Vol 2 Chapter 81: Military adjustment

At this moment, Prime Minister Constantine rushed back from London to Sofia. He didn't know how much mess there was in the country, waiting for him to clear up!

The governance of the new territory, how to deal with the relations between the Balkan nationalities, the placement of disabled retired soldiers, the land division of meritorious personnel ...

Ferdinand is very self-aware. There are examples of success in later generations that can be used for reference. He has formulated a broad strategy. It is okay to know how to implement it. No one knows. Anyway, he is used to directing people to do things.

It can be imagined that for a long time in the future, Bulgarian government officials will not have a better life, and the office is their home!


As soon as the war ended, Ferdinand was busy making personnel adjustments. He has not yet had time to intervene in various government departments, mainly for the military.

It is not that Ferdinand did not trust the officers. In fact, in the current Bulgarian military system, it is impossible for any individual or group to threaten his status!

But countless examples tell Ferdinand that the human heart cannot stand the test, and there is no betrayal because the asking price is not high enough! The best way is to start from the system and eliminate all possibilities of betrayal!

After spending a lot of energy and trying to take into account all aspects, Ferdinand finally completed the military adjustment:

Removal of the commander of the Popov First Army and transfer to the Military Commission;

Removal of Chief of Staff of Petrov First Army and transfer to Military Commission;

The First Army was dissolved on the spot, and the Constantinople Defense Command (resident Bosphorus) and the Dardanelle Command (resident Dardanelle) were set up to take over the defense.

Dismissed George-Ivanov as the sixth division commander and transferred to Constantinople's Defence Command as the Defence Commander;

Removal of the Chief of Staff of the 7th Division of Stoyu Bradysnov and transfer to Constantinople's Defence Command as Chief of Staff;

Force deployment: including the Bulgarian First Artillery Brigade adapted from the Heavy Artillery First Regiment and the Second Regiment; (Note: The Artillery Brigade belongs to the Ministry of National Defense Brigade, only to cooperate with the operation)

And the in-place reorganization of the Constantineburg Guards by the new eleventh, twelfth and fourteenth divisions;

The total strength is 24,000.

Removal of the seventh division of Parif Khristov and transfer to Dardanelles Defense Command as commander;

Stepan Bogdanov was removed from the post of Chief of Staff and transferred to Dardanelles Defense Command as Chief of Staff;

Force deployment: including the reorganization of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Heavy Artillery Regiments to the Bulgarian Second Artillery Brigade;

And adapted from the 9th, 10th, and 13th Divisions to the Dardanelles Guard;

The total strength is 31,000.


Of course, military reforms are not targeted at the First Army, as are several other Army Groups. The group army was disbanded on the spot, and the reorganized local defense division took over the defense, and the commander and chief of staff returned to the military commission.

After the new round of military system reforms, Bulgaria has added seven new defense commands: Constantinople Command, Dardanelle Command, Albania Command, Aegean Command, Kosovo Command , Niš Defense Command, Macedonian Defense Command.

All of the seven defensive headquarters are military-level units. Ferdinand deployed this way. In addition to military considerations, there are also many ideas for placing heroes!

After all, officers at or above the division level are basically generals, and now they have made military achievements, and most of them still have to raise their ranks. It is no longer possible for them to change jobs.

Otherwise, according to the principle of level equivalence established by Ferdinand, if they change jobs, they can directly enter the ministry and serve as ministers. It is even more difficult to settle in places, and you can be the boss everywhere!

As for whether the high-level officers' ability to govern can be matched with their ability to fight, no one knows this. Ferdinand is not planning to try anyway!

In the end, Ferdinand simply upgraded some of the garrison headquarters artificially, and also added the position of deputy commander, before they properly settled the heroes.

After the Balkan War, Bulgaria added more than 50 major generals, more than 20 lieutenant generals, and five generals. No marshal was born.

Even Popov, who was the most qualified to marshal the title, was crushed by Ferdinand.

What a joke, ever since Ferdinand set up a military committee in order to seize military power, the old guys in the army have entered a semi-retired state.

The Bulgarian army is now a world of young people. The average of more than eighty people who were promoted this time is less than 35 years old. Popov is now just over 40 years old.

Unless Ferdinand is flooded with his brain, he will come up with such a young marshal to share his merits!

In this regard, Ferdinand did not need to come forward in person. The old guys of the Military Commission jumped out by themselves. After all, no one wants to be pinned by a younger generation.

Especially those who were suppressed by them at the beginning, right? People who exercised a bit!

Now Bulgaria is also gathering nebulae. War is the best teacher. After experiencing the Pausian War and the Balkan War, the commanding ability of Bulgarian officers has been greatly improved.

Now Ferdinand can proudly say that the quality of the Bulgarian army is no longer inferior to any major country!

After the reorganization, the Bulgarian army includes: 2 Guards Divisions, with a total of more than 24,000 people; 8 Army Divisions, 4 Heavy Artillery Brigade, 3 Cavalry Regiments, totaling more than 98,000 people; 9 places There are more than 128,000 local defense forces composed of divisions and six reserve brigades; the total strength of the country is about 250,000.

Yes, it's all army. The navy was automatically ignored.

In addition to the temporary navy, the Bulgarian "Marine Police Fleet" combined has a total tonnage of less than 6,000 tons and the number does not exceed 3,000.

I usually do the work of anti-smuggling brigades, and they are no problem if they are divided into the maritime police forces under the customs. When calculating the total troop strength, it can be ignored!

These are just Ferdinand's future plans. The disarmament plan cannot be completed in a day or two!

And there are still many places that are unstable and need military suppression. It is expected that disarmament will not be completed until the end of 1898!

Now there are five generals to be promoted, but the general direction has been determined, and it is impossible to lead troops.

It was nothing more than the positions of Minister of Defense, Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy, Chief of Staff, and Minister of War!

Not surprisingly, these positions existed before, but Ferdinand idled them to seize power. Even if there is no vacancy now, Ferdinand will make it vacant!

After the military commission came out, these positions were not paid much attention and their rights were greatly reduced, but these were not important!

Anyway, now it is needed, Ferdinand does not mind raising these positions again, no matter what the real power, at least it sounds like a high-end atmosphere!

If there is an Air Force now, Ferdinand wouldn't mind having another Air Force Minister!

Ferdinand was not at all worried about whether it would be appropriate to make the army admiral.

The Bulgarian navy has no say. The highest-level commander in active service is just a colonel. The former navy generals have long been retired by Ferdinand.

Besides, the Secretary of the Army is a general and the Minister of the Navy is a colonel. Isn't this a hack to the navy? Is the navy necessarily lower than the army, which is still n levels lower?

In the future, Bulgaria will also build a navy. As for how long this future is, anyway, it has been so long that Ferdinand did not know the specific time!

However, in order to soothe people's hearts and also cater to the dream of a great nation in the hearts of the people! Ferdinand still shouted the slogan: "Bulgarian navy expanded tenfold in ten years, and twentyfold in twenty years!"

Well, people who do not know the size of the Bulgarian Navy will be shocked after hearing this statement, and those who know the inside story will certainly dismiss it.

Immediately after the Balkan War, the Russians lowered the Bulgarian flag, re-suspended the flag of the Russian Empire, and appeared in the Marmara Sea brightly.

After all, the Russians also want to save face. They always wear a little brother's vest, and the officers and men are still very uncomfortable!

Based on the calculation of 6,000 tons, the expansion is only 60,000 tons, and 20 times is only 120,000 tons, which is slightly smaller than the current size of the Black Sea Fleet!

Of course, this is enough for the current Bulgarian Navy, at least they know that they have money to buy a new warship.

Well, these are all Ferdinand's methods of conspiracy. Those who do not restrict their rights will know what William II learned in World War I!

Originally, after the Russians withdrew from the war, the Germans had the advantage. They had the opportunity to negotiate with Britain and France and end the war decently. Unfortunately, the officers and soldiers did not agree and continued to fight!

As a result, Britain and France had to pay a large price to pull the US on board and continue to die with the Germans.

The tiger can't stand the wolves!

Germany's world's first army still couldn't stand the union of Britain, France, and the United States, and it was alive and consumed the Second Empire!


After much thought, Ferdinand decided to appoint: Admiral Popov as Minister of the Army, Admiral Petrov as Minister of the Navy, Admiral Dante Kristof as Secretary of Defense, Andre Bla Admiral Skov is the Minister of War, and Admiral Dimitev is the Chief of Staff.

Well, Petrov is the worst. He took the idle duty of the Minister of the Navy, and his maritime police fleet is now taking orders from the General Administration of Customs.

No way, who told him to be Ferdinand's close friend? When it comes time to soothe your heroes, you should set an example.

This is not a bad thing. After the Navy's large-scale expansion, it will immediately become a hot faction, of course, if it can survive that day!

Of course, Petrov also did not have a choice. Compared with others, no matter his qualifications or military merits, he did not have an advantage. Especially in age, the youngest is undoubtedly the most disadvantaged!

Before, he could be the chief of staff but the chief of staff's gold content is much lower than now, and it is the army chief of staff, and the current chief of staff is not a concept!

This is also intentional by Ferdinand. After this appointment, it is likely that the positions of several of them will not change in the next ten years or even two or three decades.

It is Ferdinand's consistent proposition to treat the heroes. Under normal circumstances, as long as nothing goes wrong. They can work until they retire!

And the oldest of them, Dante Christoph, is only 48 years old, waiting for him to retire? Sorry, at this level, they can only wait until they want to retire or hang up in advance.

These are impossible for Petrov!

The only option is to promote the construction of the navy and turn the Bulgarian navy, which is actually a "maritime police", into a veritable naval fleet. Only the position of his naval minister can be veritable!

After all, Ferdinand wants to promote the development of the navy, and can not end in person! This kind of thing will of course have to go to the younger brother, and Petrov just caught up.