Vol 3 Chapter 26: High debt

The destruction of the Second Pacific Fleet has far-reaching effects on the Tsarist government. Apart from the military influence, the political influence is fatal.

Since the Black Sea Fleet has been buried in the Far East, the history of the Black Sea Fleet officers and men's uprising naturally does not exist.

But, what should come is still coming! The social contradictions suppressed by the Tsarist government in Russia can no longer be suppressed! Dissatisfaction with the Tsarist government from all walks of life has reached an extreme!

3 On March 14, 1905, 12,000 workers in the Tirlov factory in Petersburg, went on strike in protest of the factory wage deductions.

This move quickly caused the group to follow suit, and workers in other factories also responded. In just one week, the number of strikes reached 150,000!

On March 26, under the planning of a caring person, more than 100,000 workers gathered in the Hermitage Square to prepare a petition to the Tsar.

The requirements include freedom of speech and publishing, an eight-hour work day, land owned by farmers, and a constitutional conference.

Alas, the result was that the petition was not received by Nicholas II, and the military and police directly suppressed the petitioners and caused thousands of casualties. Historically it was called "Blood Sunday".

Ferdinand knew that the fuse of the Russian revolution was coming!

He thought that under his own butterfly effect, Bulgaria had brought in more than two million labors from Russia, and Russia's class conflicts had eased, and the revolution would not have erupted.

I did not expect that the fuse of the revolution was only a few months later than in history, so the Russian revolution should also enter the countdown!

Ferdinand knew that this time Nicholas II was in great trouble. From the information gathered by the intelligence department, this time was an operation jointly planned by the Revolutionary Party and the capitalists. Even the Tsarist government was involved in this conspiracy!

I ca n't think what some people say is that Nicholas II was stupid. He went to plan the workers 'demonstrations and sent troops and police to ambush in advance to suppress them?

As for the conditions put forward by the workers, the working class went on strike and did not mention the issue of wages. Instead, they were more concerned about the constitution and freedom of speech. If there was not an eight-hour work system to hide their ugliness, Ferdinand wondered who was fighting for it. rights and interests?

有 Is the quality of the Russian working class in this era so high? Ferdinand expressed doubts? A group of illiterates can make so many political implications, and it is exactly what the Tsarist government cannot do? How could this be possible if no one planned?

The so-called ambush suppression by the police and police is even more nonsense. Even if you want to take action, you have to do it in advance? Wait for more than 100,000 people to come together before acting? Killed more than a thousand people and let other people go. Isn't it waiting for them to rebel?

Obviously someone in the Tsarist government is pushing hands. They are no longer satisfied with the status quo, it seems that they intend to learn about the British constitutional monarchy!

But the next treatment of Nicholas II is frequently out of faint. Don't hurry to appease the workers, clean up the maggots inside, and throw out a few scapegoats!

Instead, he stood on the side of the bourgeoisie, blindly suppressed the workers' movement, and finally lost everyone's heart! It is true that he is a reactionary tsar!

Alas, Ferdinand knew the problems inside Russia, but he didn't mean to intervene. Instead, he used the internal chaos of the Russians to find fish in muddy waters.

Since the factory was closed, the unscrupulous capitalists would naturally not be paid. Many people have been forced to commit crimes after losing their income.

Russia 's social order has begun to deteriorate sharply. Vicious incidents such as robbery and homicide are constantly staged in the streets and alleys, and the lives of ordinary people are even worse!

That being the case, of course Ferdinand is welcome, social instability is a good time to dig!

Those ordinary engineers are the goal of this excavation. Anyway, their base is large, and they are mixed with ordinary workers. Under the background of great chaos, no one will notice that there are a few people missing!

If conditions permit, he doesn't mind abducting a few scientists. Anyway, they are all acting in the name of civil organizations, and it is normal for companies to dig a wall of scripts!

Not only that, because of the turbulent situation in Russia, the number of immigrants has skyrocketed, and Bulgaria, the same language, is their first choice!

Anyway, you are close, you can wait and see the situation, if you are not comfortable in the back, you can wait for the situation to stabilize and then go back, it is time to take a vacation!

At the same time, the spring of the Bulgarian business community also came. Due to the suppression of the military and police, the strike quickly swept the country.

And the tsarist government did not take timely measures to appease the people responsible for punishing the culprit, widening the contradictions, and even triggering a violent revolution, which caused a fatal blow to Russian industrial production!

I also created opportunities for the Bulgarian business community. Now Russia's economic situation is not good, the lives of ordinary people are not very good, and cheap goods have become their first choice!

If it is cheap, who can compare with Bulgaria now? All the copycat goods, and there are advantages in tariffs! Wumart may not be able to do it yet, but Ferdinand has made it extremely cheap!

Now Russia 's civilian goods sector is divided between France and France. The French have occupied the upper and middle markets, while Bulgaria has occupied the lower and middle markets. Between the two is well water that does not violate river water, and it is a tacit cooperation to exclude third parties Join!

After the revolution in Russia, it immediately attracted worldwide attention, especially the Japanese. The Japanese government thought that the opportunity had come and was ready to take advantage of the fire.

Unfortunately, Nicholas II's response quickly gave them a head-on. "Cut land compensation"? Dream it, I will continue to fight it!

Don't look at the strikes everywhere in Russia, the country is coquettish, but the supplies on the front line can still be barely available!

多 More than 400,000 Russian troops in the Far East still played well with the Japanese, and they did not see defeat!

Now Bulgaria 's industry is just like a part of the Russians. It is full of horsepower and supplies them with munitions. Even if it is occasionally unavailable, Ferdinand will use the inventory to put them on first!

Then the Japanese government was tragedy. In history, most European countries hoped that the Russians would lose the war, and they were basically trying to pull back.

Even the French do not want the Russians to continue to die with the Japanese, so support for this war is very limited, and everyone is not keen on exporting arms!

Of course, Ferdinand thinks that French capitalists despise the small money for exporting guns. Compared with usury, what is the gain?

Moreover, the Germans are always threatening the security of the French mainland. Just for the strategic security of the country, how can the French government find a way to pull the Russians back? Compared to this, the insignificant gun profit is not worth mentioning!

This forced the tsarist government to finally make a compromise with the core factors of the Japanese. Even so, the tsarist government still insisted on negotiating and not paying money, and negotiated wherever it went, and it succeeded!

更 Not to mention now, because of the Ferdinand butterfly effect, the scale of this uprising will be much smaller, and the revolution will soon be suppressed by the tsarist government!

Although the strike continues, Bulgaria's nascent industrial system is giving them blood transfusions.

I don't say how strong Bulgaria's industry is now, but compared to Japan, which is not yet fully industrialized, it still occupies a clear advantage, especially in the field of heavy industry!

The war lasted for 1906. After unremitting efforts, the Japanese Army finally conquered Lushun Port, but they also had Liaoyang and Fengtian in front of them ...

As the uprising was quickly extinguished, the situation in Russia began to improve, and the tsarist government continued to fight even more.

I took out a pair of dead pigs that were not afraid of boiling hot water. If you want to fight, just hit it. I won't compromise anyway!

Now the British and French desperately hope that Japan and Russia can cease the war, so that the Russians can recover their power and invest in the European continent to suppress the rising Germans!

It is a pity that the Russians did not buy it. The tsarist government was worried that if it compromised with Japan, it would likely cause further turmoil in the domestic situation.

So even if the debt is high, the tsarist government will continue the war and try to use the time to bring down the Japanese!

The Government of Tokyo had to find ways to raise military expenses for the Japanese again. At this time, the Tokyo government's finances were exhausted.

They even took the colonies of North Korea and Taiwan as collateral and mortgaged them to the consortium. Unfortunately, this is not enough!

As in the same period in history, the Japanese government relies on loans provided by the British and Americans, and debt transfer days, but now the financial hole is even bigger!

During the Japan-Russia war in parallel time and space, the Japanese spent 1.8 billion yen in military expenditures (1 yen is about 0.75 grams of gold and about 184 million pounds).

But because of Ferdinand 's butterfly effect, the Japanese military expenditure is now approaching this number, but the war is still going on!

Not only the Japanese government's finances can't stand it, even the Russians' finances are uncomfortable. Military expenditure is 1.7 billion rubles (1 ruble is equivalent to 0.774 grams of gold, about 1.8 pounds).

On the surface, it seems that the Russians have the advantage lower military expenditures. In fact, the Tsarist government would prefer to spend more, better than the entire fleet of the Pacific Fleet! The navy is over, and this part of the military expenditure is naturally saved!

In addition, the arms and ammunition imported by the Japanese government are all high-priced goods. In addition, due to the neutral treaty, they have to change hands in a third country!

In comparison, the Russians are much better. At least Ferdinand was not afraid to rob and take advantage of the fire. He still settled at the international price before the war. This is a saving!

It is a pity that the Russians have high freight rates and have to organize a lot of manpower in order to speed up the transportation of goods around the clock. Naturally, the prices in the Far East are not cheap.

Alas, if it is only military expenditures in the Far East, the Russian government can still stand up. The key is that the domestic revolution is deadly!

The economic losses to Russia caused by the strike campaign across the country are inestimable. Many industries have suffered a devastating blow. Now Russia's total industrial output value is less than half of that before the war!

Ferdinand, the black hand behind all this, is still the most faithful ally in the Russians!

From now until now, the Bulgarian government has always stood by the Russians with clear flags and has not shaken in the slightest!

I have to say that politics is dark!