Vol 3 Chapter 29: Battleship-Harmony

19o6 was a magnificent year. The Japanese-Russian war was still fierce, but the British-Burmese war had ended!

With the annihilation of the Russian Pacific Fleet, the Boers hoped that the British-Russian war would break out, so that their ideas of using the changes in the international situation to protect themselves were defeated and they had to make compromises with the British.

Similarly, the British-British War, which lasted nearly nine years, also caused misery to the London government. Therefore, they did not persecute the Boers too much. The armistice conditions are similar to history. In some places, they are even more generous!

In fact, the British-British War was not continuous. Since the explosion in 1896, the British army was defeated in 1897 due to insufficient preparations, and the two sides entered a three-year truce.

After the British used diplomatic measures in 19o1 to secure the support of the Boers in the Big 6 of Europe, they started the war again, and the **** battle between the two sides really began!

By 19o4, the big war between the British and British cloths had basically stopped. The two sides had conducted a series of negotiations, and major parties had reached an agreement. Seeing that the war was about to end, the Japanese-Russian war broke out again.

The Boers saw hope again. They expected that the Russo-Japanese War would drag the British down. Once the war broke out on both sides, the British had to give up South Africa.

Unwilling to fail, the Boers took up their weapons again and played a hide-and-seek guerrilla war with the British on the Big 6 in South Africa.

It was not until the defeat of the Russian Navy in 19o5 that the two sides again reached the negotiating table.

This time the negotiations went smoothly. The Boers did not have enough chips in their hands, and the British were frightened by guerrilla warfare. Both sides longed for peace. The war was over, and the Boer Republic became a British protectorate!

Due to the Ferdinand butterfly effect, the British lost more on the South African battlefield than in the same period in history. Especially the tens of thousands of additional mercenaries supported by European powers made the lobster soldiers miserable!

In this war, the British army has invested a total of 480,000 people, the Bur republic mobilized 88,000 people, and recruited 45,000 mercenaries.

By the end of the war in 19o6, the number of casualties in the British army had reached 136,000, of which more than one-fifth of the casualties had occurred in guerrilla warfare. The world saw the power of guerrilla warfare for the first time in the world!

After the British-British War, Britain connected southern African colonies and controlled the corridors leading to the Great Lakes region of Africa's hinterland. The Cape of Good Hope area is based on the vast interior of South Africa and has become one of the most important outposts of the British overseas empire.

Economically, the British gained the world's largest rand gold mine, and the London government controlled the lifeblood of the global economy. Gold from South Africa has made London fast the center of the global financial industry and gold trading.

At the same time, the Boer War was also the end of the British's overseas expansion. The cost of modern warfare in London's politicians is too high. The war funding of 290 million pounds is enough to make them hurt.

Since then, the London government has abandoned its long-standing diplomatic isolation policy and pursued a strategic contraction on a global scale.

The London government handed over some of its colonies to Austria, Canada, and New Zealand, and the British's strategic focus once again returned to Europe, laying the foundation for the outbreak of World War I!

Although knowing the changes in British foreign policy, Ferdinand can only follow the trend, and Bulgaria has not yet participated in the capital of the global strategic game!

However, there is a lot of good news. On May 18, the successful trial of the first coastal defense-class battleship of Bulgaria and Sweden, the Harmony, marked the Bulgarian navy industry and entered a new era!

Displacement] 768o ton

[Occupant] 465 人

[Size] 121.6m longest 18.6 m draught 6.7 m

[Armed] (Dicksf Shipyard)

Double 11 inch turret 2 (total 4, 45 double diameter, reload only 17 sec)

Single 6 inch turret 6 seat (total 6 gate, 5o double diameter)

[Armor] (Bulgarian Steel Works)

Central 2o3 mm on both sides of the hull

Head and tail on both sides of the hull 76.2 to 152 mm

Deck 41.3 mm

redoubt 1o2 mm

Main gun mount 2o3 mm

Main gun turret 152 mm

Smaller turret 63.5 to 127 mm

[Boiler] 4 座 penhiet Heavy oil boiler design output 出 2oooo horsepower up to 22.8 knots

12km / 8oookm

Oh, this warship is very good to follow Ferdinand's philosophy: "You can't beat it, you have to run it; you can't beat it, you have to beat it!"

Even in the age of Dreadnought, which is coming soon, it is not backward. It can challenge all warships except battleships, and it can run over fearless ships. The survivability on the battlefield is guaranteed!

Although the voyage is a bit short, activities in the Mediterranean region are enough. At least now it is used to suppress the Ottoman Navy, and its performance is sufficient.

Of course, in order to build this warship, Ferdinand spent a lot of money. From the beginning of the research to the completion of the sea trial, the investment has been close to a million pounds!

Of course, this cost also includes the cost of introducing technology to Sweden. Otherwise, in terms of shipbuilding costs, this can produce two Harmonies!

Compared to the smooth progress of the coastal defense ship cooperation with Sweden, the admiralty and the Dutch battleships are a little troublesome.

The battleships have entered the beginning of the 20th century, and the concepts of shipbuilding in various countries are constantly changing. The brains of designers have widened and various strange ideas are available.

In fact, before the British built the Dreadnought, the designers did not have similar ideas!

This time, Bulgaria is responsible for paying for the money, supplemented by Dutch designers who are mainly Bulgarian designers. They naturally want to open their minds.

As a result, the warship was designed, but the industrial strength of the two countries was not sure to turn it into a reality. Even the battle power of this battleship was a mystery, which was awkward!

Of course, there is also the credit of Ferdinand. According to his understanding of the Dreadnought, he blindly forced a few words in front of the designers.

Then the theoretically very powerful battleship was designed. From the parameters, Ferdinand was very similar to the early Dreadnought, but it was troublesome to be converted into a battleship.

Since there is no precedent yet, no one is sure whether this designed battleship has combat effectiveness. After all, not everyone is a British empire and has the courage to be the first in the world!

Neither the Dutch nor Bulgaria dare to bet. If a battleship cost over two million pounds, if it does not have the combat power it deserves, the loss will be great!

For this reason, the shipbuilding issue was dragged down Ferdinand also happily waited. Let's take a look at the British fearless captain first, as long as it is determined that there is no problem in the design, he dare to go directly to the platform!

As for technical issues, Ferdinand does not think it is a problem now! Not in Bulgaria, nor in the Netherlands, isn't it French?

The "Three Nations Agreement" did not join in vain. The French promised technically to support the two countries.

The French shipbuilding industry in this era is still very aggressive. If the technology is not available in the world's second largest navy country, is it necessary to consider it?

It must be before the design. After all, there is no qualitative difference in the shipbuilding technology between the major powers, and the British are only slightly ahead!