Vol 2 Chapter 77: Military field

Ideas are beautiful, reality is cruel!

At present, the urgent task of the Bulgarian government is to calculate the military achievements as soon as possible, and then seal a group of military merits to the newly occupied area to strengthen local control!

Originally Ferdinand planned a land revolution. Later, he calculated that it was not worth it, and finally gave up!

A half step ahead is advanced, a step ahead is martyr!

Ferdinand won't do it! Moreover, if the land is divided, what will he use to buy the army?

If everyone is treated the same, it will definitely be unfair to those who support Bulgaria. ~~ щww ~ suimеng ~ lā

People put their heads on the belt of trousers and die for you, but in the end they get the same treatment as those who did nothing. What makes people think?

Don't mention any ideals or doctrines. They are all nonsense. Ferdinand knows why there are so many people willing to support Bulgaria.

Besides the hatred of the Ottoman Empire, the bigger reason is for the benefit!

The Ottoman aristocrats controlled almost all the interests, and the people at the bottom were always in an oppressed position, and there was no channel for ascent.

Bulgaria is an emerging country and there are too many opportunities for everyone to choose from! And when the intelligence department pulls people, they promise a generous return, otherwise there is no interest, who would be so desperate?

Ferdinand knows that the core of the driving force for Bulgaria's sustainable development is fairness! Rights and obligations are equal, leaving ordinary people a rising channel!

Therefore, Ferdinand did not hesitate to confiscate the land of the Ottoman nobles and landlords!

But the next land allocation, in addition to supporting Bulgaria before, or for the army or the intelligence service, can be divided according to the size of the contribution!

The rest are the soldiers who have made a war in this war! These include local guerrillas, volunteers recruited in Bulgaria, and the ten temporary divisions who are eligible to share benefits!

Even so, the land to be separated out this time is not a minority!

I do n't know, I was shocked! According to the statistics of the Bulgarian Statistics Agency, the land to be rewarded this time is as large as nearly one million hectares!

The idea of ​​lowering the reward standard flashed through Ferdinand's mind. The credibility he has built over a decade of work must not be left behind for small gains!

Anyway, these lands were snatched from the enemy, and they will be divided if they are divided. He will not hurt the body!

Moreover, the Ottoman Empire was an agricultural country under the feudal aristocracy, and the extent of land annexation exceeded Ferdinand's imagination. The aristocracy controls over 80% of the Balkans, but these are now cheaper Ferdinand!

In terms of value alone, these lands are enough to cover the full cost of this war. It is estimated that the land will not be less than 8 million hectares!

Of course, this figure also includes a large number of mountains, and the land in the plains may only occupy six or seven floors of the total land!


After thinking about it, Ferdinand decided to first determine the rewards of the soldiers on the front line and announce them to appease the army. The officers can postpone them!

"Order all the troops, according to the Bulgarian Military Merit Award Regulations, and in accordance with the standards we have established in advance, after the soldiers' military achievements and rewards are verified, they will be publicly displayed!"


With the issuing of an order from Ferdinand, all the troops began to get busy, and the verification of military exploits was very troublesome!

It is enough to enter the era of hot weapons. The simple use of the first-level memorization is outdated. The bullet can kill the enemy hundreds of meters away. The artillery can destroy the enemy several miles away. This part is difficult to count!

Therefore, collective military merit, based on the performance on the battlefield, and reasonable distribution, has become the mainstream of modern army!

Command of the First Army, now the army commander and chief of staff Petrov have begun to worry!

Earlier, in order to attract people to join the army, they worked out the most primitive and most acceptable criterion for judging the number of enemies to kill. The effect was very significant, but the aftermath was also very serious!

Military merits are difficult to count, there are too many disputes, and often it is impossible to determine who the military merits are.

then what should we do? Of course, we have to fight, these can be converted into fertile black land! The question is who is it for now?

Don't say that the military judge of statistical warfare can't figure out the situation. It is estimated that even the party's mind is still a mess, but just feel that it may be his own, go to fight!

Anyway, the public says that the public is reasonable, and the wife says that the woman is reasonable! The military judge of statistical merit is not Holmes. He does not have such a strong detective ability!


"How's the martial arts statistics done?" Husband asked

Petrov sighed and said, "Except for the temporary division, all the troops have been counted!"

The husband asked in confusion: "What other moths have appeared in the temporary division?"

Petrov glanced at her husband grievously, and said, "You are a military officer. These troubles don't require you to participate, and no one dares to bother you! I'm miserable, and they are harassed every day!

Until now, less than half of the temporary military division's military statistic work has been carried out. Nowadays, the people are almost fighting for the military merits!

The most important thing is that many times, many bullets hit the enemy at the same time, and now we can't determine who killed them. At this moment, for the reward, the soldiers will not give up! "

The husband thought for a while and said, "It seems that this original method of statistical warfare is now completely behind the times!

Otherwise, you should first count out the determined achievements and put all the controversial issues on hold. "

Petrov nodded and said, "It can only be the case now, or it will not be fruitful for a few more months!"

Sure enough, as soon as the result came out, it was a couple of happy and sad! Of course, there is no need to think about controversial military merits. The military is a serious place. Leading military merits is absolutely not allowed. Don't make it clear that everyone should not want it!

These cannot affect the mood of everyone now. This fair and open approach is even more convincing to ordinary soldiers! ..

Those with good luck may be divided into more than ten hectares of land, which is being celebrated at the moment; those with bad luck, oh, they don't have to worry about it, and have already gone to see God now!

Of course, these lands are nominal. To obtain land, you must go back to the local area and find a government department for on-the-spot division.

It may take months, but it doesn't stop them from being excited!

Even the least rewarded, there are at least a consolation prize. Basically, everyone is mixed, and they can get a bonus if they don't get land!

It turns out that Ferdinand's measures are effective. As soon as the military rewards were announced, he gained another wave of fans. All the rewards were issued in the name of the king!

Everyone who has acquired the land has become a **** supporter of Ferdinand at this moment!

Ferdinand had to rejoice, but fortunately, the Balkans are mostly backward agricultural economic systems, otherwise this military contributory field will be lost!

In order to be able to further control the newly added territories, especially in Albania, where Bulgaria has the least influence, Ferdinand decided to launch the "Military Gap Compensation Method"!

Simply put, the Bulgarian soldiers who have obtained military merits are willing to go to Albania to obtain land. Then they can get an extra piece of land. Due to insufficient military merits, they are allowed to pay the difference by themselves!

Of course, this price is much lower than the market price! And in principle, the territories added must not be more than double the military field, otherwise the excess will not be entitled to half tax for military field!

This can also be regarded as a change of encouragement for immigrants! No way, who says there are fewer people in Albania now? Most people have been deported, and we can't leave the land deserted now!

Land in Bulgaria is not cheap at present. Because the government holds a large amount of land and has not put it on the market. In addition, Bulgarian folk customs are conservative. Many families take land as their lifeblood. Choose to sell land!

This has caused scarcity of land in Bulgaria for circulation. In addition, the government has set a high land transaction tax in order to curb land mergers.

In fact, the Bulgarian government already has plans to sell land and ease the financial crisis, but it was blocked by Ferdinand!

He knew that once the government sold a lot of land, it would inevitably cause great changes in the Bulgarian economic system!

Capitalists now have no other way to invest, and they have to reinvest the gains they have made into industrial production!

If they were told suddenly, they could invest in agriculture with stable returns. With the conservative atmosphere in Bulgaria, capitalists will inevitably draw a lot of funds to collect enough land. At that time, the funds invested in industrial development will be greatly reduced, which is not in line with Ferdinand's vision!

In addition, capitalists have entered agricultural production. In order to profit, they will definitely promote mechanized farming and reduce production costs. Then, a large number of farmers in Bulgaria will face unemployment!

With the reduction of industrial investment and the increase in the number of unemployed farmers, it is bound to cause chaos in Bulgarian society. This is not allowed by Ferdinand!

The government now holds a large amount of land to a large extent for the purpose of stability, regulating the demand for the industrial and agricultural population, and maintaining the population growth rate!

History tells Ferdinand The population growth rate of agricultural economic countries is much faster than that of industrialized countries, and the more industrialized countries, the slower the population growth!

Therefore, while advancing Bulgaria's industrialization, Ferdinand is trying to keep Bulgaria's smallholder economic model!

In order to alleviate the contradiction between rural population growth and land, Ferdinand's military training system is also an important measure!

A large number of military merits were relocated from their original hometown, and the land was naturally freed up to accommodate more people!

So after promoting the new agricultural technology, Ferdinand is overhauling the water conservancy project, but it has not fully promoted mechanized agriculture!

Otherwise, there will be millions of bankrupt farmers at once, it is no wonder that Bulgaria does not explode!

This is also an example of how Ferdinand borrowed from the success of a country in the next generation. When industrialization develops, it can also encourage farmers to work in cities and solve the problem of lack of labor!

When the economic crisis breaks out, they can be allowed to go home to farm, alleviate the pressure on society's employment, and increase their ability to resist risks!