Vol 2 Chapter 46: , Fu Wushuang is not a single line of misfortune (2 in 1)

"Not only are strategic supplies in short supply, our fiscal deficit has not yet been resolved. Although the war has just begun, we have to consider it!

If there is insufficient material reserves, we can still import, but if there is no money, I'm afraid I can do nothing!

The Ministry of Finance has done everything to raise funds! The European consortium is not optimistic that we can win the war, and the loan cannot be negotiated at all!

Bonds are also cold in the international market. So far, the bonds we sell are completely unsold, even if we have raised the interest rate to 20%!

I can only sell some in China, less than 10 million drachmas (about 400,000 pounds), which is undoubtedly a huge loss for huge expenses!

In order to win the war, we have already ordered a large number of materials from European countries, which has consumed our large foreign exchange reserves. In the later period, we have to use some gold reserves to solve it!

From the current point of view, the war may not end in a short time. If we cannot solve the financial problem, we will go bankrupt in the near future! Just after the words of the Minister of War were finished, the Minister of Finance poured another pot of cold water on George I!

The Minister of Finance is only raising expenditures, not raising income. Everyone knows that in order to raise funds, the Greek government has levied a war tax long ago, and other tax rates have also increased significantly. The government's fiscal revenue has actually increased!

But I ca n't hold back more debts before, and international loans are as high as 700 million Dramak (about 28 million pounds)! There is also a pile of debt, and other messy debts of no less than 500 million drammarks!

The above are owed by the Greek central government, and the arrears of local government are not a small number!

How much is the fiscal revenue of the Greek government? ? Definitely an incredible number-less than 110 million dramac!

Even if it is calculated at an interest rate of 5%, the annual interest support is more than half of fiscal revenue! !! This is why the Greek government went bankrupt after the defeat of the Greek-Turkish war!

No matter how you fight, you still have to pay the debt! The 19th-century powers were not vegetarian. Even if the Greeks declared bankruptcy, their debts were still indispensable!

No matter what, now George I is absolutely afraid to play bankruptcy!

Otherwise, the great powers would take the finances and dare to directly lay off the army and navy. How could this battle be fought?

George I looked at everyone with a bitter smile and said, "What else can everyone do? Let's talk about it! No matter how much you pay, let's get through this moment!"

Increase tax? This will not work, now the folks can't bear it anymore!

Loans? Who will borrow it now? The Greek government's fiscal revenue is so bad. Even if it wins the war, it can't pay such a huge debt. The most important thing is that it can't take out an exciting mortgage now!

Bond? Isn't it selling? No one wants 20% interest!

Uh ...

念 One thought came to everyone's mind and was rejected again!

These are the faults of the previous few. All the tricks to raise money have been used. Tariffs, minerals, road rights, and various fiscal taxes, as long as they can be mortgaged, are almost all mortgaged!

Including the government buildings used by the current government, they have been mortgaged to capitalists. The current Greek government can be said to be really poor!

Seeing that everyone was silent, George I's face was gloomy. The Prime Minister knew that he couldn't hide away, and it was better to stand up than to be named!


The Prime Minister sighed and said, "From the current situation, we can only use the reserve of gold in the short term to respond! In addition, we need to end the war as soon as possible, and this depends on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!

Our army is not as powerful as imagined!

To win this war, you can only pin your hopes on your allies!

What we have to do now is to use diplomatic means to urge Bulgaria and Mentenegrow to join the war as soon as possible. In terms of loot splits, we can make concessions! "

George I nodded his head and was about to say something, but suddenly found out that he was being tricked by the Prime Minister!

On the surface, it seems that a suggestion has been made, but essentially nothing has been said!

Financial crisis, the solution is no! The use of reserve gold has already been done, and everyone has lost sight of the consequences. The big Dirkmark collapsed, the harm is second only to the failure of the war!

结束 End the war as soon as possible? Who doesn't want it? Now it is clear that the Greek army could not do the Ottomans. Even if allies joined, the outcome was unpredictable! If possible, everyone would rather this war not happen!

Diplomacy? Hell, didn't you just fail? Concessions on loot? Let that step go?

George I is also a man who has been a king for many years, and the expression of dissatisfaction flashed, and he continued to ask: "Then Prime Minister, do you think we can make concessions in those areas? What is the bottom line?"

The Prime Minister, who thought he had escaped a disaster, now has a bitter face, as if everyone owed him money!

He hurriedly said, "This ~~, I think ~~ We have wrongly estimated the strength of the Ottoman Empire this time, and I am afraid that it will not work if we want to achieve the booking goal!

Instead of that, let's give Bulgaria those things that are out of hand, in exchange for them to participate in the war in advance, and reduce our losses! "

The most worrying thing about George I happened. Even the Prime Minister lost confidence in this war. The thoughts of others can be imagined!

What about the officers and men on the front line? Are they still hopeful for the victory of this war?

There are also Bulgaria and Mentenegrow. If they also have no hope for war, does that mean that they will tear up the covenant?

So what should Greece do in this war? How to end the war decently? Where should Greece go in the future?

George I 's idea, everyone does n't know, but they are very interested in the Prime Minister 's proposal. In any case, let 's drag our allies into the water first.

It is better for the three to face the Ottoman Empire together than Greece alone! Even if they lose the war, some people will back it up, better than the Greek family's bad luck!

The Minister of War immediately remarked and echoed. What about the frontline problem? Others are not clear. Is he still not clear?

王子 Prince Constantine's call for help will be called dozens of times a day; the Greek army in Ioannina region did not need to send troops, but the situation is even worse, the supply of supplies is not available!

The food is okay. You can collect it on-site. Weapons and ammunition can't be helped. It depends on the rear supply! It 's okay not to move, just in case, if there is a big battle with the Ottomans, the gun in your hand will become a burning stick!

Now the soldiers only have more than seventy bullets per capita. It sounds pretty good. You will find it in a battle. It 's really not enough!

But the logistics supply line is not so stable. Because the time is too short, the Greek army has no time to clean up the place, and some remote areas of the Ottoman government still keep it!

If it wasn't for the Ottoman Empire, the Greek army on the frontline of Anaina might have been completely cut off from the logistics supply line!

Of course, it is also related to the poor logistics of the Greeks. Even if there is no obstacle, the logistics supply can not be guaranteed! Who told the Ottoman Empire not to pay attention to traffic in this area?

So far, it has been almost a week since the start of the war. After the start of the war, the troops have not yet received a supply!

Now more than 100,000 Greek troops on the front line of Epirus are being beaten by 40,000 to 50,000 Ottoman troops. It is not that they cannot defeat the enemy. There are too few guys in their hands to dare to fight!

Unless the enemy can be wiped out or destroyed in one go, or the war continues, the Greek army will have to hold a bayonet with a burning stick!

Uh ...

At the time when the Greek government was worried about the war, something had happened on the front line!

The Epirus region is okay. In any case, there are so many Greek troops. They are defending in situ. The Ottoman army is not strong enough and they dare not attack fully.

The problem lies in the Krikala city defense line. The Ottoman Empire's garrison in the Uppsani area has arrived to reinforce! Although there are only a few thousand people, appearing in a specific place is enough to change a war!

Ed Hepasha had enough troops in his hands. He directly ordered the two regiments to attack Karditsa and threaten the rear of Prince Constantine!

The commander of the reinforcements, Colonel Pasha, is a rare young man in the Ottoman army. The typical newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!

知道 He knew that with two regiments in his own hands, under normal circumstances, it was no wonder that Karditsa, who wanted to capture the key defense of the Greek army, was a dream!

Moreover, the order given by General Edeppasha was just an attack, and it did not allow him to capture Karditsa, which is enough to explain the problem!

Colonel Pasha did something that attracted the world 's attention, went straight into the army, detoured to the back of Karditsa, and caused damage!

4On April 25, 1897, at noon, a regiment under Colonel Pasha, outside Karditsa, met with the Greek army's logistics transport team by accident.

There is no doubt that the enemy has done it! A fierce battle broke out on both sides, and the defenders of Karditsa heard the news and immediately organized infantry to rush to the battlefield to reinforce.

It is a pity that the logistics transport team is a miscellaneous card among the Greek army. With an army of more than 300 people and a group of civilians, it has become a rival of thousands.

Even if they are heroic, they will end in defeat after half an hour of fighting against the more regular Ottoman army.

When the reinforcements arrived, only a body was left, and the materials that could be taken away were taken away by the Ottomans. A few bombs that could not be taken away were done!

In order to trouble the Greeks, Colonel Pasha also came up with a damage trick and gave each prisoner a bullet. Don't get me wrong, he didn't kill the prisoners!

The slugs were hit on the legs, but the captives were turned into wounded and left in place! Of course, those who resisted were not in this list, and all were sent to see God!

This is just the beginning. In the following time, the Ottoman army did the same. In just two or three days, Prince Constantine harvested 4,000 or 5,000 wounded, and the logistics supply line collapsed!

In the 19th century, lack of medicine and medicine, being injured by a bullet was not a simple matter! Even on the leg, many people will face a cruel multiple choice question: amputation to save their lives; or choose to gamble, betting on a wound will be inflamed!

Don't expect the wound to just scratch the skin, and the grievances between the Ottoman Empire and the Greeks will not be a day or two!

There was no doubt that the bullets were hit on the bones. In addition, they did not come to receive treatment in time. In fact, Prince Constantine harvested a group of seriously injured people who could die at any time!

Looking at the sorrowing wounded, Prince Constantine couldn't help but scold him: "Get off! This group of beasts is not as good as animals! How can you do this? God will not let them go, This **** group will go to hell! ... "

It wasn't just him. All the Greeks present were all enemies. The approach of Colonel Pasha had broken their bottom line and completely angered the Greeks.

Anger is the greatest enemy of human beings, and it will affect human's rational judgment!

In order to get revenge and to get through the supply line, Prince Constantine gritted his teeth and transferred a division's reinforcements from the front to go and siege Colonel Pasha's lone army!

There are a lot of woods in Karditsa city more than ten miles away. This wood is the camp of the Ottoman army, which is part of Pasha. The reason why com chose here is of course because it is easy to defend and run!

I have done such a big thing, what if the Greeks did not retaliate? Of course, if the Greeks really drafted their troops from the front line, they are also following the idea of ​​Pasha, after all, his task is to add chaos to the Greeks!

Originally, the Greek army was at a disadvantage in terms of strength. Once it was adjusted again, the defense line would inevitably be leaked, which created opportunities for the frontline Ottoman army!

If Prince Constantine can hold his breath, it doesn't matter. Continue to stop the road robbery business. Anyway, as long as the logistics supply line is cut off, the frontline Greek army will sooner or later die!

As for whether the Greeks will detour, profile Pasha is not worried at all! If the detour is no doubt lengthening the supply line and increasing the distance by a few hundred miles, it is estimated that the frontline Greek commander will cry!

Because the ammunition in their hands was running low, Ed Hepasha did not fight against them with his superior strength, but instead started a war of attrition, grinding with the Greek army a little, just to consume their ammunition!

In just a few days, the material reserves in Prince Constantine's hands have been reduced again. According to the current level of consumption, if the supply line cannot be opened as soon as possible, half a month later, he will face the end of a run-out!

It was a conspiracy, and the Greeks had to follow the Ottoman plan.

From the moment Prince Constantine deployed his troops from the front, the fate of the Greek army was locked!

The changes on the Greek defense line cannot be hidden from the Ottomans. After confirming that the Greeks had one less division, he knew that the long-awaited fighter plane had finally arrived!

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