Vol 2 Chapter 52: Battle

"The Greek King George I personally sent a call for help asking us to join the war immediately, or they would have to negotiate with the Ottoman Empire alone!"

Chekov laughed and said, "The Greeks know they are in a hurry now! Unfortunately, they haven't figured out the situation yet. Is this going to threaten us with withdrawal from the war?"

Everyone laughed, it was a gloating expression!

Constantine said with a smile: "Greece still has a role, at least people still hold Ottoman's hundreds of thousands of troops, there is no merit and hard work, we still do not want to fight their enthusiasm!"

Ferdinand added: "Yes, the courageous spirit of the Greek government is still worth encouraging! So, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a call back to George I and said that we will soon join the war. We are now formulating a combat plan and will join the war as soon as it is completed! "

Foreign Minister Metiev said in a dilemma: "My Excellency, this is not good! The Greeks are still allies now, and there must be a specific time for participation in the war?"

Jeff Ferdinand thought about it and said cautiously, "then three days!

I told George I to hold them back, we Bulgaria are responsible allies, and we will definitely join the war in three days!

For three days, I hope that the Ottomans are not so incompetent and can handle the Cyrillic Army! "

Mie Jiefu was unable to speak up, and wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh. If Ferdinand's words are not added later, it is indeed like that. Adding the latter sentence, there is something ~~~

What is the mood of George I, Ferdinand doesn't care. Three days passed in a hurry, according to the agreement today is Bulgaria's day of war.

保加利亚 On May 3, 1897, Bulgaria issued a 24-hour pass to the Ottoman Empire.

The core content is: requesting the Sudanese government to return and occupy the territory of Bulgaria, that is, the entire territory of the Ottoman Empire in Europe, and to compensate economic losses by two billion pounds!

Anyway, the second Bulgarian empire was indeed destroyed by the Ottomans for five hundred years. Now Bulgaria is independent. Take back the homeland to the Ottoman empire and find them to compensate for the loss. No fault!

Of course, there are many contents of Tongtong. From more than 500 years ago to the present, the enumeration and resentment among Baotu are listed in detail. There are more than 100 pages in total.

I do n't know what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs thinks. It is estimated that the Sudanese government may not be able to read the content in 24 hours!

However, these are not important anyway. After all, the Balkan area is lively. Following the Greek-Turkish war, Bulgaria joined in to declare war on the Ottoman Empire.

The matter is not over yet, Mentenegrow also jumped out to brush the sense of existence. On the day that Bulgaria declared war, it also issued an ultimatum to the Ottoman Empire!

Europeans instantly turned into melon eaters, commenting on the world while watching the excitement!

According to unscrupulous media, the Balkans have a tradition of three years and one small war and ten years of one world war. In addition to the two wars in the past ten years, the rest of the time were generally peaceful, and it should have been a long time!

Public opinion is not important. The Sudanese government, which is aware of the situation, is now having a headache. It seems that Greece is about to be leveled up. Bulgaria and Mentenegrow have jumped out again!

But the Sudanese government is much more arrogant than seeking the country and directly rejected it. In a word: you can fight if you want to fight!

拒绝 After the Sudanese government refused, on May 4, 1897, Ferdinand authorized the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to submit a war book to the Ottoman Empire; the next day, Mentenegrow declared war on the Ottoman Empire, and the Balkan War broke out!

At the same time as the submission of the war books, the Bulgarian army began to act.

Different from the first Balkan war in history, when the 630,000 troops of the alliance fought against 500,000 Ottoman troops (350,000 in Bulgaria, 150,000 in Serbia, 100,000 in Greece, and 30,000 in Nette Negro), this time it was almost Bulgaria Head to head with native chicken!

In 1897, the Ottoman Empire had about 450,000 troops in the Balkans, which killed the Greeks. The Ottoman Empire also paid a lot of damage, and the number of troops fell to about 400,000.

In order to win this war, Bulgaria mobilized a total of 600,000 troops. Mentenegrow mobilized about 30,000 troops as in history. In addition to the already crippled Greece, the Balkan Union still has an absolute military advantage!

保加利亚 On May 4th, the Bulgarian soldiers divided into five routes and launched a comprehensive attack on the Ottoman Empire!

The first route: the Bulgarian First Army, consisting of five first divisions, five second divisions, five heavy artillery regiments, two cavalry regiments, and two engineering divisions. The total army is about 184,000 (combat troops 156,000).

Including: Bulgarian First Division, Eighth Division, Ninth Division, Tenth Division, First Guards Division, New Eleventh to Fourteenth Division, Heavy Artillery One, Two, Three, Four, and Five Regiments, Cavalry One Regiments, two regiments, the first and second divisions of the engineer!

主 Military Officer: Lieutenant General Popov as Commander of the Army, Major General Petrov as Chief of Staff

Strategic Objective: Thrace (located south of the Balkan Mountains, north of the Aegean Sea, west of Macedonia, east of the Black Sea, and southeast of the Turkish Strait.)

Note: Thrace includes what is now southern Bulgaria (North Thrace), northern Greece (West Thrace), and the European part of Turkey (East Thrace)

Second Road: Bulgarian Second Army, consisting of three Class A divisions, five Class B divisions, two heavy artillery regiments, one cavalry regiment, and three engineer divisions, with an army of approximately 165,000 (combat troops approximately 130,000) .

Including: Bulgarian Second, Third, Fourth Division, the new 15th to 19th Division, the 6th and 7th Regiments of the Heavy Artillery, the 3rd Cavalry Regiment, and the 3rd, 4th and 5th Divisions of the Engineers!

Military Officer: Lieutenant General Dante Kristof, Group Commander, Andre Blaskov, Chief of Staff

Strategic Objectives: Macedonia (Republic of Macedonia and Central Macedonia, Western Macedonia, Eastern Macedonia, Northern Greece), Thessaloniki, Epirus, Albania

Third Road: The Third Army of Bulgaria consists of a first division, a second division, and an engineering division, with about 42,000 troops (about 31,000 soldiers).

Includes: the Second Guards Division, the new 20th Division, and the 6th Engineer Division!

主 Military Officer: Major General Ilya Dimitev as Group Army Commander, and Vicho Dikov as Chief of Staff

Strategic goals: Kosovo, Albania

Fourth Road, the 6th Division of Bulgaria + 1 Engineer Corps, about 19,000 people.

主 Military Officer: Division Chief George Ivanov, Division Chief of Staff Stefan Bogdanov

Strategic goal: Cross the Rhodope Mountains and kill the Aegean Sea

Fifth Road, Bulgarian 7th Division + 1 Engineer Corps, about 19,000 people

Military Officer: Division Chief Parif Khristov, Division Chief of Staff Stoyu Bradyslov

Strategic objective: Cross the Rhodope Mountains and enter the Macedonia region along the Struma River

As for the remaining first division (fifth division) and eight second divisions (newly created twenty-one to twenty-eight divisions), there is no doubt that it is the general reserve team, and of course they are staying to see the family!

Otherwise, like during the Second Balkan War, Bulgaria did its best, leaving no housekeeping troops, squinted by Romania, and lost so fast!

Of course, Ferdinand will learn a lesson, leaving nine divisions and a heavy artillery regiment, about 140,000 troops, not to mention defense, even if heads-up with Romania is enough!

Note: The engineering division is a single line and is not counted in the 600,000 main force!