Vol 2 Chapter 90: 3rd Kingdom of Bulgaria

The Spanish-American War has not yet begun, and the end is doomed. The declining Spanish kingdom is no longer the former world empire.

This old empire has rotted from the inside out, and the new American must step on its shoulders and join the ranks of the powers!

As in 1895, Japan defeated the Manchu dynasty; in 1897, Bulgaria defeated the Ottoman Empire; in 1898, it would be the year when the United States of America defeated the Kingdom of Spain.

At the end of the 19th century, in this era of old and new, three old powers have been eliminated and replaced by three new-born nations.

Of course, both Japan and Bulgaria are not yet among the great powers, and they can only be considered substitutes!

It was not until the "Japanese-Russian War" that the Japanese stepped on the prestige of the Russians and joined the ranks of the great powers. As for Bulgaria, the future of Lufidinan has already been raised, and it is indeed difficult to make up his mind!

Time passed quickly, and it quickly entered 1898. The Maine incident broke out as scheduled, and Ferdinand's butterfly effect has not yet affected the Americas.

Ten days after the outbreak of the "Maine" incident, the United States issued an ultimatum to the Kingdom of Spain, and the Spanish-American War broke out.

On April 6, the ambassadors of Britain, France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Italy to the United States submitted a "six countries note" to the United States, calling on the two countries to resolve the dispute over Cuba through negotiations.

There is no doubt that this note was failed. Although the note was issued together, the six major powers have different positions and are too controversial to reach agreement.

What's more, the British are inclined to Americans; Italy is for the presence of soy sauce brushes, and there is not much influence in the Americas; Germany, Austria, and Russia have too little influence in the Americas, even if they tend to Spain, they also Powerless to interfere; although the remaining French also supported Spain, they did not take substantial action.

Nominally, the Kingdom of Spain has obtained the support of the five major European powers. In essence, this support is limited to verbal support.

The Kingdom of Spain fell into an isolated state of embarrassment. On April 10, the Kingdom of Spain succumbed to the US government and agreed to all American demands.

But Americans have long drooled over the legacy of the Kingdom of Spain. How could it stop now?

On April 28, the US government declared war on the Kingdom of Spain, and the "American-Spanish War" officially started!

Ferdinand watched all this happen, but he did nothing except to block Americans in public opinion. No, newspapers across Europe are scolding Americans for breaking rules, including the London Daily.

But this is useless, the Americans still do it. European countries have declared neutrality and banned arms sales to the United States.

Ferdinand knows that this is a shame, mainly because Americans will not buy weapons at all, so governments will decisively implement a US embargo. It has nothing to do with a dime in support of the Kingdom of Spain.

Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Spain is decaying. I do n't know how to take advantage of such a good opportunity. If Ferdinand, even if I sell iron, I will have to build a fleet, and a good American PK.

After all, the U.S. Navy is not yet as powerful as the world. If the Kingdom of Spain urgently collects money and buys ships from other countries, European countries do n't mind taking the opportunity to catch one. After all, except for the British government, Europeans do n't want Americans to win. war!

The Spanish-American War was in full swing, and Bulgaria's preparation for a multi-day ceremony was about to begin. Although part of the limelight was taken away by the "American-Spanish War," Ferdinand still didn't care.

At this time, Sofia was already lighting the lantern. To celebrate the ceremony, the people of Bulgaria did not wait for the government organization to take the initiative to clean up the city.

On May 6, Ferdinand and Queen Senia stepped onto the stage together. Ferdinand was officially crowned King of the Kingdom of Bulgaria, known historically as the "Bulgarian Third Kingdom."

Yes, it is the king. The title of "tsar" is still forgotten. Ferdinand didn't die until he got a title with Nicholas II.

You need to know that "Czar" was transformed from "Caesar" in ancient Rome and translated as "The Supreme Ruler". Now Ferdinand has no strength to grab the title of pulling hatred!

At this point, Senia had been pregnant for more than eight months and had already been pregnant. For the safety of the child, Ferdinand intended to postpone the ceremony, but was strongly prevented by Senia.

What if she delays the founding ceremony because she is pregnant? Moreover, if a prince is born, what will convince the public in the future, and why will he stand in Bulgaria?

Then Ferdinand hurriedly completed the most important coronation.

Then, Ferdinand strongly interrupted Shenia's desire to watch the lively, and sent her back to rest.

After all, it is the ceremony established by the Kingdom of Bulgaria. It cannot be too hasty. After the coronation ceremony is completed, there are many things that need to be presided over by Ferdinand.

The parade ritual began first, with the infantry and artillery squares appearing neatly in front of Ferdinand, waiting for his review.

After the review was completed, Ferdinand personally awarded the ranks of the officers who were promoted to General. After all, this ceremony also included a celebration ceremony.

Under the attention of all people, awarding titles to successful officials is also an indispensable job for Ferdinand.

Bulgaria is a monarchy. In addition to conferring titles, it is also conferred. For the vast majority of people, the latter is the key!

Compared to the Pausian War, Ferdinand was much more generous this time. With a large wave of hands, he sealed out seven counts, eighteen viscounts, more than a hundred barons, and thousands of knights.

In addition to the military personnel, the awardees also included government officials, as well as scientific and technical personnel and engineers who have made great contributions to the development of Bulgaria.

Of course, the military still occupies the bulk of the army, and military merit is always the easiest to marshal, and Bulgaria is no exception.

With seven counts, the military accounted for five, which is now the five giants of the military. The Cabinet occupies two places: Prime Minister Constantine and Chekov.

There is nothing controversial about it, either in terms of ability or contribution, both of which meet the requirements.

The eighteen Viscounts, also the military, accounted for the majority, but also included the palace chief Carr and intelligence chief Fuhu, as well as the chief engineer of the arsenal and the chief engineer of the railway company.

I won't say much about other titles. Ferdinand had to lament that the 19th century knight was a **** good thing!

In order to attract several external engineers and scientific researchers, Ferdinand tried to do something, but they did not have much effect.

When Ferdinand was going to consecrate people who had done great work, these people did not hesitate to join the Bulgarian family directly. Of course, the title cannot be low, not hereditary people.

Ferdinand also knew that Bulgaria was now upgraded to a kingdom and its strength was recognized by everyone. Otherwise, like the kingdom of Montenegro next door, the knighthood of Nicholas I was much less popular.

The knighthood is not tempting in any country, such as the African chief, and even if it is a prince, few people will take it seriously.

After the award was completed, it was also a commendation conference, this time aimed at the martyrs who died in the Balkan war. There is no need to say the dead. With Ferdinand's martial arts, it is an infinite increase. Anyway, say a few good words and don't want money.


After the ceremony is completed does not mean that Ferdinand's work is over, and troublesome things have just begun.

Many guests, relatives and friends from various countries need Ferdinand to receive them in person. Who can not be called the Bulgarian royal family, and there are no more weighty men?

Now that the queen is pregnant, it is reasonable for the queen mother to come forward to receive the female relatives, but the main task is to go to Ferdinand in person.

The nobleman is the most respectful of face. This time, everyone gave Ferdinand the face, and the major nobles in Europe sent significant figures to participate. In the principle of reciprocity, Ferdinand was surprised to find that Bulgaria was the only one who satisfied himself.

Bulgaria has no old nobles at all, and you can't use the new counts now to receive one duke and one prince?

It was no longer a reception, and it was completely indifferent. Of course, if these counts were of old noble origin, then all of this is not a problem.

So Ferdinand had to go to the dinner in person and say hello to them in order to be polite.