Vol 2 Chapter 79: Treaty of London

After Constantine pulled out the tiger skin, Harim Pasha knew the result!

There is no doubt that, whether it is willing or not, Constantinople will fall in the hands of Bulgaria or the Russians, and delegations of various countries will have to express their support.

The 19th century is the century of Europe and the century of Christ! In this era, even in the most open-minded United States, politicians must believe in God!

Whether it is Orthodox, Roman Catholic, or Protestant, the rulers of the Big 6 in Europe must show their faces with God's devout believers!

In this regard, whether it is Queen Victoria, William II, or Nicholas II, including our protagonist Ferdinand!

The unanimous support of representatives from various countries has made the Ottoman Empire's own opinions no longer important. Harim knew that if he continued to entangle in this area, he would definitely not be able to eat good fruit!

Just look at the attitude of the citizens of London. After Bulgaria broke Constantinople, Harim Pasha saw three self-organized celebrations.

The next negotiations were much smoother. Regardless of reluctance, Harim Pasha acquiesced in all countries' treatment of Constantinople.

Although it is dazzling, everyone knows that neither the British nor the Germans have the ability to prevent the Russians from obtaining the sovereignty of Constantinople and Bulgaria this time. The Russians leave a shame for everyone!

But Ferdinand was very satisfied with this result. What else is in Constantinople now? Except for political, military, and religious status, it is completely a ruin!

Perhaps the Russians have some value in their hands, but in the hands of Bulgaria, Ferdinand really doesn't know what to do?

Rebuilding Constantinople? Bulgaria does not have the financial resources! Don't rebuild it? Waiting to be killed by public opinion!

Instead, other Istanbul areas than Constantinople are even more attractive to Ferdinand!

Anyway, it is also the industrial center of the Ottoman Empire, and the foundation left behind is still very thick, which can effectively make up for the lack of Bulgarian industrial heritage.

After the loss of Constantinople, the morale of the Ottoman delegation was not suppressed. Obviously, this was already expected.

Harim Pasha knows that for Bulgaria and Mentenegrow, the Ottoman Empire has no chips, but for the Greeks, they still have a lot of chips.

The Greek government wants to return to Athens without paying a price. Even Bulgaria's willingness to send troops will not prevent the Ottoman Empire from destroying the country.

Harim Pasha rightly said, "As the initiator of this war, we must pay the due price, and the stability of the Near East cannot be destroyed!"

Obviously this is for the Alliance, and even more for the Greeks!

But Constantine didn't rush to speak, because Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire had reached a secret agreement, and the Greeks were betrayed shamelessly by Ferdinand!

The full name of the agreement is "the agreement between Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire to repatriate each other's main ethnic groups after the war", in short, the agreement between the two countries to exchange population with each other.

This is a win-win agreement. The Ottoman Empire is now suffering enough of the lack of the main ethnic group. The annual rebellion of ethnic minorities is endless. Now the Bulgarians in their country are undoubtedly a factor of instability.

It is in the interest of both parties to throw them to Bulgaria in exchange for their full support of the Turks. Everyone will count this account!

After the loss of the Balkans, how many Bulgarians remain in the Ottoman Empire, and the Sudanese government has not counted the specific number.

Ferdinand was even more ignorant. Anyway, he knew that there would not be a small number. The Bulgarians were the top five races in the Ottoman Empire during World War I!

A preliminary estimate of two or three million people still exists. These populations are undoubtedly valuable to Ferdinand! The Greeks were betrayed for this group of people, and his heart was stress-free.

Constantine began to play silly, and the Greek Foreign Minister was not a fool. How could it not be seen? He simply followed the pretense and didn't answer, pretending not to hear.

Now the position of the German delegation is a little awkward. The two younger brothers below are dead together again. Who should we help?

The Germans have not thought about reconciling the Greek-Turkish contradiction. Unfortunately, with the full-scale explosion of the Balkan war, there is no room for relaxation on both sides!

The Ottoman Empire lost so badly this time. How can it be stopped without making up for the loss? Greece is almost the same. Both suffered heavy losses and hope to cut a piece of meat from the other party to make up for the loss.

The Germans simply closed their eyes and raised their heads, and set aside soy sauce; the representatives of the Austro-Hungarian Empire did not care about the Germans and they were too lazy to intervene.

Let alone the French-Russian delegation, it does not matter that it has been hung high; the British delegation is now happy to read jokes.

Originally in Greece, the British dominated, but the Germans later took over, including George I. Now the Greek government is dominated by pro-Germans.

Without the intervention of the powers, the problem between the Ottomans and Greece is only slowly pulling the skin.

Negotiations are still going on. If you are not clear about each other, if you are not directly related, then you can proceed to the next one.

Soon the questions about Bulgaria and Mente Negro were solved, and Harim Pasha could be considered a broken pot, and he signed without hesitation if it became an established fact.

Whenever it is controversial, he refuses to let it go and strives for the best interests of the Ottoman Empire.

The London negotiations were not only completed when the Ottoman Empire and the Balkan Alliance reached an agreement. They must also be approved by the powers before they can take effect!

The Ottoman Empire gave up the territory of the Balkans. Everyone has no objection, but there is controversy over the division of the loot between the Balkan alliances.

The German and Austrian-Hungarian delegations made it clear that Greece, as a member of the Alliance, had contributed to this war and deserved a trophy.

The Greek delegation, which has the support of the great powers, has also grown a lot. It directly opened its eyes and made territorial claims directly against half of Macedonia and Albania!

Constantine had long been instructed by Ferdinand. This time, the distribution of the spoils did not have the Greeks' rights and directly ignored the request of the Greek delegation.

He took out the secret contract signed between Ferdinand and George I. The words in black and white were clearly written. Whoever got it first belongs to whom. According to the stipulation of the contract, the Greeks have nothing to do with the loot distribution.

Originally, the Germans also advocated that Albania be assigned to Mentenegrow in order to check and balance Bulgaria. Unfortunately, as soon as the plan was proposed, it was strongly opposed by the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Fortunately, the Austro-Hungarian Empire has also been operating in Serbia for decades. How could Nicholas I support the Serbian Revolutionary Army to hide from the Vienna government?

The Austro-Hungarian Empire is still busy dealing with the Serbian Revolutionary Army and has no time to find Mentenegrow's troubles, but any measure to increase their strength is opposed by the Vienna government!

In order to give a lesson to Mente Cabinet, the Austro-Hungarian Empire also occupied the area of ​​Priboj, and Nikola I 's projected territory was reduced by more than 3ooo square kilometers.

Of course, the Austro-Hungarian Empire did not want to watch Bulgaria continue to grow, and proposed that Albania be independent.

It is a pity that Ferdinand had already drawn a salary at the bottom of the tank. Now, in addition to Bulgaria 's supporters in Albania, the Bulgarian army is left. The others have either gone to Greece or to the control area of ​​Mentenegrow.

The people who support Bulgaria have also been urgently approved by Ferdinand and have all become Bulgarian nationals. Now that Albania is a citizen of Bulgaria, what is the basis for independence?

Of course, Bulgaria has made concessions and promised to protect the interests of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the region. At the same time, the Austro-Hungarian Empire won the construction of a railway to the Adriatic in Albania!

The Austro-Hungarian delegation is also very clear. Now that the country is busy suppressing the riots in Serbia, it has no energy to interfere in Albania in the short term. After receiving compensation, it will acquiesce.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire also proposed a annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, and gained the support of the Germans and the British, but it was opposed by the Russians.

The British's purpose was successful. After the Austro-Hungarian Empire propagated the annexation of Serbia, the conflict between Russia and Austria began to intensify.

Unfortunately, neither the Allies nor the Allies have the idea of ​​fighting. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has forcibly annexed Serbia, and Nicholas II has no intention of sending troops to intervene. The so-called opposition is only to give an explanation to the Serbian pro-Russian Russia!

The conflict between the Russian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire was not as serious as the outside world imagined.

Earlier, Nicholas II and Franz-Joseph I secretly reached an agreement. In order to achieve their respective goals, the two sides performed a play to deceive the British!

The Greek lion's large opening caused strong dissatisfaction in Bulgaria and Mentenegrow.

So after the negotiation terms related to the negotiation of the two countries were completed, the two countries announced that the Balkan Alliance was dissolved on the ground that the Ottoman Empire has now been defeated and the mission of the Balkan Alliance has been completed!

Well, when the Balkan alliance was signed, there was indeed such a piece, "After defeating the Ottoman Empire, the Balkan alliance treaty automatically lapsed!"

The Greeks were tormented by Ferdinand pits. For two consecutive pits, it was difficult for the Greek government to get up now!

Now that the Balkan Alliance is gone, the Bulgarian and Mentenegro delegations have left, and the only remaining problem is the Greeks and the Ottoman Empire.

On September 15, 1897, negotiations that lasted more than two months finally came to an end. Bulgaria, Mentenegrow, Greece and the Ottoman Empire signed peace treaties, collectively known as the "London Treaty."

The signing of the "London Treaty" declared the end of the Balkan war.

Treaty content

First, Bulgaria and Mentenegrow will be completely independent from the Ottoman Empire.

Second, the Ottoman Empire abandoned all territories in Europe.

Among them, Bulgaria acquired all the territories of Istanbul, Macedonia, Thrace, Kosovo, and Halkidiki, including Constantinople, and most of the Albania region. (Total area of ​​about 190,000 square kilometers)

Mentenegrow will receive parts of the Albania region and the Novi Pazar region. (The total area is about 9ooo square kilometers)

The Ottoman Empire acquired the Bosnia-Herzegovina region and the Priboj region. (The total area is about 50,000 square kilometers)

Third, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria signed the Agreement on the Repatriation of Bulgarian and Ottoman Empire to Their Subjective Nationalities after the War;

Fourth, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria will jointly have sovereignty over the Bosphorus Strait, the Marmara Sea, and the Dardanelles Strait the governments of the two countries will jointly safeguard the navigational safety of ships of various countries, Freedom of navigation is guaranteed.

Fifth, after the peace treaty was signed, Bulgaria and Mentenegrow must release all Ottoman prisoners within the year.