Vol 2 Chapter 54: Battle of the Karagaki River

At the beginning of the decisive battle, the Ottoman army was beaten! The 75mm field gun with its super-human rate of fire, instantly hit the Ottoman can't lift his head!

Thousands of artillery shells are scattered on the Ottoman positions every minute, tearing Wolf Pasha's carefully prepared defense line to pieces!

Under the shadow of night, a field of the Bulgarian Ninth Division was relocated here on a field on the southern bank of the Karagach River.

Major General Kirill of the Ninth Division, looking at the battle map, asked: "Are the units in place? How is the artillery regiment prepared?"

The deputy replied: "All the troops are in place, the artillery regiment has been deployed and the final commissioning is underway!"

Kirill thought for a while and said, "Send someone to investigate the enemy again!"

"Yes!" The aide replied affirmatively

The chief of staff asked in doubt: "You have too much heart! Haven't the enemy's position coordinates been clearly marked by the intelligence department and sent over? The group headquarters has also sent someone to verify, can you still believe it?"

Kirill shook his head and said, "It's not that I can't believe them. The battlefield is ever-changing. In a short time, the position of the Ottoman army cannot change greatly, but small changes are still possible!

Even if the enemy moves the camp by one hundred and eighty meters, the accuracy of our artillery will be greatly reduced! There is a heavy artillery regiment at the headquarters, and the one hundred and eighty meters is not an error at all for them!

This is also a problem that all commanders tend to make. As long as the approximate location is determined, and whether the enemy can be hit or not, the shells must be hit!

The great powers of the great powers have great careers. If one shell fails, one hundred shells will pass. If not, one thousand shells will surely kill the enemy.

And post-war statistics never question the process of shelling and the shells consumed. They only care about whether they have completed their missions and whether they have destroyed the enemy.

But we can't! Bulgaria has a weak foundation. For this war, our ammunition factory has been rushing for several years to store ammunition, and we cannot afford to waste it! "

The chief of staff thought for a while and said, "I understand a little, why the Archduke valued you so much! You can find these detailed questions and have to serve them!"

Kirill smiled and said, "I thought you would say, am I scared?"

The chief of staff shook his head and smiled and said, "How is it possible! Who in the Bulgarian army has not had a hard time? That is, conditions have been better in recent years. When I was the commander of the regimenta, I often had trouble getting even the troops and men. For a long time, I didn't even know what the cannon looked like! "

After that, the two looked at each other and smiled!

After a moment of effort, the chief of staff said solemnly: "Do you dare to gamble big?"

"Do you mean a night attack?" Kirill asked after thinking about it.

The chief of staff shook his head and said, "It's not a night attack. I plan to launch a general attack tonight, cover the river by night, and hit the enemy by surprise!"

Kirill was silent for a moment and said, "You are a lunatic!"

The chief of staff laughed: "Crazy, maybe! I succeed when I am a genius, and if I fail, I am a lunatic. A lunatic and a genius are often only on the front line!"

"I've heard that your staff is full of lunatics. Today I am an eye-opener! Well, I bet this time!" Kirill said cautiously.

"Bet? I didn't expect that not only I was a lunatic, but when did you, the prudent faction in the army, become so aggressive?" The chief of staff asked in confusion.

Kirill said coldly, "Well, I'm not as conservative as you are! In addition, we launched a surprise attack tonight, and the risk is not as great as expected!

What is the opposite Ottoman army, do you not know? We are also training overnight, but they are 'strong soldiers trained on the 10th'. What 's so scary! "

The chief of staff smiled and said, "You are still Kirill I know! Yes, now is the time when the Ottomans are most lax in defense. As long as normal people would not expect, we will launch a total attack today!

And even if it fails, it's a big deal to return and wait for the main force to come over and fight again! If it was fortunate to cross the river, the Ottoman army in front of us is the meat on the chopping board! "


At this time, the major Ottoman army on duty, Major Etol Pasha, had been restless, and his right eyelid kept jumping. According to the tradition of the Eastern world, the right eye jumped. This is an ominous omen!

Major General Etor Pasha has received a new education and does not agree with this statement!

"Maybe it's been too tired lately!" Etor Pasha thought

"Are there any abnormalities?" Etor Pasha asked

The deputy replied: "Until now, everything is normal and nothing abnormal!"

"Where's the Bulgarian opposite?" Etor Pasha asked unwillingly.

The deputy replied: "The Bulgarian army stationed opposite is the ninth division that has just arrived this afternoon. We are now busy camping and camping. We have launched several raids while they are not stable, but they have failed!"

Etor Pasha shook his head, thinking that it seemed like he was thinking too much. A total of four divisions and 50,000 troops were deployed in the Ottoman Empire along the Karagachi River. Even if the Bulgarian army is even more powerful, it makes no sense. The reason to launch an attack with only one main division!


In the early hours of the morning, a Bulgarian army advance team, followed by night cover, quietly crossed the lower reaches of the Karagachi River!

The crossing site was chosen very cleverly, and there were large swaths of reeds on both sides. It's May now, and the reeds are lush.

The breeze of the road of night passed by, and the reeds fluttered in the wind, just covering the advance team's actions!

The Karagach River is not wide, and the current is not turbulent. The Bulgarian advance detachment quietly crossed the river under the cover of a raft on a raft and a small wooden boat hidden from the local residents!

At half past three in the morning, this is the most drowsy day of the day, and the ninth division of Bulgaria is ready to launch the Battle of the River!

At this point, the advance detachment had reached its destination and sneaked into a ferry. The Bulgarian army was under the cover of artillery and the main force began to cross the river!

The sudden attack by Bulgaria disrupted the Ottoman deployment. Due to the lack of night training, the Ottoman barracks had made a mess!

The officers were busy for a long time, and now they were sleeping and whirling. Now they are able to come out and preside over the situation. They are all elites in the Ottoman army!

After the Bulgarian offensive, Major General Etor Pasha organized a counterattack immediately. Unfortunately, under the cover of night, the Ottoman army's poor command system has now made a mess!

By the time Major General Eto'l figured out where the Bulgarian army was landing, everything was late, and the time had passed for more than two hours!

In these two hours, four main regiments of the Bulgarian army have crossed the river!

The results were not unexpected, the ninth division achieved a comprehensive victory in the battle of crossing the river! Although there are still more than 50,000 troops in the Ottoman Empire, which is three times the number of the Ninth Division, in the short term they can't help it!

History turned again. After receiving the news that the Bulgarian Ninth Division successfully crossed the river, General Popov did not hesitate to order the twelfth and thirteenth divisions not far away to rush to the front line!

The next day, the Ottoman army launched a crazy counterattack against the Ninth Division. Kirill was not the only one who could not be beaten. He directly attacked and attacked, and the two sides broke out the most brutal fight since the war began!

Although the strength of the Ottoman army is stronger, the ninth division often prevails after the short soldiers meet. Kirill's position has not been reduced, but has expanded a lot!

The chief of staff said in doubt: "It seems that the Ottoman army is acting a bit wrong! How can it have a three-times strength advantage, so we are being beaten?"

Kirill nodded and said, "Yes, the combat strength of the Ottoman army cannot be so bad! We have played before, and the Turks are still very brave!"

The chief of staff flashed suddenly and said, "Turks, yes! It looks like the army opposite us is not all Turks!"

Kirill filed a case and said: "That's right! The Ottoman Empire's army is not all Turkish and other ethnic minorities, and these people will definitely not die for the Sudanese government!"

Well, Kirill guessed half right. There were indeed other peoples in the Ottoman army, but most of them were enlisted!

It 's a tradition of the Ottoman army to take the air, and now it 's time to fight. It's simple, you can count on the strong ones!

There are also military officers who have lost the battle in the past. Still grab the Zhuangding, as long as you have enough army numbers, check up and down, the defeat becomes a strategic retreat!

This is also the reason why the war has been going on for so long, and the number of Ottoman troops has not decreased much, but the combat effectiveness has dropped sharply!

In the evening, the twelfth division of Bulgaria arrived at the front and completed the meeting with the ninth division. At this time, the thirteenth division was only twenty kilometers away from the front line of the Karagach River!

The strength advantage that the Ottomans relied on no longer exists, and the war began to develop in Bulgaria's favor!

Ferdinand, as far away as Sofia, is now surrounded by a stream of good news. The First Army progressed smoothly, and the Second Army did not hesitate to defeat the enemy in the eastern region of Macedonia; the Fourth Army had killed the Aegean Sea; the Third Army looted in Kosovo; oh, the Fifth Army was still on the road, but Killed a lot of army.

In addition to the All-Road Army, only one week has passed since the start of the war, and other Bulgarian troops have also conquered: Giumirtina, Seret, Prizren, Veles and more than ten cities!

"Her Majesty, the Greeks once again called for our help. The army led by Cyrillic has collapsed. Now the Ottoman army is looting on the Greek peninsula. Both Moros and Delphi have fallen. Athens is dangerous!"

Ferdinand nodded and said heartlessly: "Tell the Greeks to let them hold on, we are fighting the main force of the Ottoman army, and when we win, this war will be won!

By the way, remind the Greeks and ask them to launch resistance from the people. The Ottoman Empire is just a paper tiger. As long as the Greek people work hard, they will be able to block it! "

Prime Minister Constantine said hesitantly, "Dagong, do we want the Second Route Army to accelerate? If the Greeks cannot resist and surrender to the Ottomans, then public opinion will be very bad for us!"

Ferdinand shook his head and said, "Don't worry, what can you say in public opinion? Say we can't save the dead? Wouldn't you just argue?

This is obviously too Greek to waste! It's only been more than 20 days, I can't stand it, a proper pig teammate!

What can they do about us? They started this war first, and now we are still wiping their butts, what qualifications can we blame?

surrender? If George I was willing to surrender, he would have surrendered to the Ottomans long before the Cyrillic Army was surrounded!

Now even if Athens falls, they will move their capital to the Peloponnesian peninsula and continue to do so! When we get the Ottomans back, they will use their victors to regain lost ground! "

Chekov asked puzzledly, "Oh Grandpa, the Ottomans behave a little abnormally! It stands to reason that now they are in a disadvantage on the battlefield, why not concentrate their forces on a decisive battle with us, but go to the trouble of the Greeks?"

Ferdinand laughed without saying a word. From a military standpoint, it is indeed necessary to focus his forces on the Bulgarian offensive, but it is not necessarily politically especially for Commander Ed Hepasha!

The internal struggle of the Ottoman Empire is much more intense and **** than that of other countries. It is necessary for Edherpasha to give up his available credit and take risks to help his own "enemy". Even if he is willing, his officers are not. Promise!

Ferdinand can see all this clearly, thanks to the intelligence department.

In order to check the generals in Sudan, several military officers in the Balkans are from different factions. They usually fight for you. Now it is good not to be a black hand behind the scenes!

This is a precedent. Egypt was easily started by the British because of the internal fighting of the Ottoman government; the historical Bosnia and Herzegovina was also thrown to the Austro-Hungarian Empire!


At this moment, the Battle of the Karagach River has gradually come to an end. The Bulgarian army that has completed the meeting, after a short rest, launched a comprehensive attack on the Ottoman army!

After two days of **** battles, the Ottoman army collapsed across the board, and the Bulgarian Second Cavalry Regiment rushed to it, receiving a challenging task-catching prisoners!

Now, unlike the first Balkan war in history, the Bulgarian army has an absolute advantage. If the Ottoman army runs away, then the subsequent Constantinople offensive and defensive battle will have to fight again!

As of May 13, during the Battle of the Karagach River, the Bulgarian army annihilated 13,000 enemies and captured 34,000 enemies, with less than 4,000 of its own casualties. The casualty ratio on both sides was 1: 3.25!

The downside is that the main Ottoman army generals are running away! Not only the Battle of the Karagach River is so. From the beginning of the war to now, in addition to the two major generals killed by artillery shells, the Bulgarian army has not captured a senior general!