Vol 2 Chapter 20: New Balkan League

After a calculation, George I found that although the Bulgarian army was more, the area of ​​Istanbul was close to Constantinople, and the Bulgarian army was responsible for the main force of the war.

I have full confidence in the combat effectiveness of the Greek Army. If it wasn't for worrying about Bulgaria becoming a fisherman, the Greek government is ready to single out the Ottoman Empire!

好 "Fine, Ferdinand! I bet on behalf of the Greek government! Write this into the treaty, do you not regret it?" George I said confidently

Jeff Ferdinand smiled a little, and after the Greek Army came on stage, you will cry!

8 On August 12, 1895, Ferdinand and Greek King George I signed the famous Balkan Treaty on the outskirts of Sofia, marking the initial establishment of the Balkan Alliance!

The treaty stipulates that: 1. The two countries undertake mutual defense tasks against the Ottoman Empire; once any one of the two countries has a war with the Ottoman Empire, the other country must declare war on the Ottoman Empire unconditionally.

2. Within three months before the outbreak of war, the other party must be notified to prepare in advance, otherwise the other party can join the war one week after the outbreak of war!

3. The time of war must be five years later, or Bulgaria will have the right to delay one month's participation in the war! (This is proposed by Ferdinand because the Bulgaria has just finished Serbia and needs to recuperate.)

4. Regarding the issue of spoils, the principle of individual combat is first come, first served. Joint operations are based on the number of enemies annihilated by the two parties divided by the total number of enemies annihilated, and are allocated according to their respective proportions.

Uh ...

In addition to the confidential treaty, the two countries have also signed a treaty of friendly trade and commerce. Of course, it is no longer Ferdinand and George I that signed the contract. Of course, the ordinary treaty is the responsibility of the two foreign ministries.

The contents include: 1. The two countries give each other the most-favored-nation treatment to facilitate direct trade between the two countries.

2. The two countries strengthen non-governmental cooperation and encourage cultural exchanges.

Uh ...

After digging a deep hole for the Greeks, Ferdinand returned to the palace with satisfaction. Now that the Greeks are not on the right track, it is no wonder that he has black hands.

However, Bulgaria's strategy will change slightly again! The estuary leading to the Mediterranean does not necessarily need Albania. According to Macedonia, plus Thrace, Ipirus may be a better choice!

Uh ...

In fact, Ferdinand did not care about the "Balkan Alliance". The combat effectiveness of the Greek Army at the end of the 19th century was really doubtful.

Serbia is obsolete, and they will not appear in the Balkan war for at least two decades. Twenty years later, if it was not annexed by Austria-Hungary, it would be too late to think of bubbling.

Yemen's Negro (Montenegro) body is too small, even if it is a burst of liver and kidneys, it can only bring up 20,000 or 30,000 troops to fight soy sauce.

最大 The biggest purpose of the alliance was to cheer the Greeks and encourage them to come out and challenge the Ottoman Empire. It would be perfect if we could borrow the hands of the Turks and abandon Greece as in history!

If George I knew Ferdinand's true thoughts, I wondered if he would be furious! Now he is returning to Athens with confidence. Because Ferdinand demanded that the time of the war be placed five years later, the Greek government has not even begun to prepare for war, and of course there is no money to do it!

Jeff Ferdinand didn't know that when he was too contrived in Greece, some people also labeled him with his doctrine. After the second war in Bulgaria, Bulgaria entered the eyes of interested people, and this time foreign borrowing became a game of powers!

列 Since the introduction of the Bulgarian loan plan, it has attracted the attention of the powers. Foreign Minister Metiev, Finance Minister Kennedy, and Prime Minister Constantine have all become the focus of public relations for consortia in various countries.

Of course, this is not a good thing, because now Germany and Austria, France and Russia have joined together to form a consortium, the British Empire naturally went it alone. In addition, the banks of the United States, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium and other countries The consortium also joined in.

Bulgaria will face another diplomatic choice. Apart from other things, Bulgaria must make a choice among Germany, Austria and France!

好处 The advantage of choosing Germany and Austria is that you do n't have to pay back the long-term loan. After the outbreak of the World War, Germany and Austria will not be able to collect debts. After the war, perhaps one hundred Bulgarian levs can clear their debts.

However, Bulgaria will be embarrassed during the subsequent expansion of the Balkans. Will Germany give up the Ottoman Empire for Bulgaria? Anyway, Ferdinand won't believe it!

The key is the revenge of the Russian Empire. Bulgaria cannot afford it. Ferdinand doesn't think that his political wrist is so bad that he can reach the source!

Even knowing that the conditions offered by Germany and Austria are more favorable, Bulgaria has no choice. Ferdinand knows this problem, and everyone else knows that it is estimated that Germany and Austria do not have much hope, and it is more likely that the Russians will be blocked!

British people deserve to stir up shitsticks Huyou's ability is not covered. In addition to the loan, Bulgaria was suggested to build a navy, and Bulgaria was invited to participate in the African colony.

He turned the cabinet's dizziness, even Ferdinand secretly. You must know that the late 19th century was the peak period for the great powers to divide Africa. After this village, there is no such shop!

If there is the support of the British, Bulgaria will concentrate all its efforts and throw the fleet out. It is impossible to get a share in Africa.

Fa Ferdinand refused it with a ruthless heart. The navy was not established in one day. When the Bulgarian fleet formed a combat force, it was estimated that daylily was cold!

Take a big picture cake and see that you can't eat it. I don't know if the Greeks were just fooled by the British like this, smashing the fleet desperately, and finally the colony didn't get it, but they played a deadlock with the Ottoman Navy!

Do you think the British would die after refusing? Next, the British Empire invited Bulgaria to join the interference army to interfere with the Armenian issue. Oh, the Greeks have joined.

This time the temptation will be much greater. The three countries joined forces to overthrow the Turks. In theory, there is no problem at all. By then, the Balkans will be divided between Bulgaria and Greece.

Jeff Ferdinand knew that this was actually a huge pit. The Navy may easily handle the Turks in the British Empire, but the Bulgarian Army is ready to challenge the Turks!

It is not that Ferdinand looked down on the British Army. If there were no training in the Boer War, there would be no room for the British Army to play in World War I!

Jeff Ferdinand had to use his personal prestige to forcibly suppress the domestic turmoil, and also made him deeply aware of the influence of the British Empire!