Vol 2 Chapter 16: Fiscal deficit

In fact, Kennedy is not really opposed to the sale of land. In addition to the previously confiscated land, the government has also harvested a lot of land in the newly added territories.

There is already a lot of land in the hands of the Bulgarian government. Even if some land is sold, it can be made up with the development of new land!

But this involves the military, especially at the juncture of the end of the Pauli War. The government sells and provides military land, which easily creates an illusion to the outside world. The Bulgarian government is suppressing the military!

Once this illusion is created, the political consequences are often catastrophic! The military forces of the Balkan countries are not soft persimmons. Don't look at the Bulgarian army now seems obedient, it was Ferdinand smashing it with money!

The annual military expenditure in Bulgaria now has doubled compared to before 1888, and much higher than the government's fiscal revenue at that time!

In fact, almost no military expenditure in Balkan countries is less than half of fiscal revenue! On the bright side, the Bulgarian government allocates only 20% of its military revenue each year; this is not enough for half of the military expenditure. The other part is borne by the government's profits from the Chinese enterprises. Accounted for the vast majority!

Now the Bulgarian government's annual income from the land and its surroundings is as high as more than 90 million levs, and before the cabinet sees the money, it is thrown into the mouth of the gold-swallowing beast!

It should be noted that in 1893, the fiscal revenue of the Bulgarian government was only 164 million levs; in 1894, due to the impact of the war, the growth of fiscal revenue slowed down to only 172 million levs; in 1895 the war dividend was harvested, which stimulated economic development. The ministry is optimistic that revenue may exceed the 200 million lev mark.

But military expenditures were 134 million levs in 1893; military outbreaks reached as high as 220 million levs in 1894; in 1895, they fell back to 147 million levs!

No way, this is still a compulsory military service system, otherwise this cost will increase by 20-30%!

This is based on the premise that every division in Bulgaria is not satisfied! The Bulgarian Army has a defense against morality, each with a full division of more than 17,000 people.

Each of the six main divisions has more than 7,000 personnel, and each division has a military expenditure of more than 13 million levs; the six new editors each have more than 13,000 personnel, and each division has a military expenditure of more than 700. Ten thousand levs; more than 8,000 guards, military expenditures amounted to more than 20 million levs!

The main reason why the new editor is cheap is that the soldiers are compulsory for military service, no salary is required, and the weapons and equipment are not comparable to the main division, which greatly saves expenses!

Otherwise, if more than 13 thousand people's wages are paid, more than 10 million levs will have to be paid. No wonder why the soldiers' salaries are not high. Anyone who has been a soldier knows that there is very little overhead in the army. The clothing, food, and transportation are all the responsibility of the army, and what is received is basically the actual income!

This is also Ferdinand's passion for expanding the new editor. It is simply that the main teacher is too expensive. Bulgaria cannot afford it! Forced, Ferdinand can only choose to raise officers! Now the Bulgarian army has a reserve of officers, which can triple its troops at any time.

On the surface, the minimum labor wage in Bulgaria is 75 levs per month (approximately £ 3). In fact, after deducting food, accommodation, and clothing, the workers can actually get two-thirds. The boss may only get half of it when he encounters a black heart!

This is also the result of the government's intention to protect the vulnerable groups, otherwise capitalists will be able to kill workers by relying on loopholes in contracts!

The bigger capitalists are okay. They know that they must pay attention to their faces, and the government keeps a close eye on the media.

The worst thing is that the small bosses are upstarts, and it is difficult to see the excellent quality of Bulgarians in them. After catching one pit one after another, after the government cracked down hard, they turned to pit immigrants!

Constantine was silent and wanted to persuade the military to agree to sell the government-owned land, unless the government agreed to increase the allocation of military expenditure, otherwise the military would definitely not agree!

But increasing the proportion of military expenditure in fiscal revenue, the government is even more disadvantaged. The growth rate of land revenue is minimal, but the Bulgarian government 's fiscal revenue is growing at a rapid rate!

It is easy to increase the military expenditure ratio, and it is difficult to reduce it again. There are not many differences in the Balkans, that is, there are many wars. Constantine does not think he can do it if he wants to reduce military expenditures.

I was sitting at the top of the government, and it was clear that Bulgaria's next strategic goal was the Ottoman Empire.

增加 Increase military spending in the short term. This is no problem. They are willing to allocate special military expenses during the war. However, increasing the military expenditure ratio over a long period of time is a headache.

I want to know that in order to reduce the proportion of military spending, the government-owned land, so large pieces of fat, were thrown out by the cabinet without hesitation before is for long-term consideration.

Duchkov thought about it and said, "This is too big a thing, let's report it to the Grand Duke!"

Everyone nodded, and now Ferdinand is in full swing in Bulgaria. On big issues, without his nod, it would be impossible to pass.

的 Ferdinand worked hard in Sofia's palace and worked hard to make man. He didn't know the trouble and came back.

Be aware that since 1892, half of the problems of the Bulgarian government have been in financial terms!

I can only say: No money in this world is absolutely impossible!

Jeffrey Dinan has deeply realized the essence of this sentence! Before crossing, he was a poor man, and then ran for money; after crossing, he was rich and rich, and thought that he could get rid of the trouble of money, but he still had to work hard to make money!

After becoming a king, after a few years of comfort, I was worried about money, and I still couldn't see the worry!

After listening to the introduction of Prime Minister Constantine, Ferdinand knew immediately that it was going to be bad, and the Bulgarian government was short of money again! Regarding the cabinet proposal, Ferdinand did not hesitate to reject it!

Anyway, the Ottoman Empire is about to start, and the government can't do anything that might hit the army!

Even if the land is to be sold, it can only be considered after the war is over. As for the government's lack of money, Ferdinand decided to make an idea on the French, and the reputation of the usury empire was not vain!

胜利 The victory of the Bulgarian War, the Bulgarian government 's international credit strength has been raised by another level. If it does not work, you can ask the Russian Empire to guarantee it!

缺口 The government's funding gap may be an astronomical figure for Bulgaria, but for the usury empire of France, it is a total loss.