Vol 2 Chapter 57: Jiangdong

The Second Army advanced in Macedonia, and the Third Army did not want to be outdone. They successively conquered Pristina, Urosevac, Pecs and other places, and their fronts pointed directly at Albania.

Nicholas I was anxious, Bulgarians have hit Albania, Mentenegrow is still deadlocked in Brodarevo and Ottomans, and New Pazar, Prijepolje and other places are still in Ottoman In the hands of the empire, Albania in the southeast was blocked by Shkoder again!

Well, Serbia was absent from this plane, and no one competed with them for territory. Nicholas I swelled naturally!

Nate Negro only mobilized more than 30,000 troops. He dared to launch an attack in the northeast and southeast at the same time, and had to admire their courage!

But courage is not equal to strength. Although Nate Negro's soldiers are brave, it is a pity that there are too few. Especially after the division, there was some weakness in each battlefield!

The Prime Minister said "It's time to make a decision! Grandpa, Bulgarians have already entered Albania. We haven't made a breakthrough in any direction until now. If this situation is not changed, we will allocate future loot in the future. Lose the right to speak! "

Nicholas I sighed and said, "I know! Unfortunately, such a good opportunity to expand the territory, I just missed it!

After the war, the Ottomans were destined to withdraw from the Balkans, and Bulgaria was about to rise. Where is the future of Mentenegrow? "

The Prime Minister did not know how to answer the question of Nicholas I, bowed his head and said nothing!

The victory of the Balkans was a good thing for Mentenegrow, but it is not necessarily the future!

Bulgaria performed too strongly this time, almost using the power of the family to get the Ottomans, Greece and Mentenegrow just came out to fight soy sauce. The balance within the league has been broken!

Originally, Nicholas I planned to move closer to the Greeks to check and balance Bulgaria. Now it is impossible. The Greeks' performance is too bad. Even if the two countries join forces, they have no effect.


Nicholas I sighed and made the final decision!

"Invite the Bulgarians to send troops to Albania, withdraw the first division of Skutai and go all out to win the Ottomans to the northeast!"

"Yes!" The Prime Minister replied unwillingly.


After receiving the invitation from Mentenegrow, Ferdinand was still under pressure, so Nicholas I gave up Albania in this way?

Minister of Foreign Affairs Metiev reminded "Prince, Mentenegrow will more than double their territory after eating the Zamaar region, plus the northern region of Albania already occupied, their territory has actually expanded double!

Even if we gave them Albania, Mentenegrow couldn't eat it now! "

Ferdinand laughed, concealing the embarrassment. In history, the Kingdom of Montenegro doubled its territory during the Balkan War, and both suffered from indigestion. Now it has doubled. If Nicholas I jumps out and competes with Bulgaria for other parts of Albania, his brain will be flooded!

Suddenly, Ferdinand flashed, and Nate Negro is now only more than 400,000 people. After the war, their territory will nearly triple, and the population will exceed one million. It is also a threat to Bulgaria's future strategy!

He sneered and said, "Order Major General Ilya Dimitev to attack Albania immediately, and tell him that Mentenegrow is too small. We should pull them as allies!"

Prime Minister Constantine said very cooperatively, "Her Majesty the Lord is right, we should help them. Mente Negro has only reached 400,000 people so far. How about this? It 's too few. Only 1.5 million to 600,000 are eligible for them! "

Chekov added, "Yes! But we can't be equal either. Greece also lost a lot of people in this war and needs to be added urgently. We should also help them as much as they do for this war. Compensation for contribution! "


Seeing that everyone was justified, Ferdinand almost believed, and had to say, "Politicians are all masters of thick black studies!"

"Okay, just do what everyone says! Tell the generals on the front line, and give them the excess that we don't need, all to them! Come down to everyone to convey the thoughts to the soldiers, we can't be mean to treat our allies!" Dinant concluded

With a few words, everyone resolved the possible religious and ethnic conflicts in Bulgaria in the future!

As for the future of Greece and Mentenegrow, Ferdinand has already thought about it, and he will mourn for them!


Major General Ilya Dimitev, who has just entered Albania, suddenly received a weird order from the country.

That's right, it's "weird order"! Wouldn't it be weird to help Mentenegrow increase its population? The relationship between Mentenegro and Bulgaria has not been good!

On the march with doubts, I saw countless buildings different from the church. Major General Ilya Dimitev seemed to think of something, and said to himself, "Is it for ..."

Major General Ilya Dimitev, who has received a new education, does not have a good opinion of these religious fanatics.

While he was having a headache, the Bulgarian government also sent working groups to Macedonia and Albania to preside over immigration to Mentenegro and Greece.

If all were handed over to the military, Ferdinand was very skeptical of what tricks they would play. A bad Albania would become a no-man's land!

Ferdinand's purpose is only to expel trouble, not really to increase the strength of the two "ally"! Bulgaria still lacks a population. As long as it can be assimilated, it will be better!

What happens next does not need to be described, it is nothing more than coercion.


Half a month later Ferdinand received a report from the working group, it is difficult to say "what? Immigration work is not going well! All are a group of rice buckets. Do you have the most immigration experience in the world? Wouldn't it work? "

Prime Minister Constantine said in a dilemma, "Prince, many people in Albania are reluctant to move, and the resistance is fierce. In order not to attract the attention of international public opinion, we cannot take radical action!"

Ferdinand shook his head and came up with the idea "Who let you do it yourself? Don't forget that Albania also has the rebels who oppose the tyranny of the Ottoman Empire, and the bandits bandits who were forced into the grass by the Ottoman Empire!"

After the window paper was broken by Ferdinand, the Balkans became even more lively. The Bulgarian army defeated the Ottoman army in the front, and a large number of heroes emerged in the rear.

The Albanian insurgents have once again returned from the arena, along with them are the insurgents in Kosovo and the insurgents in Macedonia.

Mountain thieves and bandits everywhere also came out of the mountain one after another, with revenge and complaints!

Due to the limited strength of Bulgaria and the need to fight against the Ottoman army, the inability to stabilize the place can only allow local autonomy. The adverse consequences of this are all the long-term rule of the Ottoman Empire in Albania and the lack of democratic freedom. Nothing about dime.

The above is the official explanation made by the Bulgarian government after the ongoing chaos in Albania!

According to official data released by the Bulgarian government, the chaos in Albania in 1897 caused at least hundreds of deaths, thousands of injuries, hundreds of thousands of people displaced, and emigrated to Mentenegrow and Greece!