Vol 2 Chapter 65: Battle of Constantinople

After crossing the city walls, it was not victory that greeted the First Army, but dense forts and bunkers!

Fortunately, many of the fortresses in Constantinople have been built for a long time. Most of them were made of stone. They were destroyed a lot during the Armenian uprising last year. The current defense is not at its peak!

In addition to strong fortresses, there are more machine gun bunkers built on the terrain, but most of these bunkers were temporarily established after the outbreak of the Balkan War.

Machine guns still shined in the Pauli War. It's been more than two years since now. With the efficiency of the Ottoman Empire, don't expect him to be fully popularized!

In the offensive and defensive battle of Constantinople, an extremely embarrassing scene appeared. The Turkish army had enough fortresses and bunkers, but it did not have enough machine guns!

At this moment, the Bulgarian army is mobilizing before the war. The officers are using their own methods to relax the soldiers, and the veterans are also teaching the recruits the survival experience on the battlefield for the last time.

In addition to weapons and equipment, the contest between the two armies is a contest of overall quality!

Including the usual training, the personal quality of the battle, and more importantly, the quality of the two sides!

At this point, the two sides are simply incomparable. Bulgarian officers can go deep into the soldiers to encourage morale, but the aristocratic masters in the Ottoman army have always been two levels with the soldiers, and it is not bad to have a few buckles. Forget about communication, if the soldiers were frightened before the war, they would suffer!

Within a few miles of the First Army Command, General Fu's time was almost there, and he asked, "Are all the troops in place?"

Lieutenant-general responded forcefully: "Report to the commander that all troops have arrived at the designated location and can attack at any time!"

The husband nodded with satisfaction and said, "Okay! Now I order fifteen minutes later, the gunfire is covering, and the fortress and bunker in front of the target!"

With the order of the husband, the First Army started firing all rounds, covering the Ottoman army positions at the speed of tens of thousands of shells per minute!

Under the intensive artillery strikes, countless forts and bunkers were destroyed! The Ottoman army also launched artillery fire. Unfortunately, the gap in firepower, as soon as the Ottoman artillery position is exposed, will soon usher in the intensive blow of thousands of artillery shells!

Even if the accuracy was worse, the Ottoman artillery also suffered heavy losses. Later, Edel Pasha had to agree to use the artillery separately! The loss of this separated artillery really reduced a lot, and the attack ability of the artillery was also scattered!

An hour later, under the baptism of hundreds of thousands of artillery shells, the fortress bunker on the Ming surface of the Turkish army was almost destroyed, and the first army launched a general attack!

The Turkish soldiers who did not know where they came from, once again relied on the remaining fortresses, bunkers and the Bulgarian army.

"Solid defense!"

"You go over there, stupid I said over there, run around to give the Baojun a head!"

"Hurry up, Bulgarians are coming soon!"

The Ottoman officer was still shouting loudly. Under the command of the officers, the Ottoman soldiers ran out of the gun-proof hole were taken to the position like puppets and took up weapons to prepare for battle!

At this moment, the shortcomings of the Ottoman army were fully revealed, and the noble officers who were superior were unable to integrate with the soldiers.

Until the battle has ended, if it was not for the brutal military discipline, these Ottoman soldiers would have run away!

No battle, no life goal, passively entered the battlefield, the combat effectiveness can be imagined!

Often a round of fighting between the two sides, after the downwind, ordinary Ottoman soldiers will choose to surrender.

Anyway, the troops on the battlefield are wild, and the Ottoman government has no way to determine the life and death of ordinary soldiers. It is even more impossible to talk about liquidation!

Night fell and the battle continued.


"Turn on, I can't see the black lamp!"

"The searchlight is broken!"

"Where's the mechanic? The stupid rushes to repair it!"

"Don't mention that bad luck. I was just smashed by the fortress and fell to the rear. I think I've seen it now!"

"Damn Bulgarians! Damn Russians, why give them so many artillery?"

"Come on! If the Russians hear you, they probably regret providing too little!"

"Forget it, I already knew that stuff wasn't reliable. Fortunately, I had already prepared it. It was still my horse lantern!"

The soldiers were joking at each other in a fortress of the Turkish army, which seemed to be the only way to relieve their stress!

"No, the enemy is coming up!"

"Get ready to fight!"

A "bang" sounded, and when the Ottoman army noticed it, mortar shells had already flown over and landed accurately on the fort.

An artillery shell penetrated through the fortress's damaged part, fell into the fortress, took away the lives of three or four unlucky eggs, and the debris hit by the artillery shell wounded several people again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Baojun had rushed up to resolve the remnants of the enemy, and the Turkish soldiers who saw the bad situation did not hesitate to surrender, and a fortress was thus captured!

In the First Army Command, the husband asked with concern: "How is the front line?"

Petrov shook his head and said, "Good and bad! The army is advancing very fast, but the casualties are still very large. If we continue to fight like this, we will not have much left in our first group army ! "

The husband didn't ask about the specific casualties. Judging from the fighting during the day, he could guess the approximate result. What does he care about now when he can conquer Constantinople?

"In the country, there were no casualties. Instead, three divisions were deployed from the Second Army to reinforce us. It seems that the Grand Duke really made up his mind to win Constantinople at all costs!

Now our shoulders are heavy again, if you ca n't conquer Constantinople, you and I are ready to commit suicide to thank the world! "

After listening to the husband's words, Petrov was choked to death for a while, and said dejectedly, "You are stimulated, it is indeed midnight to dream!"

The husband sighed, and immediately recovered, saying, "I 'm going to sigh for you! Is it so serious?

OK Don't talk nonsense. Tell me, you found that there is no perfect army in this world. I don't believe that the Ottoman army has no weaknesses! "

Petrov gave him a blank look and said, "The Ottoman army is really down. It's really easy to find the weakness of their army!

In addition to the lack of training of the soldiers and the low quality of the officers; in these siege battles in the past few days, I also found that their officers were courageous!

One by one, they have been far away. In many fortresses and bunkers on the front lines, there are no decent commanders at all. Basically, they are newly promoted veterans who serve as company platoon officers! "

The husband asked in return: "This is not a weakness. It should be considered a strength. It shows that they have self-knowledge!"

The military qualities of Ottoman officers are not comparable to these veterans. If they were in charge, our attack would be smoother!

Alas, wrong! All are basic officers, so their cooperation with each other is very problematic!

Under the cover of our artillery, their communication system is estimated to have collapsed long ago, so our opportunity is here! "