Vol 3 Chapter 24: Robbery

In September 19o4, after the war broke out, the Japanese successively won victories, but at this time, the Japanese Prime Minister Katsutaro did not have the slightest excitement, but looked worried!

Not only him, but people of insight in Japan also know that the continued fighting of this war is no good for Japan!

It is true that since the beginning of the war, the Japanese army has progressed smoothly, and both the Hai 6 army have achieved remarkable results. Regardless of the price paid, the Japanese-Russian war has now reached a deadlock.

Obviously the Japanese government has realized that the cost of war is too high and it may not be able to achieve its purpose!

History turned into a turning point again. Due to the influence of the Balkan War, the Russians realized the importance of firepower. The Russian army was equipped with a large number of machine guns and artillery.

The Russian army in the Far East was less affected, and its equipment was still very backward. At the beginning of the war, it was crushed by the Japanese army.

But in June, this situation has improved, while the Russians increased their troops in the Far East, they also had a large number of weapons and equipment.

Machine guns and artillery arrived in the Far East with reinforcements. Of course, the arrival of these new weapons also increased the logistical pressure of the Russian army.

If it is not restricted by logistics, the current Northeast battlefield is probably not deadlocked, but the Russians have counterattacked!

"Find a way to make peace with the Russians!" Ito Bowen said with a grin.

The thing he was most worried about was still born. The Tsarist government was not the Manchurian government, and winning several battles would not scare people!

Even if you lose Siberia, you will not be able to move the foundations of the Russians, let alone a Lushun port.

What's more, they have only been able to encircle Lushun Port before they have time to overcome it?

Oh, the Russians in Lushun harbor also have hundreds of machine guns, which are deployed in various fortresses. Before they run out of their bullets, they will win the Lushun fortress unless the Japanese are willing to learn Ferdinand to attack Constantinople. Wash the floor directly with shells!

However, this is unrealistic. In this era, Japanese industry is terribly slag, and heavy industry is the **** fighter! Weapons and ammunition have to be imported. If they want to smash millions of pounds for a Lushun port, aren't they killing them?

From the outbreak of the war to the present, the Russian Pacific Fleet has been maimed, and the 6th Army has also lost 40,000 to 50,000 people. But how many gray animals can't stand it?

Ito Hirofumi's words have the support of Yoshida Yamada. In fact, the top Japanese government is not a fool, and it is a tiring battle with the Russians.

Although everyone's finances were not rich, the Russians still went on a labor division expedition, and their military expenditures were larger. However, with the victory of the 6 Japanese Army on the battlefield, their fronts were also lengthened.

Since the Russians did not open the Siberian Railway, they had to manually transport hundreds of miles of supplies. Now the traffic in the Northeast is not much better, and the logistics pressure of the Japanese is not small!

This is a small problem, money is the big problem! Until the beginning of the war, the Japanese government's military expenditure has already exceeded 25 million pounds. This has passed the Sino-Japanese War of 1894 and it has also passed the historical period.

This is the bane of Ferdinand's butterfly effect. Whether it is a heavy machine gun or a cannon, it is a golden beast that is not suitable for the poor!

Moreover, the victory of the Japanese army also comes at a price. As the offensive side, the losses of the Japanese 6th Army are actually above the Russians, especially in the coming winter!

Although the arrival of winter will delay the transportation of the Russians, the winter in the Northeast is not so good. Fighting at temperatures of minus dozens of degrees, no army in the world dares to compare with a bear!

The Russo-Japanese War was also a wonderful work in the history of military affairs. The Japanese who had the upper hand eagerly demanded peace, but the Russians who had retreated all the way seemed very calm!

Now that the Tsarist government has just sent an expeditionary fleet to the Far East, Ferdinand knew that Nicholas II intended to solve the Japanese problem once and for all.

He just sent away the Black Sea Fleet, a huge fleet consisting of eight battleships and 36 ships, with a total tonnage of up to 280,000 tons. This is the entire family of the expanded Black Sea Fleet!

Ferdinand's butterfly effect once again came into play. As the Russians took control of the Dardanelles, in recent years the Black Sea fleet has been greatly expanded. At this time, the British hegemony in the Mediterranean has already faced a severe challenge!

The combined fleets of France and Russia in the Mediterranean region have already made up a quarter of the British Mediterranean fleet in gross tonnage.

The Royal Navy's heart is also empty. In case France and Russia jointly give them a look, then the British world hegemony will be dangerous!

Historically, to help the Japanese, they prevented the Black Sea Fleet from entering the Far East, but after this trip to Ferdinand's London, the British changed their attention.

The London government has decided to let the Black Sea Fleet leave, but it is now possible to leave the Suez Canal. Don't even think about coming back!

Of course, the Black Sea Fleet moved, and the Russian Navy of the Baltic Sea stayed. To deal with Japan, the Russian Navy did not need to come out of the nest!

"Your Majesty, the Black Sea Fleet has passed the Suez Canal. It seems that the London government has given up the Japanese!" Foreign Minister Metiev said excitedly.

After all, the Russians have invested more power in the Far East, and naturally they have less power in Europe, and the importance of Bulgaria is even more prominent!

Ferdinand smiled and said, "Don't worry, wait and see!"

He knew that the deal with the British was completed. Although the second Pacific fleet of the Russians has just entered the Red Sea, the fate of the Russian Navy is doomed!

Don't look at Britain's cooperation now. Once the Suez Canal, the Russians would have difficulty getting supplies.

If there were no French allies, Ferdinand was very doubtful whether the Russians could go to the Far East. After all, there are few in the world who hope that the Russians will win!

This also includes the Russian allies, both the French and Ferdinand want them to lose, but they can not defeat the vitality.

For this reason, French support for the Russians is not enthusiastic, in addition to providing loans, other aspects are very cold!

On the contrary, Bulgaria provided them with more help, and Ferdinand even allowed the Russians to owe strategic material funds!

Oh, during the Balkan war, the Russians also allowed Bulgaria to owe credit, and now Ferdinand has to replace this favor!

Besides, the Bulgarian government still owes loans to the Russians? It can be used to arrive, Ferdinand said that it is the same!

Now half of the heavy machine guns and one third of artillery on the Far East battlefield are used goods provided by Ferdinand! After all, after the Balkan war, the Bulgarian military kept a lot of stocks and it should be destocked.

Not to mention ammunition, the Bulgarian arsenal is like the Russian arsenal, and what is missing is produced on the front line!

I have to say that this time the Russians made the right choice. There was no blind increase in troops, but instead the priority was given to ensuring logistics.

This also sounded a wake-up call for Ferdinand. The great powers are good at learning. In history, the Russian army respected white-bladed warfare, and it was a chess match against the Japanese!

Now stimulated by the Balkan wars, the concept of the Russian army has actually changed, and then the Japanese are miserable.

Originally, their 6 armies still had an advantage. Now that tragedy is happening, it is better not to attack. An attack is a machine gun + trenches + steel barbed wire. How can this battle be fought?

At least the Japanese self-proclaimed army **** Nogaki Nohime was stunned. He attacked Lushun with 3 divisions, 2 reserve regiments, and 2 field artillery brigades with a total of 56,000 troops and 386 cannons .

Even if the unprecedented "meat bomb suicide tactic" is adopted, it is still futile and has to seek domestic help. After all, it is not easy to rush to the front of the machine gun!

Without exceeding Ferdinand's expectations, Nicholas II directly rejected the Japanese request for peace talks, and even if the British intervened, it was not enough for him to give face!

Oh, the British do not want an immediate truce now. They also hope that the Japanese Navy can continue to make great efforts to damage the Russian Second Pacific Fleet, so they have to come out to cheer the Japanese government!

The Americans also acted with the British, the British government came forward to guarantee the Japanese, and issued a war loan of 100 million pounds, and the United States loaned 20 million pounds to the Japanese government to allow the Japanese to spend temporarily. Financial crisis!

Because the outside world is not optimistic that the Japanese will win, especially after the Russians' Second Pacific Fleet passed the Suez Canal.

As a result, Japanese bonds have been cold in the international market, and they have fallen again and again. Even if the British government comes forward to guarantee, everyone still doubts the Japanese government's ability to repay!

Investment is to get a return. If it is only for the purpose of protecting capital, who is willing to invest money in vain? Moreover, the repayment date can be up to ten years!

Unless the British government can promise to pay in full, this is obviously impossible, and London and the government are not stupid, but the risk of principal guarantees is already great. If interest was added, the members of Congress would be crazy!

From the initial annual interest rate of eighty percent, to 27 percent now, Ferdinand is extremely enthusiastic. When do you wait for the fire now?

Immediately found Edward the unscrupulous damage friend, the two sides hit it off, and then attracted a group of London capitalists, and a temporary consortium emerged.

Go to the market to scan the goods directly? This method is too low-level!

After the formation of the consortium was completed, it directly approached the Japanese government to negotiate. It wanted to act as an agent. 20% off a one-time package. There was one more child, and a handling fee of 3 points was also charged!

If it's too expensive, you don't have to!

Anyway, the Japanese prince Taigui is vomiting blood at , which is worth 100 million pounds of bonds. After being drawn by this group of vampires, there are only more than 78 million in hand. Interest, he finally learned what international usury is!

Moreover, he has no choice. The consortium must also consider the risks. In case the Japanese government is still not up, they have to go to the London government to ask for money. This also has public relations costs!

If the Japanese government refuses, it is estimated that the world can no longer find a second consortium that dares to pledge, after all, everyone is not optimistic about the Japanese.

If Japan defeats and asks the London government for money, not everyone has that patience!

If you rely on the Japanese to run the bonds themselves, who knows which year of the monkey and monkey to sell? Is the front line still fighting? Without this huge sum, what did the Japanese government use to fight Russia in blood?