Vol 2 Chapter 72: Column emphasis

As soon as the naval battle was over, Ferdinand received the news, and his hung heart was suddenly released!

Unsurprisingly, the Black Sea Fleet defeated the Ottoman Navy, and then smoothly entered the Marmara Sea. At the moment, it was being repaired in the Bulgarian-controlled port of Tekirda.

Although these twists and turns also occurred, it was not Ferdinand's concern! Regardless of the loss of the Ottomans or the Russians, he didn't care. Ferdinand only needed one result-winning the sea **** of the Marmara Sea!

From this moment, the Ottoman Empire can already declare goodbye to Istanbul!

Although they still have half of Constantinople in their hands, their maritime transportation channel has been threatened!

Although the Bosphorus is near, the risk factor is also high! Already fully exposed to the range of Bulgarian artillery, even the opposite city of Yuskudar was not patronized by shells!

After Ferdinand pondered for a moment, he decisively issued three orders: "Order the Third Army to win Albania in the shortest time;

Order the Second Army to move the line to the line between the Ottoman Empire and the Greeks before the war, and then station there;

Order the First Army to block the Bosphorus while reducing the offensive intensity and try to control the casualties! "

Until now, let's eat the benefits of the mouth first, and then talk about other issues, just wait for the talk!


In the Ankara Palace on the other side, there is now a cloud of sorrow. Even people who are more optimistic about the situation do not think that the Ottoman Empire can win the war now!

At this moment, the Sudanese government has panicked, even the radicals are no longer clamoring for the end of the war.

Now it's not a problem of not being able to fight, the key is that it's useless to want to fight.

Previously, when transporting supplies to Constantinople, they had to travel the Marmara Sea, and they had to be docked at night, and the ships had to be docked in hidden areas. This made transportation more difficult, and the logistics department had long been tormented Worst!

Even with such care, material losses often occur! If you go directly to the Bosphorus, half of the supplies can be safely transported to the front line, even if the Bulgarian military personnel are malpracticing!

There is no way to get too close. You can see the opposite shore with your naked eyes. When you see the ship, you greet it with artillery. From time to time, there is a wave facing the port. Who suffers under such conditions?

Sultan said in distress: "Everyone can say anything! Now the Ottoman Empire has reached the critical moment of life and death, a bad one, the plan of partition proposed by the British in 1895 will appear again, but this time Just a protagonist! "

Frankly, now Sudan has regretted it, and regretted not ending the war that dragged the empire to the abyss in advance!

Now that the Russians have entered the Marmara Sea, although they are now carrying the Bulgarian flag, no one will think that it is dominated by Bulgarians!

The Foreign Minister said pale: "At this step, we can only reduce losses as much as possible! The war cannot go on, and even if we negotiate with the Balkans, we will have to pay a bitter price!"

The Prime Minister asked nervously: "What is the attitude of the British? Do they mean to balance the Russians in the Balkans now?"

The Foreign Minister shook his head and said: "The attitude of the British is now very clear. They do not intend to interfere directly in the war, and they do not care whether the Russians will control the Black Sea Strait!"

The Minister of War asked incredulously: "How is this possible? Are the British not worried that after the Russians took control of the Black Sea Channel, entered the Mediterranean to compete with them for hegemony?"

The Foreign Minister is feeling bitter now. Obviously, the concept of high-level Ottoman government at this time is still decades ago. The current international situation is very different from that year!

He explained helplessly: "After the signing of the Mediterranean Agreement, Russia's entry into the Mediterranean is no longer a matter for the British!

The British themselves have had a lot of troubles. Now the British are unwilling to be the first birds to resist the pressure of the Russians alone. "

The Minister of War became more puzzled, and continued to ask: "Now that Russia has broken the status quo in the Black Sea region, it has touched on the provisions of the Mediterranean Agreement on maintaining the status quo in the Black Sea. Should the British even come to sanction them?

The Minister of Foreign Affairs smiled bitterly: "It is the Balkan Union that is breaking the balance, and sanctions are also imposed on them. It has nothing to do with the Russians!

Russia didn't do it directly, this is a cloth to give John Niu face! Of course, John Bull is going to reciprocate, otherwise they do have the strength to drive the Russians back!

But the Russians can also retaliate in Central Asia or Afghanistan, which hastens the fur bears to hit India all the way!

What's more, even if the Russians enter the Mediterranean now, the Italians will bear the brunt first. The British can wait for the Russians to enter the Mediterranean and then join Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy to deal with him! "

Well, the presence of the Italians has not been high, and it often is a joke. But this only refers to their army. The navy of the Italians is still good. At least for the Russian Black Sea Fleet now, the Italians can still say that I can afford it!

On land, the fur bear is a European road roller, and the army's strength is great! Now even Germany, which is known as the world's first army power, will be frustrated with the Russians!

It's not that it can't be beaten, mainly because the number of gray animals is too much. How many ants bite the elephant? Not to mention the Russian army, their combat effectiveness is also among the best in the world!

Arrived at sea, to be honest, the British really did not pay attention to the Russian Navy!

Although the Russian Navy is also the third largest in the world, the Royal Navy of the British Empire now has a much stronger combat effectiveness than the combined number two + third navy in the world!

As soon as the Foreign Minister explained, everyone immediately reacted. The situation is now different from that of the Crimean War. The rise of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy is enough to balance Russia in Europe!

Based on the current nature of John Bull, he has the opportunity to pick things up behind him. Of course, he has to hide behind them and do wedding dresses for others. Now they won't do it!

Sultan said with a somber expression: "Since the British are already unreliable, what about other countries? Can Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy all be able to sit still? Not at all worried, will Russia continue to grow?"

At this time, the Prime Minister reminded: "The great sultan, the Italians can't count on them now, they have already focused on our Libya, and they may rob at any time!"

If it hadn't been for the fact that they lost their hair in Ethiopia last year, and now the Italian government has little confidence in their army, maybe they have already started! "

Sudan's face is even more ugly, okay, this time is awkward! Don't mention asking for help, maybe it's a new enemy, please ask your own enemy for help, isn't it a sheep?


While the Sudanese government was trying to find a way to end the war, the battle of Constantinople entered a new phase.

After the sea was cut off, Edel Pasha's life was even more sad. Now ammunition is one shot and one shot less, and food is one ton less!

But Bulgaria has no meaning to show mercy. The shells are still dumped on them like no money, of course, heavy artillery has rarely been used!

Therefore, although the intensity of the first group's offensive has been greatly reduced, the speed of advancing has not decreased, and to a certain extent, it is even faster!


After entering the Marmara Sea, the Black Sea Fleet is also unwilling to lonely. It often visits Ottoman cities and ports in the Asia Minor Peninsula. Even the villages do not mind firing a few shells!

There is no need to describe the hatred of Russia and Turkey, the hatred of the Ninth is countless! Ferdinand didn't care what happened, and he couldn't control it anyway!


At this moment, there is no sign of a cosmopolitan city in Constantinople!

Remains of broken walls are everywhere, and with the passage of time, the morale of the defenders continues to decrease!

"General, we are running out of food!" The lieutenant reminded.

Edel Pasha said weakly: "I see, inform the troops, and start to limit the distribution of food. We need time!"

Time rushed into July, and the Balkan war broke out for two months.

Constantinople is still strong, but the Ottoman garrison has been compressed to a small plot of land, occupying less than 10% of the entire city!

On July 3, the Ottoman Empire submitted its intention to negotiate with the Balkan Alliance through Germany.

In addition to Constantinople at this time, All other territories in the European part of the Ottoman Empire are gone!

Ferdinand had almost eaten the benefits and agreed to negotiate!

History has striking similarities. The place of negotiation was still in London. Of course, the two sides of the negotiation were the governments of the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, Mente Negro, and Greece!

Surprisingly, the Russian Empire, who almost participated in the war in person, became a mediation power this time, and participated in the mediation with the British, French, German, and Austro-Hungarian!

Italy was excluded, and the Ottoman Empire naturally did not invite them because of their Libyan doctrine. The Balkan League also expressed disdain for Italy and ignored him!

Of course, the more central reason is that the Italians have bad ambitions for Albania, which was met by the boycott of Ferdinand and Nicholas I!

As for the Greek government, sorry! This time, they are the ones who have the least right to speak. Who makes them the weakest now? Allowing them to attend is all in the face of allies!