Vol 3 Chapter 6: Gold reserve

How can I get enough gold? & 1t; /

This is the biggest problem facing the Bulgarian government. As long as there is enough gold, enough banknotes can be printed to meet the market circulation. & 1t; /

It can promote commercial exhibitions and raise enough funds for the government to solve the financial crisis! & 1t; /

When Ferdinand is out of order, if everything has to be made clear, what else is needed? & 1t; /

As for the later things, he believes the Ministry of Finance will know how to do it! Anyway, it is also Bulgaria's most outstanding financial personnel. Now who has gold in Bulgaria, can they not know? & 1t; /

Ferdinand thought about it and decided to speak up. He said seriously: "In addition, the loan issue still cannot be stopped and must be implemented in the first half of this year! From the perspective of the international economic situation, from 1993 to the present, the world It has been booming for almost six years. & 1t; /

According to the analysis of the current situation, there have been some abnormalities in the Russian stock market recently. Some people may think that wheat can be harvested. Fluctuations in the stock market in the future are likely to trigger a financial crisis in Russia. & 1t; /

Our economy is now tied to the Russians. Once the Russian financial market is lively and the economic crisis explodes, it is difficult for us to survive alone! "& 1t; /

After listening to Ferdinand's words, everyone's face changed greatly. In recent years, the capitalist world economy has risen, and Bulgaria is no exception. The economy has grown rapidly. & 1t; /

Now suddenly someone says that the economic dividend has passed and the economic crisis is about to explode. How can you not worry about it? & 1t; /

In particular, Bulgaria is still at the front of the big immigrants. After the economic crisis broke out, the unemployment rate increased sharply, and the problem of employment resettlement for immigrants is even more difficult! & 1t; /

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kennedy first responded, saying, "Your Majesty, what exactly is going on in the Russian stock market remains to be understood in detail. Under normal circumstances, the Russian economic crisis explodes, and it will affect Bulgaria in a maximum of two or three months. Export trade will be hit hard! & 1t; /

If the economic crisis is likely to explode in the near future, then we must accumulate emergency funds, and the time to open the stock market must also be postponed! & 1t; /

Otherwise, international capital is likely to focus on Bulgaria, and in our current situation, we have no energy to fight a financial war with them! "& 1t; /

Ferdinand nodded, the main purpose of opening the stock market was to raise funds for the railway construction in Bulgaria, but this must be in a good economic environment! & 1t; /

Otherwise, don't mention raising funds, even if the price of cabbage is given away, it is estimated that no one wants it! & 1t; /

As for fighting a financial war, don't make fun of it, this is all about putting gold on your face! & 1t; /

As far as Bulgaria's current financial market is concerned, it is now completely unguarded, and it is no longer open, and international capital is not allowed to go freely once it is opened. & 1t; /

Oh, it's not so miserable! At present, the financial market in Bulgaria has not grown up, and no matter how much it is searched, it will not fry a few drops of oil in the meat! & 1t; /

Ferdinand said with a smile: "Then let go and wait until the economic crisis has passed! Now it is time to raise funds. The economic crisis is both a crisis and an opportunity! & 1t; /

The last time the economic crisis broke out, our strength was still too weak, and there was no way to take a share. Even so, how many competitors have they taken down? & 1t; /

If we can seize this opportunity, we will not struggle for ten or eight years, nor is it a dream! "& 1t; /

In the Balkan war, Bulgaria snatched the biggest piece of cake, and it was inseparable from the economic crisis of 9o ~ 93! & 1t; /

The arms race + economic crisis, whether it is Serbia, Greece, the Ottoman Empire, or Romania, have suffered economically. Among them, Serbia and the Ottoman Empire also caused domestic contradictions! & 1t; /

Even the Austro-Hungarian Empire did not hide away. It took a long time to seduce the financial crisis in Ferdinand's acquisition war! & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

As soon as the cabinet meeting is over, the Ministry of Finance moves. To make a big profit in the economic crisis, the prerequisite is that there must be sufficient funds! & 1t; /

Kennedy is now holding an internal meeting of the Treasury Department to worry about gold. & 1t; /

"Everyone knows that we have always been constrained by insufficient gold reserves and we are unable to trade enough currencies for circulation in the market. & 1t; /

There is still a large amount of foreign currency in circulation in the Bulgarian market, and the government's intention is to ban it. Sterling, Franc, Ruble, Mark, Krona ... basically the mainstream currencies in the world can be found here. & 1t; /

As a result, a lot of our wealth was earned in vain. At the same time, it also limits our domestic trade shows in order to solve this problem. & 1t; /

At the cabinet meeting just now, Your Majesty has decided to increase the currency in order to weather the financial crisis. The Ministry of Finance must solve the problem of gold reserves! & 1t; /

Everyone has any suggestions now to discuss them. This matter is related to the future exhibition of Bulgaria, so sooner rather than later, solving the currency issue one day earlier is a huge victory! "& 1t; /

The director in charge of the currency bank thought about it and said, "With the current state bank's gold reserves, our bank's currency has reached its limit. If we want to continue to increase the currency, we can only find a way elsewhere! & 1t; /

The Balkan region has been the main source of gold in Europe since ancient times, and there should still be a lot of gold in circulation among the people. If folk gold can be collected, it should solve some problems! & 1t; /

Earlier, during the Balkan War, the military seized a lot of gold, or this batch of gold should be given to us urgently, otherwise the problems we face now will be more serious! "& 1t; /

Kennedy shook his head and said, "It's difficult! Most of the folk gold is scattered, and it's mostly a variety of craft products. Aside from other factors, the purchase price alone will be much higher, more than worth the money!" & 1t; /

The Director of the Taxation Department thought for a while and said, "In fact, we in Bulgaria are not without gold, but they are not in the hands of the government! As far as I know, Royal Bank and United Bank have a large amount of international exchange business, and they have a lot of gold in their hands. ! "& 1t; /

"How many?" Kennedy asked eagerly & 1t; /

As long as there is, the Treasury will have a way to take it out of their hands. It is nothing more than an exchange of interests. Kennedy is now worried that their gold reserves are too small! & 1t; /

The tax director thought for a while and said, "The two together have at least a dozen tons of gold, maybe even more. In recent years, they have also bought several gold mines, and the mined gold has been stored and not sold outside! "& 1t; /

After listening to the specific numbers, Kennedy's complexion suddenly looked a lot better. This number is much larger than he expected, and now Bulgaria's national gold reserves are no more than thirty tons. & 1t; /

If this part of gold is included in the currency reserve, at least 300 million to 400 million levs can be put on the market, which will greatly alleviate the plight of Bulgaria's insufficient currency flow! & 1t; /

Kennedy thought for a while and said, "Send someone to talk to them right away, and discuss all the conditions!" & 1t; /

"Forget it, I'll talk to them in person!" & 1t; /

Thinking of the horror backgrounds of the two banks, Kennedy decided to go out and make himself more secure. In case he was messed up by his men, he still had to clean up the mess. & 1t; /

Behind the Royal Bank is Ferdinand, behind the Union Bank is more than half of the Bulgarian business community, none of which is provoking. & 1t; /

Although it is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance, it does not mean that they will definitely listen to the Ministry of Finance, especially when it has enough interests! & 1t; /

With the persimmon first to find a soft pinch, Kennedy took the lead in finding United Bank. After all, compared with Ferdinand, the Bulgarian business community is still better off, at least they still have to give the Minister of Finance face! & 1t; /

If you go to the Royal Bank first, the person in charge is the Prime Minister of Karl. In case of a chat, you will be blasted out directly. & 1t; /

At this point, the President of United Bank Victor is already waiting, waiting for someone from the Ministry of Finance to come! & 1t; /

Looking for help, Kennedy's attitude was very good, with an apology: "Mr. Victor, I'm very sorry to take the liberty to disturb you this time!" & 1t; /

Even if Victor already knew the origin of Kennedy, the nature of the businessman made him continue to be confused, made a flattering expression, and tried to smile and said, "Where! Mr. Kennedy is really honored to visit! I do not know Your Excellency, how can you advise? "& 1t; /

Kennedy smiled and said, "Don't dare to teach, in fact, I'm here to help you!" & 1t; /

Victor pretended to be surprised and said, "Oh! What can help in the future? Your order, as long as it is within my ability, I will never quit!" & 1t; /

After listening to Victor's words, Kennedy's face darkened, thinking: Old fox, what is within his ability to never let go? It's better to say that it is beyond the scope of your ability to avoid talking! & 1t; /

"Your Excellency can definitely help with this matter! Our Ministry of Finance wants to buy a batch of gold from your bank. Mr. Victor must help!" Despite knowing that Victor was just polite, Kennedy still Directly explained the intention & 1t; /

I saw Victor's face change slightly, and he was a little bit embarrassed and said, "I'm dissatisfied with Mr. Kennedy, the Ministry of Finance wants to buy gold. If the quantity is not large, I can immediately agree! & 1t; /

If the amount is too large, please do nothing. Now the board of directors has decided to shrink the money and increase the gold reserve to cope with the crisis! "& 1t; /

Kennedy's face slightly changed, and he asked in confusion: "What crisis? With the strength of your bank, be so cautious!" & 1t; /

Victor said hesitantly: "Dissatisfaction with Mr. Kennedy, this involves trade secrets, which cannot be revealed below! In short, this crisis, our joint bank must go all out!" & 1t; /

Kennedy hesitated, thinking: Is it something people in the business community have already noticed and are now preparing? & 1t; /

He asked tentatively: "Is the economic crisis about to explode again?" & 1t; /

Victor's face changed so much that Kennedy knew he had guessed the answer! & 1t; /

"Your bank is really well-informed. Now there are no fluctuations in the market. How do you judge that there will be an economic crisis?" Kennedy continued to ask & 1t; /

Victor thought for a while and said, "Since Mr. Kennedy already knows, I will speak straight. & 1t; /

In the international financial market, the recent flow of funds by the Jewish capitalists is a bit wrong, and it seems that they have to act again. & 1t; /

You know, basically, this world of vampires will not be peaceful once they move. Although we don't know who they are following this time, for the sake of caution, we decided to shrink the strategy so as not to be cannon fodder! "& 1t; /

After listening to Victor's words, Kennedy knew that without paying a big price this time, United Bank would not have come out with gold! After all, the safest measure to deal with the financial crisis is to hold a lot of cash. What is more insurable than gold now? & 1t; /

Kennedy said immediately: "Mr. Victor, we don't have to go in circles. The purpose of my visit this time is to include the gold stored by your bank in the currency reserve. What are the conditions you can mention!" & 1t; /

Victor did not think, and said directly: "Since Mr. Kennedy has said it straight, I am not going to make any mistakes. It is OK to include our stored gold in the currency reserve! & 1t; /

However, our joint bank must also participate in the currency bank and have a certain say! "& 1t; /

Kennedy sank, pretending to be angry: "You are robbing while on fire!" & 1t; /

Victor shook his head and said, "n! This is not our responsibility. The main responsibility for the current situation should be the responsibility of the government! If the national bank under the government is capable of bearing the heavy responsibility of currency, we will also Have fun! & 1t; /

But now, Bulgaria's currency is very diverse. In order to conduct business, we have to spend a lot of money to buy gold and exchange it! & 1t; /

Since the National Bank does not have the ability to shoulder the heavy responsibility of currency, why not give it to us? & 1t; /

Mr. Kennedy, please believe that with our joining, the Bulgarian government will definitely not suffer from insufficient currency flow in the future! "& 1t; /

Kennedy's heart is hesitant now, should Union Bank be added to the money bank. And once United Bank joins, then Royal Bank will definitely join, and the government's right to speak in it will definitely be greatly weakened! & 1t; /

"How much gold can you use as a reserve?" Kennedy asked coldly & 1t; /

Victor smiled and said, "We will do as much as the government can do, rest assured that we will not take advantage!" & 1t; /

Kennedy's face changed drastically Where is the robbery in the fire, clearly prepared! Dare to shout, "As much as the government can do, we can do as much as possible." This also means that the strength of United Bank has far exceeded their estimates! & 1t; /

At this moment, Kennedy had scolded the National Bank in his heart. & 1t; /

A commercial bank that has just been established for a few years, and the amount of gold it can provide can be the same as the government reserve, which is enough to show how incompetent the National Bank is! & 1t; /

If you think about it, he suddenly found that the National Bank's gold reserves were all settled by the government, and they themselves did not seem to have contributed. & 1t; /

At this moment Kennedy has decided to completely reorganize the National Bank. A bank that can only waste national resources and not create benefits, it is a crime to keep it! & 1t; /