Vol 2 Chapter 39: End of the uprising

Never overestimate the discipline of politicians!

Maybe the Armenians did a good job, or maybe the Greeks acted to increase their odds. It was money and weapons, which inspired the Ottoman Greeks to launch an uprising in the Asia Minor Peninsula.

The incompetence of the Sudanese government stimulated George I's ambitions. The issue of Armenia is uncertain. Now even Constantinople is revolutionary. It seems that Ottoman is really down!

Similarly, he is now very dissatisfied with the Bulgarian ally. If not for fear of being profited by the fisherman, George I would have prepared to go it alone.

Or some people in Greece have already been unwilling to do it. As a king, it is very troublesome to suppress activists!

He instigated an uprising in the Asia Minor Peninsula is one of his methods of transferring contradictions.

In order to suppress the Armenian uprising, the Sudanese government has transferred troops from Asia Minor, and it has also given the Greeks hope.

It is important to know that at the end of the 19th century, the Greeks were the second largest ethnic group of the Ottoman Empire, with a large population, far from being comparable to the Armenians.

Once they launched an uprising on the Asia Minor Peninsula, the Greek government could immediately support them through the navy and even directly send troops to intervene.

Theoretically, as long as the insurgents can burst out Armenian fighting power, millions of Greeks revolt, Turkey's tens of thousands of armies in Asia Minor, there is no power to suppress.

If the Greek government declares war on the Ottoman Empire again, it will send troops to the Asia Minor Peninsula and cooperate with the insurgents, or it will be able to swallow this piece of fat. No matter how bad it is, Greece can get a share in Asia Minor!

As for whether the Sudanese government will send reinforcements, this can be assured! There will be reinforcements, but the number will definitely not be too much!

的 The 200,000 troops in the Balkans did not dare to move at all. If the Ottoman army moved, Bulgaria and Mentenegrow could sit? Take the fire in minutes!

And unless the Marmara Sea, the Greek Navy will not let them go. Now the main force of the Ottoman navy, but was restrained by the Bulgarian "existing navy", did not dare to leave Bosphorus for a moment. Channel!

Even if the strong soldier of the Sudanese government breaks his wrist, abandons the Balkans, walks in the Marmara Sea, and with the organizational ability of the Sudanese government, it will not be possible to enter the battle without a few months!

Not to mention the Constantinople area, the Armenian rebels are still there! Withdrawing troops now amounts to abandoning Constantinople, the Russians are coveted by it!

It is possible for the Sudanese government to abandon other parts of the Balkans. Abandoning Constantinople is totally unacceptable. Especially in the hands of the Russians, this is tantamount to sending the Black Sea Strait out for nothing!

And the rebellion must be fast. If the time is long, the rebels and the Russians will be linked together, and the fortress city will be sent directly to the Russians. The Sudanese government will have no time to cry!

Without this golden waterway, the Ottoman Empire is not far away from the collapse!

Uh ...

斐 Ferdinand didn't care how the Greeks wished the abacus. Now the main forces of the Ottoman Empire have converged on the Balkan Peninsula, so he can't help but worry!

There are Armenian rebels now, Bulgaria has not felt the pressure, and once the rebellion subsides. If these four and a half million troops remain in the Balkans, it will be very annoying!

的 Constantinople, which has at least 100,000 troops to defend, is not easily able to conquer, or it will become a war of attrition!

Now that the Ottoman Empire has blocked the Bosphorus, the Armenians have been surrounded by Constantinople, and Ferdinand could not do it if he wanted to support them.

It is a fact that sooner or later, the uprising is extinguished in a lonely city!

Jeff Ferdinand is still not sure how much the uprising brought to the Ottoman Empire, otherwise he would not be so worried!

Especially under the command of a professional like Victor Keith, the insurgents are fighting the Ottoman government forces, and the two sides have reached an endless level.

By May, the outer walls had been completely occupied, because the insurgents had emptied all the shells. Without artillery, it is naturally impossible to stop the enemy's attack!

The vulnerabilities of the Wuhe people have now been exposed. The blind expansion of the revolutionary rivalry, and now the Armenian interim government is unable to command the troops!

If it was okay before, the Ottoman army did not come in, and everyone still hopes for victory, and you can work together to work together!

But with the loss of the perimeter defenses, everyone's confidence in keeping Constantinople is gone. The point is that the intervention of the powers that the provisional government has been waiting for has passed for more than three months, and there is no shadow!

I have wine today, I am drunk, I will be sad tomorrow! Military discipline and horses are all clouds, military orders are also selectively implemented, depending on mood, this is the status quo of the insurgent army!

Even Victor Keith's nominal defensive commander, with the exception of a few thousand lines, is powerless to other troops.

Simple, he never had any illusions about the insurgents. After the defense zone is directly delineated, let it go and let it go! Anyway, they got on the thief ship and couldn't come down! The Turks are here, and they have to fight with them in order to survive!

With the bones of the city full, if the Turks don't know what is going on, they will be blind!

The atrocities of the rebels angered the Turks. Just kidding, when will the humble pariahs kill the noble masters! The rebel commander Wolf Pasha directly ordered blood debts to be paid!

The two sides no longer have room for easing, and the Turks who wanted to take revenge have already lost their eyes. Oh, they ca n't help but not kill, so many nobles have died,. If anyone dares to let go of the rebels, their relatives and friends will not let go!

Both sides were forced to the corner, even if the rebels were fighting together, they still caused a lot of damage to the Ottoman army!

Time passed in a hurry, and in June it entered June. The rebel army did not live up to the expectations of the Sudan. It had already won more than half of Constantinople, and the insurgents had been compressed to a moment.

But the commander-in-chief Wolf Pasha was not happy. The heavy casualties were only one aspect. He is a military commander, except for the soldier's loss, the other losses have little to do with him!

Since ancient times, wars have often been accompanied by epidemics, and this time is no exception. Now it has entered summer. The rancid smell of corpses permeates the city, and the plague has erupted!

In the face of the plague, Wolf Pasha could not help but worry, he immediately and withdrew from Constantinople, but the epidemic has begun to spread in the army!

Fortunately, this plague, as in history, does not spread much. In addition, Wolf Pasha blocked Constantinople and did not spread in the Ottoman Empire!

The arrival of the plague plague created opportunities for Victor Keith's run. Now that both sides are exhausted, Victor Keis easily convinced the faction in the insurgents to fight for their lives! (10,000 words omitted)

After all, after the outbreak of the plague, people die every day, and the mental stress is tremendous. Rather than waiting to die, you might as well go to the Turks and make a living!

7On July 8, 1896, the Armenian uprising lasted more than four months and ended in failure! The surviving more than 100,000 rebels launched a breakout! But the people of Wuhe are the people of Wuhe. There was no accidental breakout, and the rebel army was almost wiped out!