Vol 2 Chapter 50: Army establishment

120mm cannon, imported from France, production or service year: 1878/1916

Caliber: 120mm

Gun barrel length: 27 / 20.3 times caliber

High and low shooting range: 0 degrees ~ +30 degrees

Horizontal shooting range: 0 degrees

Shotgun weight: (18 ~ 20) kg

Pluto ammunition muzzle velocity: (265 ~ 613) (570?) M / sec Weight: 3740/3750 ~ 3850 / 2700kg Maximum range: 124000m

155mm cannon imported from France, production or service year: 1877/1916

Caliber: 155mm

Gun barrel length: 27 times caliber

High and low shooting range: -26 degrees to +26 degrees

Horizontal shooting range: 0 degrees

Shotgun weight: (40 ~ 43.6) kg

Muzzle velocity: 561 (517?) M / sec

Weight: (5700 ~ 6500) kg

Maximum range: 12700m

No wonder why artillery, Ferdinand are all French!

The reason is simple. Even in the late 19th century when the technical blockade was not tight, the export of heavy artillery was strictly controlled by the big powers. Under normal circumstances, it will not be exported on a large scale!

The international environment at the time, only two Russia and France were able to export to Bulgaria on a large scale!

In fact, the 1877-style 87mm field gun that the Russians and Germans cooperated with was also very good, but his caliber was too close to Miss 75, and the rate of fire was too large. The overall performance was much worse. Miss 75 in history But used World War II!

As for the other artillery in Russia, either it was not born or its performance was not comparable to that of the French, and it was able to serve until World War I. In 1897, it was an absolute world-leading level!

As for the imitation, the Bulgarian arsenal has also done it before, because the cost is too high to achieve mass production, it can only be bought!

In order to solve the lack of firepower in melee, Ferdinand even even fired the idea of ​​mortar! It is possible that the Bulgarian arsenal's technology is not enough, and it has been developed. As in the history of mortars just born, it is prone to accidents and seriously threatens the safety of artillery! Due to performance and instability, the military rejected it!

Finally, at the insistence of Ferdinand, the old 47mm navy mortar gun was converted to a wheeled turret and fired a long tail shell at a high elevation angle.

The mass of the full bomb is 11.5kg, the range is 50 ~ 400m, and the shooting angle is 45 ° ~ 65 °. Such primitive mortars will always be reluctantly accepted by the military!

The main reason is that the military thought it was good to use machine guns, so it was accepted! Because of its low cost and simple production technology, it was attracted by General Popov's infantry origin and equipped to the infantry battalion!

Seeing this result, Ferdinand did not know whether to cry or laugh. The famous mortars of later generations were disappointed by the artillery as soon as they came out, but they were favored by the infantry!

Well, for the artillery, this old-fashioned 47mm navy mortar gun has a small power, a short range, and a slow rate of fire, which is far less than the Bulgarian 1895 75mm field gun, which is nothing to them!

Well, Ferdinand's military level is limited to mouth guns, so the equipment is unreasonable for the moment. After all, it is the end of the 19th century, and the opponent is a chicken. Let the army do it!

After listening to the preliminary introduction of the chief of staff, everyone did not react very much! The military has known for a long time that the civilian group has a self-knowledge and dare not interfere indiscriminately!

Ferdinand nodded, drew a circle on the map, and continued to ask: "If we are to rely on Istanbul, Macedonia, Kosovo, Thrace, and most of Albania, we will drive Turkey out of Europe. Go, purely military, what are the difficulties? "

Chief of Staff Petrov said in embarrassment: "Every other area is easy to handle, but in the Bosphorus and Dardanelles, the Turkish people deployed a large number of shore guns, which will cause serious damage to our army. Threat!

If these shore guns cannot be solved, even if we capture Constantinople, we can only be beaten passively! "

Silenced for a moment, Ferdinand said, "If you want to solve the Turks' shore guns, unless you can land in Asia Minor, I'm afraid it can't be completely eliminated!

If we also use a lot of large-caliber artillery, it is more powerful than the Ottoman Empire deployed, and it is not feasible to confront the Turks? "

Petrov thought for a while and said, "In theory, it is feasible to deal with artillery. As long as the firepower has an advantage, it is possible to destroy most of the shore guns at any cost!

After all, most of the shore guns deployed by the Ottoman Empire were aimed at the straits. The threat on land was not taken into account, and the defense capabilities were not very strong!

If the navy can bear a certain amount of loss, it can still storm the Marmar Sea. As long as it defeats the navy of the Ottoman Empire, the Turks will have to admit defeat!

But it is difficult for us to get so many large-caliber artillery in a short time now? Even our five heavy artillery regiments, I am afraid, cannot suppress the Turks! "

Ferdinand nodded, he knew that the Black Sea Strait was not easy to get through!

Xun Jun did not see World War I in history. The Allies fell into a stalemate on the western front. In order to make a breakthrough on the moving front, he launched the Battle of Dardanelles.

In the Allies, 500,000 soldiers have crossed the ocean to the Gallipoli Peninsula. After nearly 11 months of fighting, about 53,000 people died, 96,937 were injured and still failed!

In the past century, the Russians have launched many Russian-Turkish wars in order to open up the Black Sea Strait.

But the Russians have not given up! It's not that the bear's head is flooded!

Instead, the Russian Empire has more than half of the sea transportation, all of which go to the Black Sea Strait, and have to fight!

Thinking of this, Ferdinand's mood suddenly relaxed, and he smiled and said, "We can't take it out, but the Russians have it. I guess they are waiting for us?"

Don't look at Russia's poor performance in the "Japanese-Russian War" and "World War I", underestimate the Russians!

Jeff Ferdinand knew very well that Nicholas II was definitely not the "idiot", "despotism, stubbornness" described in the textbook. On the contrary, he was very clever and a reformist!

Unfortunately, Nicholas II was a failed reformer in history The external expansion to transfer internal contradictions happened to fail again!

The way that Jeff Ferdinand can think of, the Russians are not ideal! In fact, if it is not restricted by national strength, the Bulgarian General Staff has already come up with a perfect plan!

Uh ...

During the Bulgarian deliberations, the Russian government as far away as St. Petersburg was also very concerned about the direction of this war.

Nicholas II looked at the report and said with a smile: "It seems that the Turks have really fallen, it has been so long, and they have not even got a decent record!"

Everyone laughed. Russia was originally a pair of old enemies. When they saw the unlucky enemies, they were unreasonable!

"Bulgarians are coming to an end? Ferdinand's patience is so good. Doesn't he have any worries about the defeat of the Greeks and face the Ottoman army alone?" Nicholas II asked again

The Minister of War said respectfully: "His great czar, this war came so suddenly, the Bulgarians need time to prepare!

Also, the Greeks and the Turks have been fighting for less than ten days. If the Greeks were defeated so soon, there would be little effect in joining them!

The Bulgarians are now planning to let the Greeks delay their mobilization, and by the way consume the strength of the Turks. If the Greeks lose, there will be one less opponent for the loot! "

The Minister of the Navy said with a smile: "I am afraid that is not the case! Our attitude is the key to making this decision in Bulgaria!

After all, as long as they capture Constantinople and let our navy enter the Marmara Sea to defeat the Ottoman navy, the Ottoman army in the Balkans will become rootless. It will sooner or later be lost! "