Vol 2 Chapter 85: , Tariffs-Shing Mun fire and pond fish

Senia was pregnant. Although the child was male or female, it was not known, but the pressure on Ferdinand's shoulders was much less.

As the most beloved king of Bulgaria, he has no immediate successor. Not only is Ferdinand anxious, but even the Bulgarian people are very worried.

In illegitimate children in Europe, there is no right of inheritance. If the queen is not pregnant, prepare to die! This is not without precedent. Because the European royal family has no heirs, do not leave too many things beside the crown!

The Hardenberg family is an example. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was established by marriage. After the kingdoms and the king's rooms were extinct, the crown fell into the hands of the Hardenberg family.

Franz Joseph I was the beneficiary and victim of this marriage!

Ferdinand was not interested in bringing down the country and letting the branches of other Gothenburg families inherit it, and the Bulgarian people did not want this to happen. That could also be disastrous for Bulgaria!

Spain was the biggest victim of the throne in the Middle Ages. In history, Spain's crown fell on Charles V of Germany. For the united war of Germany, the Kingdom of Spain paid for its money and finally destroyed the empire!

Therefore, as soon as the queen became pregnant, Ferdinand immediately disclosed the good news to the outside world.

For Bulgaria, this is also a double happiness. It has just won the Balkan War, completed the most critical step of the plan of Greater Bulgaria, and is about to welcome a prince or princess!

Before the child is born, the Bulgarian people are discussing the gender of the child. For most Bulgarians, they want to be a prince, so that Bulgaria has an heir.

It is best to inherit the excellent genes of Grand Duke Ferdinand, the same wise and martial arts, and at the same time have a kind heart, love for people, and good governance ...

Anyway, Ferdinand's personal image is operating well, and the Bulgarian people still love him very much. Whatever good words come to mind, whether they are suitable or not, they are used on him.

The little one has not yet been born, and is already a household name in Bulgaria. His popularity will soon continue to spread throughout Europe.

The European royal family is not bragging. If you want to find relatives, basically everyone can have a relationship, so as soon as the news of Senia's pregnancy spread, Ferdinand received a bunch of congratulatory messages.

They are all courteous. Since the telegraph was an artifact, there has been a lot of connection between people.

There are also many unknown secret transactions. Do not look at the conflicts between many countries. Many of their royal families still maintain friendly exchanges, and some are still one family.

In other words, even if you are anxious to kill each other, you still need to maintain a gentleman's manner when communicating, and you can't see the slightest contradiction.

In this regard, Ferdinand can only indicate the bad things between the big nobles, that is, more!

Oh, he is also a vested interest. Without this prominent origin, even if the traversal goes against the sky again, Ferdinand will not be able to mingle with his current position.

Regardless of the throne, even his current net worth was not all obtained through honest business. Legal operations only accounted for a small part, and Ferdinand did nothing to smuggle or tax evasion.

It's just that his relationship background is big enough, and he has attracted a group of strong collaborators. Everyone worked together to cover things up.

For example, the joint mining company that Ferdinand and Edward worked together, mining around, how often did they comply with the law, and how often did they pay taxes in accordance with the rules?

In many places, there is a master, and I still have a hand. The story that happened is definitely not so pleasant anyway, it is just that the colonial officials tried to deal with it.

How many of the world dare to use warships to transport gold? Ferdinand can tell you clearly, there are many! Most of the world's major mining companies are backed by top nobles.

Otherwise, the pirates of the 19th century were not vegetarian. In the event of being robbed once and losing a few tons of gold, no one could bear it!

By the way, the Royal Navy will occasionally accompany pirates, provided that the fish is fat enough! Just think about how dangerous it was to sail in the 19th century.

The only exception may be the United States, but now the United States cannot completely get rid of European control, and many industries are still controlled behind the scenes.

After the First World War, the collective decline of Europe and the royal family and the nobility will wither, and the capitalists can truly become the masters of the world!

It is precisely because he knows that there is so much inside information, Ferdinand has no industry to make money, and all have to intervene. Otherwise, his industry cannot develop so smoothly, and he has long been taught how to be a man!

It was not until he was in power in Bulgaria that Ferdinand dared to enter all walks of life. After all, on his own acre of three-point land, he still had no strong competitors.


At this time, the strait interests dispute between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire also came to an end. The half-attacked Ottoman Empire is not as powerful as the Russians. Under the threat of bayonet, it was forced to compromise!

Then Bulgaria's Minister of Foreign Affairs Metev was called to sign under pressure, and the dispute over the interests of the Black Sea Strait came to an end!

Well, Ferdinand is helpless now, only that the Russians can really play! No wonder it can become a great power, this work is really dripping!

The "Ottoman Empire and the Bulgarian Straits Interest Distribution Plan" was thus released. Literally, Bulgaria received a 70% tariff, which seems to be a big winner.

Looking down carefully, you know that Bulgaria's strait customs officers must ask all Russians to serve. The Bulgarian government has only the right to make recommendations, not the right to make decisions.

Metev fought a little, limiting the scope to the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus. Other places were not covered by the treaty, and he signed after the Russians agreed.

As for how to collect tariffs and how to use them, Megeveti didn't mention it. Anyway, in the pocket of the bear, don't want to come out again.

After the Russians gained control of tariffs, the first bad luck was not the Ottoman Empire, let alone Bulgaria, but irrelevant Romania.

When people sit at home, evil comes from heaven!

As Europe's main agricultural exporter, agricultural exports have always been Romania's pillar industries.

At the same time, they are also one of the main competitors of the Russians in the international food market!

After the Russians controlled the strait, they first adjusted their tariffs. Russia's agricultural exports can be directly flown after paying a tax.

But Romania 's agricultural products, after paying a tax in the Bosphorus, arrived in the Dardanelles, sorry to pay again!

do you have any opinion? Protest to Bulgaria or the Ottoman Empire, this is their territory!

When Carol I furiously sent a protest telegram to Ferdinand, Ferdinand was still in a state of persecution.

Injustice has a head, debt has a owner!

If you don't go to the Russians to protest, what's the point of finding me? Don't you think I can rule the Russians? Even if it can, you can't do it!

Ferdinand is 100% supportive of the Russians this time!

Romania is also one of Bulgaria's most important international competitors in exporting agricultural products.

Oh, and the other two are the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Russian Empire, none of which he can provoke, of course, you must catch the soft persimmon!

Now that the Russians have done it, there is no need for Ferdinand to be a wicked person again.

Ferdinand said heartlessly: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained the situation to Carol I. The embassy gave him a copy of the" Ottoman Empire and the Bulgarian Strait Benefit Distribution Plan "and told him that we were powerless. Talk to the St. Petersburg government! "

Metiev asked: "Duke, the Romanians seem to want to excuse us and go straight to the Mediterranean! Do we agree?"

Ferdinand asked lightly: "Is Romania asking us?"

Metiev explained: "Not yet, but they have expressed this meaning."

Ferdinand sneered: "Then pretend you don't know, and they didn't mention it anyway, how can we guess their minds!"


Regardless of him, anyway, it is Romania, which has no relationship with Ferdinand, and only has advantages and no harm.

If the maritime export passage of Romanian food is blocked and they are forced to take the road, it is estimated that the good days of Carroll I will be gone forever.

Without the dividends of agricultural exports, what else is Romania's finances? Do you still expect to make money selling oil in the 19th century?

It may make money, but the profit from selling kerosene is not enough for Carroll I 's personal expenses!

Think about the transfer from the Austro-Hungarian Empire to Germany for sale. If it is really smooth, it is estimated that nobles and capitalists in Hungary will be unhappy. Who would like their competitors?

For Romania, not only the cost is increased, but also the capacity is a big problem.

As long as the aristocrats and capitalists in Hungary are not stupid, Romania will not have sufficient capacity!

If you don't fall into the trap, you will give your allies face, who will help your competitors? At least let us make a difference!

Ferdinand has already imagined the faces of Hungarian nobles and capitalists.

Anyway, Romania's grain can't be shipped out, so it's sold to us. Needless to say, we are so helpful!

Of course, the transportation cost is high, and the price will be a little bit lower. After all, we have to earn a little hard work.

What Ferdinand didn't know was that after receiving the explanation from Bulgaria, Carol I was even more angry. The Russians couldn't afford it, and they could only catch Bulgarian nagging!

"Asshole! Ferdinand, if we didn't make a shot, could they win the Balkan war?

I don't know Thanksgiving Dade at all. Now I'm so small and unwilling to help. Sooner or later, I will give him a lesson and let him know that the sky is high! "

Of course, it seems that Bulgaria is not easy to deal with now. But it doesn't matter, Carol I was just scolding, and he didn't really want to treat Bulgaria!

Well, Carol I, who wants to save face, did not intend to really let Bulgaria cut their tariffs. After all, they were collected by the Russians, and Ferdinand was useless!

Of course, if there are only a few smuggling ships or something, maybe Ferdinand will sell him a face, think of a way to put it over!

Unfortunately, what he hopes is to go straight from Bulgaria to the Mediterranean. The meaning revealed by Carol I was very obvious, but Ferdinand did not see it, which made him embarrassed.

You should know that during the Balkan War In order to make Romania neutral, Ferdinand was low and small, and promised him a lot. Now, after the war is over, he starts to play fools!

Oh, Ferdinand was also very wronged. The promised preconditions he gave were not fulfilled, and now he can't fulfill it at all.

For example: Ferdinand promised to waive tariffs on Romanian imports and exports after Bulgaria controlled the strait.

Unfortunately, it is the Russians who control the strait now, and Ferdinand is not a breach of contract. Bulgaria does not control the strait.

To fully control the strait, at least half of the Asia Minor Peninsula must be taken down, otherwise it is the current state. Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire each share half, and no one has complete sea control!

If not for the Russians to be strong enough to overpower the Ottoman Empire, why rely on the theoretical navy of Bulgaria?

As for the way to Romania, the conscience of the world, Ferdinand really wanted to earn this freight. Unfortunately, Bulgaria's capacity is also limited, and it is impossible to provide it to Romanians.