Vol 2 Chapter 43: Aspect

George I's mood is very unbalanced now. He was also engaged in the Ottoman Empire. Bulgaria did a lot of things without any problems. Greece's turn was different. A Crete uprising held Greece in place. Makes him a tough ride!

George I asked in a depressed mood: "The Minister of Foreign Affairs, contact Bulgaria and Mentenegrow and ask them to implement the covenant. I want a clear reply from Bulgaria. Is there a problem?"

Well, weak countries have no human rights, and Mentenegrow is only incidental. Who tells them to have fewer soldiers?

The Foreign Minister solemnly said, "No!"

George I nodded with satisfaction. Whether Bulgaria will participate in the war or not, this question does not need to be considered at all, it is only a matter of time, or how much benefit it wants!

George I asked again, "Prime Minister, how is the domestic preparations? If only we can now wage war on the Ottoman Empire?"

The Prime Minister's face was slightly pale, and he said cautiously: "I'm afraid this is still difficult. We were not ready for war! When the Balkan Alliance was established before, the Bulgarians demanded that the time of war be put back in 1900. It is also done according to this plan.

Not only us, but even Mentenegrow and Bulgaria have formulated a set of plans to fight against Ottoman in 1900. It is estimated that their combat readiness is not much better than us!

Alas, Bulgaria 's reserve training is going faster, and it started all over last year. If the war breaks out now, their mobilization capabilities should be fine! "

George I changed his face. This is the biggest bad news. Not only is Greece not ready for war, neither of its allies is the same!

After thinking about it, George I said, "Not only are we not ready? The Ottoman Empire is not much better. The uprising in the Ottoman Empire in the past two or three years is endless. I don't believe they are now ready for war!

We all have a plan, right? Start national mobilization now. How much time do we need to complete?

多少 How many troops can we mobilize in the extreme state? How long can the strategic material reserve support? How long can government finance support the war? "

The Prime Minister 想 thought for a while and said, "In theory, under the circumstances of national mobilization, we can mobilize 250,000 troops, but because we have not received professional training, we have only 110,000 Army in the short term!

The situation of the navy is better. Due to the existence of the Bulgarian fleet, the main force of the navy of the Ottoman Empire was dragged in the Bosphorus. Our pressure is not great!

Strategic materials, this is a bit troublesome. Under the high-intensity combat situation of the 250,000 Army, our current reserves can only support up to two months!

Of course, this problem is not too big, we can also buy from British, French, Italian, and can still be solved!

The trouble is money. The government's fiscal revenue has always been bad, especially in the past few years after the economic crisis broke out. The finances have been in deficit! "

George I nodded, the strategic reserves were insufficient. The simple one, based on the geographical location of Greece, could be bought! Even during the war embargo on countries, as long as there is money, capitalists will always think of a way!

No money is a headache, Greece's financial problems have a long history, no money is normal, but it is difficult to solve the financial problems!

And what he is more worried about now is the attitude of Bulgaria. If the Bulgarians are not ready to participate in the war immediately, then without the main force of Bulgaria to contain the Ottoman Empire, the pressure on the Greek Army will be too great!

George I sighed and said, "After Bulgaria makes a decision, let us decide whether to declare war on the Ottoman Empire!

Now mobilize nationwide first, in addition, the Ministry of Finance must find a way to raise a sum of war funding! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs first approached the major powers to purchase strategic materials. Whether we fight in the end or not, we must be prepared for war! "

Uh ...

In fact, just by looking at the preparation of George I, we know that the war is settled. The strength of the main domestic factions in Greece has occupied a dominant position. Even if they do not fight this time, they will still make other excuses to declare war!

The preparation of the Greeks let Ferdinand's hanging heart relax. Regardless of George I's willingness, Greece must be the first bird this time!

The Greeks asked Bulgaria to fulfill the obligations of their allies, and Ferdinand immediately stated that there is no problem, so they can rest assured that Bulgaria will definitely do as required by the covenant!

This is a miserable Greek ambassador to Bulgaria, as required by the covenant? The war broke out in advance, Bulgaria will join the war within three months? If this is the case, Greece will be the head of injustice! As a result, how can he make a difference to China?

Then there was another verbal battle. The Bulgarian government agreed to make concessions. Ferdinand said that if the Greek government can drag the declaration of war to the next year, Bulgaria can declare war at the same time!

Isn't it kidding that George I scolded his mother so badly? Can this be decided by the Greek government? Even if the Greeks were willing to wait, the Ottoman Empire had to agree!

After this round of bargaining, the Ottoman Empire is also preparing for war, and the Greek government knows that it cannot be dragged on. Otherwise, it is estimated that the fighting has broken out, and the two sides still can't reach a conclusion!

The Greek government has given up the demand for Bulgaria to join the war immediately, of course, Bulgaria cannot really wait for three months to join the war.

In the end, the two sides reached a compromise. As soon as the war broke out, Bulgaria must mobilize nationwide to contain the Ottoman army, and within 15 days after the war began, declare war on the Ottoman Empire and launch an attack!

At the same time, the envoys of the Ottoman Empire also arrived in Sofia, demanding that Bulgaria remain neutral in the war. In return, the Ottomans agreed to reduce tariffs on Bulgaria!

Well, the difference between the asking price of the two sides is too big, Ferdinand was directly thrown to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to deal with it, it is impossible to talk about the results with the Ottoman Empire anyway.

In order for the Ottoman Empire and Greece to enter the country earlier, Ferdinand added something to both sides. Very simple operation, it is hype!

In this era, it is safe to speculate on such public opinion, there is no need to worry about being discovered!

"Well, patriotic intellectuals!"

吹 Advocate the Greek threat in the Ottoman Empire Describe Greece as a **** of powers, it is a chess piece for the great Ottomans to divide up the great Ottomans!

I ask the Ottoman government to destroy the evil Greek government to deter the big powers that are watching!

If you compromise with Greece, it will cause a wave of division among the powers, and the Ottoman Empire will be over!

All in all, Greece is evil and must be eliminated. Whoever dares to be the traitor is a traitor, and the slogan "Tianji traitor" has been called out!

As soon as these theories were proposed, they were widely recognized by all circles of the Ottoman Empire. These contents originally existed, but they were not so serious in the newspaper!

Since it exists, finding evidence is simple. It has led a wave of Bulgarian intelligence personnel in public opinion, and it has also become a patriotic intellectual in the Ottoman Empire!

Propaganda in Greece is similar, just changed a version. The Crete uprising planned by the Greek government has been described as a national liberation movement in Greece.

He also preached that "the liberation of all Greeks under the slavery of the Ottoman Empire is the greatest sacred mission of contemporary Greek youth!"

Well, this slogan caters well to the enthusiastic youth of Greece, and it is also in the interest of the main war faction. So soon it was used by politicians. Opposition parties have taken it as a campaign slogan!

Jeff Ferdinand made people in the 19th century understand "what is the meaning of the people!" Of course, in this era, no one really saw it. Even if it was seen to be bad for the government, they thought it was the scream of the patriotic youth!

Patriotic is sinless! !! When countless young students took to the streets and asked the government to defend national sovereignty, everything was too late!