Vol 4 Chapter 16: Ah Q spirit

Facts have proved that Ahmed's choice was correct. They had just been dispatched and were cleared by Bulgarian intelligence personnel. But when the Bulgarian navy main force rushed over, they were long gone.

After all, it's just a little distance away. It's not too easy to run. The fledgling Bulgarian navy encountered the first problem!

Not to defeat the enemy, nor to find the enemy! The problem is that the enemy will never fight you and hide in the port to be a turtle. I ca n't stand it once, and before you get there, they shrink back. What can you do with them?

Fortunately, the Ottoman Empire is really rotten. Like a sieve, it cannot be kept secret at all. Bulgaria can easily find out where the navy's main force is located, otherwise it will be more passive!

Regarding the navy's sluggish action, Ferdinand can't help it. If it is the 6th Army, there are still a few generals in Bulgaria who can do it.

Navy? Just seeing that the ministers of the navy are all 6 generals, they know what kind of situation they are!

Oh, there is no way. The French instructors and Russian instructors who train them are all grass-roots officers. Let them fumble for this command operation!

Colonel Bultia, the commander of this battle, was Ferdinand pulling the general in the short and promoted him to become the captain of the Sofia.

He has served in the Russian Black Sea Fleet and participated in the Battle of the Marmara Sea and the Taiwan Strait. It is considered to be rich in combat experience, but it is really the first time to command a large fleet.

In addition to him, many people in the Bulgarian Navy have been dug up from the grass-roots officers of the Black Sea Fleet Survivors.

As for why only the grass-roots officers are dug, the reason is simple. Although high-level officers have command capabilities, Ferdinand dare not use it!

Who knew that St. Petersburg suddenly gave them an order, and who would they choose to listen to?

The grass-roots officers are different. At the same time they were dug up, an old and young also followed the immigration. The ability may not be enough, but the loyalty is high enough!

Bultia is now under great pressure. This is the first time he has independently commanded a large fleet and the first battle of the Bulgarian Navy!

If he performs well in this battle, his future is bright, otherwise he can be prepared to retire. If he has absolute strength and advantage, he won't have a record. Is he still qualified to continue to mix in the army?

After repeated attempts, Bultia made a helpless decision-to divide the army! While continuing to attack, he was watching the Ottoman Navy.

In fact, he should have made this decision long ago. After all, the Bulgarian Navy has a point that is an advantage that the Ottoman Navy cannot make up for: Degree!

With this advantage, no matter how, they will not be defeated one by one by the Ottoman navy! Instead, it can invade the coastal cities of the Ottoman Empire. As long as you give me a few shots every 30 minutes, it is enough for the Sudanese government to drink a pot!

The Bulgarian Navy was divided directly into two, Bultia led the flagship Sofia and operated with two cruisers, three destroyers and four torpedo boats;

The remaining two pocket-sized battleships and an armored cruiser operate along with the other two destroyers and six torpedo boats!

According to this allocation, any party that meets the main force of the Ottoman navy can defeat the enemy. Oh, the ship that bullies the Ottoman Navy is weak and weak!

Because the fearless ship's firepower is powerful, it can provide more powerful fire cover for the Deng 6 troops. Therefore, the task of watching the Ottoman navy falls on the head of the Second Squadron.

Oh, this is also the purpose of tempting the Ottoman navy to come out for a decisive battle. After all, the fearless ships have dropped off. The main force of the second sub-fleet is two shore defense battleships, plus an armored cruiser.

Destroyer or something can't be used in the main battle of the navy! No, if you are dealing with the iron armored ship 30 or 40 years ago, you can still try it!

After the division, the Second Fleet first blocked the island of Lesvos, stared at the port of Karaburun, and blocked Izmir. The First Fleet continued to cover the 6th Army to seize the island.

Now the option is returned to Ahmed Pasha again. If the Ottoman navy does not come out, then they will be trapped in Izmir and Karaburun when the coastal islands are completely occupied!

Either take advantage of the Bulgarian Navy and play against the Second Fleet. Winning the blockade naturally does not exist. Of course, the consequences of losing are also very serious. It is a problem to run!

Oh, and Ahmed Pasha has a third option, which is to leave the Aegean Sea regardless of running directly, and head to their southern port, Ischer, to avoid the war far away.

If you want to run, it is not so safe now. The first fleet of Bulgaria is on Chios Island. Once the track is exposed, it cannot run away!

Moreover, for Ahmed Pasha personally, this is also a catastrophic blow. The hat of the traitor is not to be taken off in this life, and the Sudanese government will not let him go!

Ahmad Pasha stared at the chart with his eyes shut, speechless. In fact, the Ottoman navy also had ports on the islands, but after the war broke out, the weak navy gave up directly.

I chose a safest port. Security is safe, but it is also strategically limited. Once the island chain is lost, it will be trapped in Izmir!

Will Bulgaria 's 6th Army board the 6th?

Obviously, the issue of the morning and evening of the 6th, there are always several places suitable for the 6th coastline of the Ottoman Empire in the Aegean Sea.

The Sudanese government has no confidence in the navy, and Ahmad Pasha has no confidence in the Sixth Army? New 6th Army? Huhuohuo people just fine, when he didn't know it?

Weapons and equipment are updated, but they are discounted. The quality of the weapon depends on the conscience of the official in charge!

Soldier training has improved, but this is just a big difference from the previous ten-day and three-day exercises, which is hard to say!

Anyway, officers are still those officers, soldiers are still those soldiers! Otherwise, where does the Ottoman Empire go to find so many qualified officers!

Although Ahmed Pasha has the average ability, he has also studied the history of modern naval warfare. He remembered the "Jinwu War" born in the Far East more than ten years ago!

Each warship remained in the port and became an enemy's captive within a few seconds. He knew that if he did not take immediate action now, I am afraid they would also become the second North Sea Fleet!

"Fight!" Ahmed Pasha secretly made up his mind.


At this time, the 6 Bulgarian Army is still fighting hard, but this is not fighting hard against the enemy, but fighting seasickness and fighting the natural environment!

Originally Ferdinand engaged in a mighty decisive battle with the Ottoman Empire, but now it gives a feeling of being played, saying a good "blood debt and blood compensation"?

How many islands did you go to? Not to mention conquering Ankara, at least you must attack Bursa and Yuskudar.

This is almost a month of war. Except for capturing a large number of coastal islands, the main force of the 6th Army of Bulgaria is nesting in its old home, and there is no shadow of fighting on the 6th.

Even the shipping in the Aegean Sea is unimpeded. Bulgaria has not intercepted merchant ships. The Ottoman Empire has no ability to come out to intercept merchant ships. The Dardanelles and Bosporus are even calmer!

After watching the excitement, the big powers had nothing to do with hanging up. Even the Germans were relieved that the local war was irrelevant!

If Bulgaria attacks the Asia Minor Peninsula, they are still worried about the collapse of the Sudanese government, but if they attack the coastal islands, it is estimated that few Ottomans will take these islands to heart, otherwise Crete will not fall into the hands of the Greeks. !!


The 6th Army Minister Popov anxiously said, "Your Majesty, is it time for our 6th Army to act? Isn't it just a matter of waiting?"

"Don't worry, aren't you already attacking the Yugoslavia Islands? At this rate, wait another month, the islands of the Ottoman Empire in the Aegean Sea are all ours!" Ferdinand smiled Say

The current progress He is very satisfied. Ferdinand never dreamed that the Ottoman Empire would give up the coastal islands. Otherwise, with these islands and Bulgaria 's dealings, there would be no one and a half years of rest. !!

Oh, if you let the Sudanese government know, they will be very wronged, and they will be helpless! Everyone knows that these islands can't be kept. Who is sent to die? Is this a problem?

Don't look at the slogans shouting every day from the main battle faction. When you want them to be cannon fodder, there are countless reasons for each one.

In short, you cannot waste precious defense forces on insignificant islands!

Unless the navy can win, it is still in the Minor Asian Peninsula! You see, Bulgaria has not yet boarded 6, so this shows that our strategy is very successful, the enemy has been scared, and they dare not board 6!