ottoman massacre of Armenians. The Russian Empire did much more than that of the Turks!

The issue that the Russians are most concerned about is the Black Sea Strait, but since the last Russian-Turkish war, the Russian government's strategy has changed and its focus has shifted eastward. It became even more apparent after Nicholas II came to power.

The Russian Empire can tolerate this approach, and it is in the hands of the declining Ottoman Empire, or in the hands of any weak country. Even after the war, the calls for Bulgarians to control the Black Sea Strait are not low! (In history, Russia once supported Bulgaria to capture King Constantinople)

However, Ferdinand is not sure. This is not a Russian government's tentative test of Bulgaria. In the first safety, the Bulgarian navy that beats soy sauce was not good enough and refused!

Obviously, the British's plan failed again! The Russians really salivated at Constantinople, but after repeated failures, the Russian government did not trust the British and suspected that the British had bad intentions!

What's more, now that Russia's Far East strategy is at a critical moment, the British supported Japan during the Sino-Japanese War. Nicholas II believed that the importance of the Far East strategy was far higher than the Armenian issue!

Nicholas II made the same judgment as in history. He believed that the British were to destroy the Russian Empire 's Far East strategy and wanted to tie the hands and feet of the Russian Empire with the Near East crisis.

What's more, there is now a younger brother in the Russian Empire. There is also a Bulgarian thug in the Balkans. Even if an accident occurs, it is still under control.

The attitude of the Russian Empire has completely declared the British bankruptcy of the Near East policy!

Because of the different attitudes of the powers, interference in Armenia 's issue had little effect. In April 1895, the ambassadors of Britain, France and Russia to Turkey jointly drafted the "Armenian Province Reform Plan". This plan is very mild and the content of the reform is very limited.

But it was still opposed by Russian Foreign Minister Lobanov, claiming that Armenians would not be satisfied unless reforms were carried out throughout Turkish Asia.

Lobanov's decision, Ferdinand couldn't help but praise him, it was too beautiful, the Russian Empire was equivalent to standing in Sudan, and the British 's Near East policy fell apart!

Because of the outbreak of the "English cloth" war in South Africa, the conflict between Britain and Germany intensified, the Germans explicitly refused to participate in Britain's Near East strategy, and the Marquis of Salisbury did not receive the support of any major power.

As for intervention alone, okay! The British Royal Navy ranks first in the world! What about the army? It is so careless. While suppressing the Guangxi colony, it is also able to launch attacks on the Boers.

If you come back and fight against the Ottoman Empire, no one will be able to fight. If the other powers play the black hand again, or they have already reached Egypt, they may not be able to keep it!

It was only when he arrived here that Ferdinand was relieved. Since his succession, the biggest crisis in Bulgaria has passed like this in the rough!

Returned his eyes to the country, although the end of the war, the problems in the later period still exist.

In 1894, because of the war, the Bulgarian government invested hundreds of millions of dollars. In addition to the cost of war, the biggest expenditure is instead spent on public relations!

Fortunately, the military made a fortune in Serbia to make up for the loss. Later, the pension was offset by land and saved tens of millions of funds. Otherwise, the government has to consider selling real estate.

The newly-added land has few people now. How much is the so-called real estate worth? Except for land, it is estimated that the price of cabbage in real estate in the city cannot be sold, and no matter how cheap, someone must buy it!

Even so, Bulgaria's financial situation is still very bad. In order to raise money, the cabinet was almost worried!

The "second five-year plan" should continue to be carried out, and the delayed progress should catch up; the newly-added land needs to be developed, immigration needs to be introduced, and the railway network and highway network must be extended.

All of these require a lot of capital investment. Fortunately, the immigrants introduced by Ferdinand from the beginning were honest farmers and there was nothing messy. Otherwise, the Bulgarian government will really fry the pan!

问题 The Armenian problem has also frightened many people, including the Bulgarian government. Fortunately, the Serbs have been sent back, otherwise it will be a mess again.

In this regard, Bulgarians themselves are experienced Many people in the government have participated in the Bulgarian Independence Movement. For these businesses, everyone knows what is going on!

Now the main and secondary positions are different. The **** determines the head. The Armenians are independent in the Ottoman Empire. Everyone is sympathetic and supportive.

But if someone wants to come once in Bulgaria, then the attitude is different, and they must be put out of the cradle!

The "Bulgarianization Strategy" proposed by Jeff Ferdinand has been implemented more quickly, and the government has issued a series of supporting policies. such as:

设定 Set restrictions on non-Bulgarian citizenship (except senior talents); Bulgarians have priority in education, medical care, etc .; the government gives priority to the employment of Bulgarians as public officials ...

What is even more strange is that this "Bulgarian" is no longer a "traditional Bulgarian", he is not divided by descent!

As long as you consider yourself a Bulgarian and are willing to accept the rule of the Bulgarian government and learn Bulgarian language and culture, you are Bulgarian!

Simply put, every Bulgarian can be a Bulgarian, no matter what race you are, you can become a Bulgarian! Even if you are black-skinned, yellow-skinned, as long as you recognize everything in Bulgaria and are willing to give up your original racial identity, the Bulgarian government treats it equally and absolutely does not engage in racial discrimination!

In a broad sense, the Bulgarian government is diluting the concept of nationality. It is more appropriate to call Bulgarians by language, national customs, and nationalities.

保加利亚 Anyway, Bulgarians are also half-breeds. From ancient times to the millennium, no one knows how many ethnic bloodlines are flowing on their bodies. There is no pressure on creating a "big Bulgarian"!