Vol 2 Chapter 34: ,inventory

Anyway, the procrastination and low energy of the Ottoman government, just as Ferdinand meant, he did not ask for trouble!

Returning to China, the "Two Five-Year Plan" is still in full swing. As of 1895, many projects have achieved staged success!

With the investment of the Bulgarian government, heavy industry industries such as steel mills and arsenals have made great strides forward!

In 1895, Bulgaria produced 150,000 tons of steel annually, including 48,000 tons of steel and 102,000 tons of iron!

The arsenal can now do it: an average of 500 Nissan new rifles (water renju), 15 machine guns, 1.5 75mm rapid-fire field guns (Italian or Miss France), 500,000 rounds of bullets, and 2,000 shells!

The heavy 150mm howitzer has also been successful in the cottage, and the production capacity is still okay. This is not what Bulgaria can afford now. Just come out and fill the facade!

The iron and steel plant has reached its limit for the time being. If you want to continue to break through, you can only wait for the Balkan war and Bulgaria to obtain sufficient mineral resources!

The pace of the expansion of the military arsenal did not stop for a moment. According to the requirements of the military, the production capacity of rifles and machine guns needs to be doubled, the production capacity of artillery needs to be increased by one third, and the production capacity of ammunition needs to be expanded by five times!

年底 According to the plan, by the end of 1896, Bulgaria must be able to arm 40 divisions, with a total of more than 600,000 troops, and it must have a strategic material reserve that can meet half a year of continuous operations.

According to the calculation of the military, the reserve of bullets must not be less than 1 billion rounds, and the reserve of artillery shells must not be less than 10 million. There is no way to tell all Bulgarian equipment to swallow gold beasts?

Mark core heavy machine gun, claiming to be able to hit 600 bullets a minute, his power was demonstrated during the Pauli War.

After the tireless efforts of the arsenal engineers (copycat), the successful weight was reduced by one-fifth, and other performance was not much improved.

It was still liked by the military. In one breath, it placed 10,000 orders for the arsenal. Each machine gun was equipped with 50,000 rounds of bullets, which is 500 million. The rest is rifles!

Now it is not far from the war, and Ferdinand does not expect to achieve a technological breakthrough now! If the quality is not good, just make up the quantity. Anyway, the opponent is the Ottoman Empire, and it is not an industrial power!

Not to mention the Bulgarian Type 75 rapid-fire gun (Miss France). The corresponding fast rate of fire also naturally means that the shells are consumed quickly, with a rate of 15 rounds per minute, which is much faster than traditional artillery!

According to Ferdinand's plan, the main division A is equipped with 32 divisions, and the new division B is equipped with 24 divisions. In addition, five heavy artillery regiments were formed, each with 72 guns of various calibers.

Regardless of quality, judging from the firepower alone, at the division level, they have caught up with two-thirds of the French Army in World War I. Of course, it is still far behind!

Well, who asked Ferdinand to set the strategic goal so high? Regardless of the military's requirements, is it a lion's mouth, he must approach it with all his strength!

In this regard, it has been unanimously approved by the Bulgarian government. Anyway, winning this war is the most important task in Bulgaria now!

Thousands of artillery and tens of thousands of machine guns are much stronger than the British's war against the Boers in South Africa! These are Ferdinand's greatest strengths in challenging the Ottoman Empire and whale in the Balkans!

Uh ...

At the annual inventory conference, Ferdinand was in a good mood. For Bulgaria, 1895 was another bumper year!

In terms of population, Bulgaria still maintains rapid growth. Without counting the new population, the natural population growth rate is as high as 2.73%, and the new population is about 110,000.

In fact, in 1895, another year of Bulgarian immigrants, there was a lack of sufficient labor for new land development. In order to develop the Nish area as soon as possible, the Bulgarian government introduced a total of 242,000 immigrants throughout the year.

By the end of 1895, the actual population of Bulgaria had exceeded 4.3 million, of which 3.948 million had Bulgarian nationality, and most of the rest were new immigrants, which did not meet the conditions for acquiring nationality!

In agriculture, land mergers have been curbed. By the end of 1895, the country had a total arable land area of ​​41,300 square kilometers, and the per capita arable land area remained at a high level of 0.95 hectares!

65% of them are scattered in the hands of more than 2.3 million self-cultivated farmers; the Bulgarian government is the largest landowner, holding 29% of the country's cultivated land; the remaining 6% is owned by the landlords, among which the emerging military class, Takes up a considerable proportion again!

总 The total agricultural output increased by 18% compared with 1894. Mainly due to the increase in the area of ​​arable land, and the promotion of new technologies and the construction of water conservancy projects.

With the development of new territories, Bulgaria's agriculture will maintain a high growth rate in the next few years!

At the same time, the core issue that restricts Bulgaria's agricultural development-decentralized land use-has not yet been resolved!

The key point is that Ferdinand has no plans to resolve it now. The main reason is that land mergers will cause farmers to go bankrupt, easily lead to social conflicts, and undermine Bulgaria's stability and unity!

At the end of the 19th century, the material foundation was not rich, and Ferdinand lowered the agricultural tax. For quite some time, the income level between the peasant class and the working class was not large!

In terms of living standards, many lower-income farmers actually surpassed the workers. The shortfall in industrial and agricultural scissors is not so obvious.

As for future problems, let's talk about it at that time! Anyway, maintaining social stability now is conducive to rapid population growth, and we can prepare for war to the greatest extent!

"Military merit" is the most effective way for the Bulgarian people to move to a high society and become the ruling class!

The industrial development is changing with each passing day. By the end of 1895 there were 318 large and small enterprises in Bulgaria, employing 897,600 workers and total assets of 1.75 billion levs!

Among them, there are 15 large enterprises with total assets of more than 30 million levs. Royal Bank tops the list with total assets of 350 million levs, followed by Bulgarian National Railways with total assets of 280 million levs.

There are also companies such as Shuanghui Food Group, United Commercial Bank, National Bank of Bulgaria, Bulgarian Steel Plant, Bulgarian Machinery Plant, Bulgarian Arsenal, etc. on the list!

The 15 giants together have a total of 685,000 employees, of which the Bulgarian National Railways has 342,000 workers! The total assets are as high as 1.58 billion levs, and the total assets of the remaining 300 companies add up to less than 200 million.

Monopoly capital has accounted for 90% of the total Bulgarian industry and commerce, and most other companies have survived around this group of giants!

Apart from the three major banks, all others are physical industries. Among them, three state-owned enterprises, Bulgarian Railway Company, Iron and Steel Plant, and Arsenal, have been losing money.

Well, Ferdinand was actually going to spin off the road from the railway company, but after considering the actual situation, he gave up.

If the railway company has a bright future and a loss in the early stage, then it is estimated that the road project alone will still suffer a loss even in the next century, and it will be a huge loss!

Now the performance of the car is a pitfall. On average, it runs for 30 to 40 kilometers, and it has to be repaired once. The performance is very unstable, let alone the comfort!

Now on the highway, I still run in a carriage. As for tolls, forget it! Originally, the transportation cost is high. If we come to scrape another layer, do we still need to develop the economy?