Vol 3 Chapter 12: ,winter is here

The promulgation of the "Bulgarian Language and Religion Law" has had a dual impact!

In the short term, it will help stabilize the situation in Bulgaria, accelerate the integration of various nationalities in the country, and promote Bulgaria's economic and cultural development!

In the long run, it also restricts the entry of foreign immigrants. At least immigrants from countries with different languages ​​must first consider carefully whether their own language can pass!

Can be considered pros and cons! But now Ferdinand can't take care of it. After the national integration is completed, the law will be revised!

The urgent task now is to digest the meat eaten into the stomach first, and transform it into the power of Bulgaria to move forward, instead of letting it rot in it!


It is still to come. After the outbreak of the Russian financial crisis, major banks have shrunk their money and collected loans in advance to deal with the run-up.

A large number of Russian companies suffered heavy losses in the stock market, and then banks tightened their loans. In August, many companies went bankrupt due to broken capital chains, and the Russian industrial crisis broke out!

Affected by the industrial crisis, a wave of unemployment broke out in Russia, and millions of unemployed people were added in a short period of time. The economic crisis has come!

After entering the late 19th century, the economic ties between the countries of the world have also become closer. After the outbreak of the Russian economic crisis, import and export trade began to shrink, and other countries in the capitalist world were also affected.

Subsequently, France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Britain, the United States, Italy and other countries followed suit. In the same period, an economic crisis broke out in Japan in the Far East.

The fifteenth economic crisis of capitalism has fully erupted. No one in the world's major industrial countries can survive alone!

Bulgaria is no exception. After the outbreak of the Russian economic crisis, Bulgaria was the first to be affected. The export trade was directly affected, and it continued to decline in the following months.

In the second half of 1899, Bulgaria's total export trade was less than one-third of the same period of the previous year. A large number of enterprises engaged in export trade were facing bankruptcy!


At the closing meeting in 1899, Minister of Finance Kennedy frowned and said, "Your Majesty, this is the economic statement for the past six months, and the situation is very bad! And because the economic crisis is spreading to the world, our export trade will continue to decline in the next year. ! "

Despite being well prepared, Bulgaria's economy is still affected, especially export trade. The economic environment around the world is not good. To whom can the products produced be sold?

"What plans does the Cabinet have!" Fidi asked blankly.

Prime Minister Constantine frowned tightly: "In the second half of 1899, Bulgaria experienced its first negative economic growth in the past ten years, a decrease of 3 percentage points from the same period of the previous year!

Affected by this, the annual economic growth rate in 1899 also slowed sharply, hitting a record low in the past ten years, increasing by only 3.3%!

Affected by the global economic crisis, the government estimates that the export trade in the coming year will still not improve.

To cope with the economic crisis, the government will continue to increase public infrastructure investment in the coming year, mainly focusing on road transportation and rural water conservancy engineering facilities!

At the same time, the government has decided to exempt industries affected by the economic crisis and take measures to stimulate domestic demand as much as possible!

Government agencies and enterprises will purchase all domestic products under conditions from now on. At the same time, they must call on the general public to purchase domestic products and support domestic production! "

Ferdinand nodded, the cabinet is still very pragmatic, and Bulgaria is not a European or American country. There is no saying that the government cannot interfere in the market economy!

Now that the economic crisis has come, the government must use administrative measures to intervene. If the market is to be effective, Bulgaria 's national bourgeoisie will not die, and there will be few left!

Ferdinand thought for a while and said, "This is not enough! In the aftermath of the economic crisis, in order to alleviate the economic crisis, the major industrial countries will definitely carry out dumping. We must take countermeasures!

Calling on the public to support domestic products, can only cure the symptoms and not the root cause!

If the goods of Western European countries are not only cheaper than ours, but also of better quality, it would be unreasonable to require ordinary people to buy domestic goods for a long time!

What better measures do you have? "

The problems raised by Ferdinand have stumped everyone. In fact, the measures taken by the cabinet during this economic crisis have been used in the last economic crisis (1890 ~ ​​1893).

It was just that the economic crisis at that time had little impact on Russia. Bulgaria had the Russian market as a backing and passed easily.

This time it's different. The Russians are too diligent. Bulgaria can only rely on itself to survive the difficult times!

The Minister of Finance hesitated repeatedly and said, "Your Majesty, let's increase the tariff!"

Ferdinand was stunned. He did not expect that the Minister of Finance could think of this approach. Now Bulgaria's domestic market has increased significantly compared to before. If trade protection measures can be taken, it can indeed play a certain role!

But Ferdinand shook his head and said, "No! Now the global economy has been impacted. Once we raise tariffs, countries will certainly rush to follow suit. By then we will stone our own feet!"

That's right, in the current world structure, once the tariffs are raised, Britain and France have vast colonies, and they can immediately emerge from the economic crisis, and other countries will be miserable!

Why could the United States take protectionist measures during the Roosevelt New Deal? That's because Americans have turned the Americas into their own back gardens, backed by the Americas market, and of course they can take trade protection!

Before that, Americans were honestly following the free economic route. How could Bulgaria be an exception?

As far as Bulgaria's domestic market is concerned, it cannot afford the rise of an industrial power! Even if it is OK, Ferdinand cannot do this. Industrialization will inevitably be accompanied by a large amount of exploitation of benefits. Without international market sharing, all will be passed on to the domestic people. Will they not be forced to rebel?

"Let's expand our ports in the Aegean and the Mediterranean!" The Minister of Industry said hesitantly.

Ferdinand's eyes brightened, and he came to understand, and said excitedly, "Okay, just do it!"

I have to say that this method of the Minister of Industry is very good, that is, it has blocked the dumping of Western European countries to Bulgaria without breaking the rules of the free capitalist market!

Increasing tariffs cannot be done, but I can always demolish the port. Anyway, no matter who protests, it will take time to demolish and rebuild the port!

As for unreasonableness, this is a matter for the Bulgarian government. We think that the port is too small and needs to be expanded, or that the port is broken and cannot be navigable, whether others believe it or not, I believe it anyway!

Besides, we haven't demolished all of them, but we still have a mouth. The Mediterranean Sea and the Aegean Sea can't get through, let's go to the Marmara Sea!

Ports in the Mediterranean are not normally navigable. To trade with Bulgaria, they must either land or bypass the Marmara Sea.

The cost of land travel is too high, and it is estimated that the Austro-Hungarian Empire can still do it. The Russians who go to the Dardanelles by the sea have to collect tariffs. In Bulgaria, they have to pay again, and the cost goes up!

at this time. Everyone seems to understand something. Prime Minister Constantine said excitedly: "The ports left over from the Ottoman Empire can no longer meet our increasing import and export trade needs. In order to promote economic development, we need to rebuild coastal ports!"

Offending Western European powers, Ferdinand is really not afraid now! Anyway, as a little bear brother, the Russians have always opposed the forces of Western European countries to enter the Balkans, and will resist pressure for them!

Britain and France have their own colonies to relieve the fire, and the demand for the Bulgarian market is not large; the trade between Austria and Hungary has always been completed by land, and there is no real pain!

For this loss, the real interests are still affected by Germany, Italy and other countries. The diplomatic pressure of these countries, Ferdinand said that it does not matter!

Even so, the winter of the Bulgarian economy has come, and the export trade has dropped sharply, and many companies have begun to fall into a situation where they cannot make ends meet!


In order to survive, many SMEs have been forced to transform. Then a shocking scene appeared, a small company engaged in international trade turned into a construction company!

One by one, urban white-collar workers became site managers, and their employees became part of the Bulgarian road construction army!

Ferdinand had to rejoice. It is the end of the 19th century and has not yet experienced the age of spoilage. Everyone can still sit in the office and go to the construction site!

Either way, jobs have been saved!

As for the quality of the project? Now that cars have just come out, is it still early to want to spread? What we are repairing now are commonly known as "hair roads". There is neither asphalt nor concrete, as long as it is filled and rammed.

Anyway, they are all horse-drawn carriages. The quality requirements of highways are not really high. When the future of cars becomes popular, I want to stabilize them before these roadbeds. Then I will increase them!


Thatcher-Torth is one of the site army, commonly known as "contractor".

Originally Thatcher-Tors was the owner of a textile processing factory, mainly engaged in international trade, but after the economic crisis broke out, his products could not be sold.

Subject to Bulgaria 's labor protection law, he ca n't lay off employees for no reason. Now the product ca n't be sold, and production has temporarily stopped. Ca n't he just raise people for nothing?

Coincidentally, Bulgaria is also in the process of building infrastructure. Smart-headed Thatcherf-Tos went to the industrial and commercial department to register a labor service company.

Then the textile worker became a construction worker, and he also officially became a member of the contractor. Through the previous contacts, he successfully joined the army of the construction army!

"Boron, please hurry up for me, haven't you eaten? Not as good as the engineering team next door, don't even match the female workers!" Thatcher-Tos growled

No way, the labor service company really can only make a little bit of luck, especially the Bulgarian government's project, all expenses are stuck.

In addition, there are mostly female workers in the textile mills the labor force is limited. Now Thatcher-Tors' labor service company can only maintain it. Compared with the previous international trade, the profit is poor. Too much, so his anger is also rising!

But Paulun ignored him, and still worked hard and eagerly. Recently, he has heard these words impatiently.

Not only him, basically the few male workers in the factory are the targets of his scolding. Compared with other construction workers, they are far less efficient in their work, far from Thatcherv-Tor Expectation of Si's heart!

If such a request is made for a female worker, it will damage Thatcherf-Tors' image and be easily regarded as a blame employee. After all, a woman's physical strength is generally inferior and cannot be requested by the same standards!

For Thatcher-Tos, who is interested in mixing up in Bulgarian high society, moral cultivation cannot leave a stain.

As for men, it doesn't matter. You are worse than your peers. It is understandable to scold you. Anyway, as long as the salary is not deducted, everyone is acceptable!