Vol 4 Chapter 21: , Routines, routines everywhere

The Germans have such a big diplomacy, how can it be possible to hide Ferdinand?

What a pity, even after knowing the Germans' plans, Ferdinand had to go into the pit!

The benefit is often proportional to the risk. The higher the risk, the greater the benefit!

The Germans hope to use the anti-protection alliance to curb the development of Bulgaria and at the same time preserve the Ottoman empire; but Ferdinand also hopes to make excuses for his neighbors?

As for the Ottoman Empire, why did such a good neighbor push him down? If the Ottoman Empire is really divided up now, then the road of Bulgaria's expansion in the future will be blocked. Could Ferdinand still be able to rob the trophies with Britain, France, and Russia?

Compared with the German strategy of the Near East, the British are more sophisticated. The Germans hope that Bulgaria will send troops to the Asia Minor Peninsula to create opportunities for the Anti-Insurance Alliance.

The British people are not most concerned about the local interests of the Near East. What they are most concerned about now is how to provoke the contradictions between the Allies and the Allies and use the contradictions between the countries to achieve the British strategic goal of containing the Germans!

As is the case now, Bulgarians may disembark at any time, and may even succumb to the allure of the allies. This is what John Bull cannot stand!

保加利亚 Compared to a challenger who checks and balances the German world supremacy, Bulgaria's expansion seems trivial!

Now that Germany actually came to your door, the two parties have a passion and intention. Naturally, it's a snap!

When John Niu cooperated with the Germans, he changed hands and leaked the news directly to Bulgaria.

This is equivalent to telling Ferdinand clearly, don't you want Asia Minor? Want Greece? Now the opportunity is here, as long as you dare to take risks, your teeth are good enough, and your appetite is big enough to eat, it's for you!

Do Bulgaria have such good teeth now? The answer is: yes!

But does Ferdinand have this appetite? No doubt about it: no!

Now it is not far away from the World War. Even if Bulgaria can swallow it, there is no way to digest it in a short time, let alone to enhance its overall national strength!

While the methods were implemented in England and Germany, no one noticed that the Minister of Italy in Bulgaria had already met with Bulgaria 's Foreign Minister Metev twice, and the two sides were very happy!

Uh ...

His Prime Minister Constantine said excitedly: "His Majesty, the British have publicly acknowledged our sovereignty over the Asia Minor Peninsula and have also acquiesced in our expansion into the Greek Peninsula!"

In his opinion, the diplomatic recognition of the British Empire is undoubtedly of great significance. But in Ferdinand's view, unless Bulgaria does occupy the Asia Minor Peninsula. Otherwise, the so-called diplomatic recognition has no substantial benefits!

Jeff Ferdinand said earnestly: "The British have spared no effort in order to stir up the conflict between us and our allies!"

To be honest, Ferdinand did not expect that Britain would be so fierce. The Asia Minor Peninsula and the Greek Peninsula would be thrown away, but the bigger the bait, the greater the natural risk!

Alas, this also has little to do with the interests of the British in the area! Far less than the Germans and French, John Bull is generous to others this time!

Compared to others, only Ferdinand knew that the issue of the Asia Minor Peninsula would likely evolve into one of the main contradictions of the First World War, and the Anti-Insurance Alliance tied these countries to the Allies in one fell swoop. On the chariot!

I heard Ferdinand's words, Constantine reacted. The Allies can condone the expansion of Bulgaria, but not the Allies, they can't watch Bulgaria bully their little brother anyway!

It is conceivable that a conflict of interest between Bulgaria and the allies is an inevitable thing. In the future, it will be difficult for Bulgaria to stay out of the mainstream contradictions in the world!

Constantine thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, the contradiction between the Allies and the Allies cannot be avoided. Bulgaria will sooner or later be drawn in. Rather than passively joining, it is better to join in actively!"


Fei Dinan smiled slightly and said, "It seems that I entered a dead end, and the tallest person stood upstairs!

Uh ...

Sure enough, it is the best development direction for Bulgaria if we are surrounded by enemies, otherwise our allies will not rest assured!

Follow the original plan, and play a show with them! "

Rather than worrying about the problems of the World War, it is better to eat the flesh of the mouth first, then anyway, the British, French, and Russian talents are the main force in this war.

Bulgaria seems to face many enemies, but its opponents are weak chickens. As long as the Allies have not failed, Ferdinand need not worry about Bulgaria's defeat!

Uh ...

The game of the great powers is undoubtedly the small country that hurts most!

For example, the Kingdom of Montenegro was sandwiched by Bulgaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Nicholas I was ambitious but unable to perform!

Originally, under the relocation of the Russians, the Kingdom of Montenegro moved closer to Bulgaria, but when Ferdinand refused to support the Serbian revolution, the relationship between the two countries left an indelible gap!

Later, because of the economic blockade of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bulgaria controlled the economy of the Kingdom of Montenegro, which made even more people dissatisfied in Montenegro.

The Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Montenegro has repeatedly stated publicly: We must change our economic dependence on Bulgaria and break the status quo of working for Bulgarians.

Obviously, the Kingdom of Montenegro was used to the "selfless" assistance of the Russians before. In the face of Bulgaria's support for soliciting returns, they are still not used to it!

So what Ferdinand saw as it should be, became the main contradiction between Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Montenegro.

Before that, there were trade frictions between the two sides, for example: the capitalists of the Kingdom of Montenegro unifiedly raised the export price of timber; the capitalists of Bulgaria did not go to purchase for one year, and finally forced them to make concessions ...

The Kingdom of Montenegro also wanted Bulgaria to help them build their own industry, but was rejected by Bulgaria.

This is not Ferdinand deliberately making things difficult, no money, no resources, no market. How can such a Three No Kingdoms achieve industrialization?

In short, under this series of contradictions, the Kingdom of Montenegro urged the Germans to throw away the olive branch enough, and they were defeated!

Oh oh no! The original idea of ​​Nicholas I was to sell at a price, hoping that Bulgaria could come up with better conditions to win them over. It is a pity that Ferdinand was not on the road and directly closed such a trade channel between the two countries!

Then, getting on board is easy and getting off! The Kingdom of Montenegro was hard to ride a tiger, and had to join the anti-protection alliance stubbornly.

In order to strengthen the confidence of the Anti-Insurance Alliance, on May 26, 1909, Bulgaria sent troops to the Asia Minor Peninsula and landed in Zonguldak, Banderma, and Karaburun.