Vol 2 Chapter 41: Ottoman Empire in the misty weather

Europe is unstable, and Asia and Africa are not peaceful!

First, there was riots in the Gulf of Aqaba in Jordan; then there was riots in Shulia; then there was rebellion in Malatya!

In short, 1896 was a bleak year for the Ottoman Empire! After entering the 19th century, this boss empire has become increasingly powerless!

Successive uprisings have exhausted the Sudanese government and finally suppressed it, but the Ottoman Empire also paid a heavy price!

In order to suppress the uprising, the Ottoman Empire lost more than 43,000 soldiers in 1896. The pension alone is a significant expense!

The most important thing is the local destruction. Basically, the areas where the uprising broke out. In the next few years, it will be difficult for the Ottoman Empire to obtain benefits. Instead, it will need financial allocation to fill the holes!

And the insurgents also destroyed the Ottoman empire's foundation. A large number of basic officials were swept away. In order to stabilize the local government, the Sudanese government had to station heavy troops there!

These expenditures add up to make the Ottoman Empire's already fragile finances worse!

In 1896, the Ottoman Empire had a fiscal deficit of more than 16.5 million liras (about 15 million pounds, 1 lire = 6.651519 grams of gold), and it can be said that it has been on the verge of bankruptcy.

Fortunately, the Ottoman Empire had a great career and a long history. It finally survived, and marched toward 1897.

The Sudanese government may already feel that the crisis is approaching them, and the reformers have begun to grow. In fact, the reform of the Ottoman Empire has a long history. It began as early as a hundred years ago. It is specifically embodied in the military and has established a modern army!

No matter how good the system is, it needs people to implement it, in order to train enough new talents. The secularized education reforms began in the Tanzimat era. The real education reforms began during the Abdul Hamid II period (1876 to 1909). During this period, the Sudanese government vigorously developed higher education and improved The scale of running a university.

The University of Istanbul was reorganized in 1900, which is the first modern university in the Middle East. Colleges and universities adopt Western-style education, and the curriculum includes history, mathematics, and foreign languages.

Secularization is a characteristic of higher education during this period. During this period, a modern education system was established, including secular elementary and secondary schools, normal schools, and vocational schools.

The establishment of new schools has a positive impact on education and updated the traditional teaching content. In addition to traditional teaching content, these schools began to provide general knowledge of history, geography, and health at the elementary level, and added mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, civics, Turkish, French, and Persian at the secondary level.

The modern teaching of the school has greatly promoted the development of secular education. During this period, European powers not only set up businesses in Ottoman Turkey, but also established schools. The establishment of European-style school education promoted the spread of western culture.

The education reform has promoted the secularization of justice and education. The Supreme Court Code Explainer has been removed from the cabinet, the secular control of the Sharia court by the Ministry of Justice has been initiated, religious schools have been included in the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Religious Fund has been newly established.

(2) The number of secular-educated intellectuals has greatly increased. Military officers and military school students are largely urban and rural petty bourgeoisie and lower-level officials.

From among them, many civil and military officials were trained, and a new generation of national democratic revolutionaries was born. The emerging secular elites challenged the traditional power structure of Ulima and weakened the traditional religious forces.

The secularization of reforms from Tanzimat to the young Turks is only one step away from the ultimate goal of this process-separation of church and state, and the establishment of a secular state.

斐 Ferdinand did not care about the reform of the Ottoman Empire. An empire that has fallen from the roots from top to bottom. Blind reform is undoubtedly a catalyst to accelerate its demise!

Obviously the lack of Ottoman Empire is not just reform, the most important thing is the lack of execution! !! No matter how good the policy is, if the government's implementation is not enough, if it is not implemented, the opposite result may be achieved!

The Ottoman Empire is no exception. The educational reforms did not achieve the purpose intended by the Sudanese government. Instead, they gave birth to the Turkish Youth Party or the United Progressive Party.

成立 Founded in Istanbul in 1894. The original leader was Ahmed Lissa. In May 1889, a group of four medical school students in the capital established an anti-autocratic group, named the Ottoman League, and later changed its name to the League Progress Committee. The Europeans called it "Youth Turkish Party".

Soon, many young students, military officers, intellectuals, and exiles joined the party. It represents the interests of bourgeoisie and liberal landlords, advocates maintaining the territorial integrity of the Ottoman Empire, opposes autocracy, and demands the restoration of the 1876 Constitution.

年初 In early 1897, the Turkish Al-Shabaab conspired to launch a military coup and failed due to leaks. The organization of the Youth Turkish Party in the capital was destroyed, many were arrested, 13 were sentenced to death and 68 were exiled. This incident has frustrated the strategy of relying on a higher-level coup to achieve its political claims.

The emergence of the Turkish Al-Shabaab has undoubtedly shaken the foundation of the Sudanese government. A national anti-government group has established It has a clear political program!

出现 The appearance of Turkish Al-Shabaab slightly surprised Ferdinand, and then relaxed again. The current Turkish Al-Shabaab is just a toddler in Handan, and cannot dominate this huge empire!

As long as it does not affect Bulgaria's next strategy, Ferdinand is still willing to watch the Sudanese government joke!

As to whether the reforms of the catalyzed Sudanese government can succeed, Ferdinand is not optimistic about them. Once any reform has touched the interests of the ruling class, it will become extremely difficult!

Even if the Sudanese government can open it, there is nothing it can do! First of all, military reform was met with resistance from the military, and the Sudanese government did not have a strong enforcement capability.

"There are policies and measures to counter!"

At the juncture of the Sudanese government's reform, another major historical event occurred-the Greeks of Crete launched another uprising!

This uprising is different from the past. In February 1897, with the funding of the Greek government, an uprising broke out in Crete. After the uprising was successful, the insurgents announced that they would leave the Ottoman Empire and join Greece!

Well, all fools know that this is the Greek government, "Rebel Army"? If you look closely, you will find: Why are so many Greek retired soldiers involved?

Oh oh no! There are all active duty, mainly to cover the ears, the Greek government is too lazy to do it! As soon as the insurgents announced their departure from the Ottoman Empire to join Greece, the Greek government immediately welcomed it. From then on, Crete was a sacred and inviolable part of Greek territory!

After the Greek government swore sovereignty on Crete, the navy landed directly on Crete, accompanied by two regiments of the Greek Army, in order to clear the remaining forces of the Ottoman Empire on Crete!