Vol 4 Chapter 25: , Coup-choice

Edward VII of London, who was convening a diplomatic conference, received a diplomatic rhetoric from Bulgaria inviting the British Empire to mediate the Second Balkan War.

"This Balkan war is about to end so soon?" Edward VII asked in confusion.

It is indeed a bit fast. The war between Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire has fought for more than two months, but no results have been found. It is less than half a month before the Second Balkan War broke out, and the two sides are ready to negotiate. Something unexpected!

The Minister of Foreign Affairs explained: "Your Majesty, it has not been so fast. There are still two weeks before the negotiation time given by the Bulgarians. In such a long time, many things may happen!

Bulgaria gave us an invitation letter in advance, nothing more than to offset diplomatic pressure from the allies, I believe the French and Russians also received it! "

Edward VII thought for a while and said, "Oh, okay! It looks like our goal has been achieved this time, and the seeds of conflict between Bulgaria and the Allies have been successfully planted!

I just didn't expect the Germans to jump out so quickly. They were afraid they would not do their best this time! "

After the younger brother asks for help, he comes out to help with the mediation, and voluntarily comes out to mediation, and the results are often two different results!

If it's the former, you help, even if the younger brother still suffers from loss of interest, he will reap the gratitude of the younger brother; if it is the latter, the interests of others cannot be satisfied, it is estimated that they will doubt that you did your best!

The current situation is clear. The Kingdom of Montenegro and Romania have not yet defeated. If they are required to cut land or pay compensation in the negotiations, it is estimated that they will also be dissatisfied with the Germans!

However, Ferdinand's appetite this time was so big, he was ready to defeat the Romanians in the talk, and it was actually helping the Germans once!

"Unfortunately, the Ottoman Empire has not collapsed, otherwise our gains will be even greater!" Said the Foreign Minister with regret.

Edward VII smiled slightly and said, "How good can the collapse of the Ottoman Empire be for Bulgaria? Ferdinand is not stupid, how can it really be dead with them?

On the contrary, I think that Greece, Montenegro and Romania are the real targets of this war in Bulgaria? "

The Minister of Foreign Affairs asked incredulously: "Your Majesty, this is impossible! How could a Bulgarian know in advance that the Second Balkan War would be exploded?"

Edward VII proudly said, "Maybe! But these are not important. The situation is still under our control. As long as it does not affect our global strategy, even if there are some changes, it is acceptable!"

He was proud of himself. At the beginning of his throne, more than 50 years old, Edward VII restored the monarchy of the British monarch who had been dim because of Queen Victoria's long-term abode!

It is also the last real monarch of the British Empire. After him, the heirs will no longer be able to completely control the country!


Compared to the calmness of the British, the Germans can't. There is no doubt that in the Near East, Germany's pre-developed strategy has failed. In the face of accountability in Vienna, the Berlin government has to appease!

That's right, this time the German military made a wrong judgment, overestimated the combat effectiveness of the Romanian army, and underestimated the war potential of Bulgaria!

As for the Kingdom of Montenegro and Greece, the Germans had not expected much. They mainly hoped that the Romanian 6 Army, trained by Germany in one hand, could quickly break through the defense line and achieve the strategic goal of weakening Bulgaria.

William II is now worried, and his failure has also failed. Germany is also a big cause. Once a partial strategy failed, they can still afford it. The question is how to ensure that several younger brothers can retreat!

Boss is not so good at it, if the younger brother can't keep it, who is still mixing with you?

The problem is that the battlefield is losing too fast now, and you have to have chips if you want to negotiate? Now it is the confrontation between the two major alliances. The tiger power of the three-nation alliance cannot scare Bulgaria!

The new German Prime Minister Teo Baden von Bateman Holwig said calmly, "His Majesty, Bulgaria agreed to our mediation, but they requested that the negotiation time be two weeks later. Before that, they were not Will stop! "

Theo Baden von Bateman Holvig Germany was a great and failed politician at the beginning of the 20th century (German phase from 199 to 1917). He opposed the war between the two major alliances and advocated diplomacy with the British. Forgive it, and fix it with the Russians.

Negotiations with the British on the issue of naval reductions have failed because of opposition from Admiral Tirpitz, backed by Kaiser Wilhelm II.

Also, due to the opposition of the Russian aristocracy, the efforts to re-establish an alliance with the Russians also failed!

After the Sarajevo incident broke out in 1914, he cooperated with British Foreign Minister Edward Gray to limit the war to the Balkans, but the German Supreme Command had the best decision-making power, and his claim failed again!

All in all, he is a failed politician. Political reforms in the country have failed, and foreign policy has also failed!

There is no doubt that Teobaden von Bateman Holvey supports the establishment of an anti-protection alliance, but he also opposes war against Bulgaria. It's up!

After hearing the words, William II's face was very ugly. Obviously, he was very angry about Bulgaria's not buying it!

"Huh! Should we do something about it?" William II asked, trying his best to suppress the anger.

Xiangte Obaden von Bateman Holvey replied: "Your Majesty, we'd better do nothing now, even if the truce negotiations are conducted immediately now, as losers, we must pay the price!

But now the Kingdom of Montenegro and Romania haven't given up, and they are doing their last fight. The Greeks have been abandoned and it is not worth our continued efforts to protect them. As for the Ottoman Empire, I want to wait for their new government to come out and then negotiate Would be better! "

William II nodded helplessly, which is considered the default. There is no way for four younger brothers, one to be abolished, and the other three to persist. They don't want to stop the truce. What can he do?

As for Greece, which has already been abolished, naturally it is no longer under consideration. Everyone is very realistic in this era!


At this point, the Ottoman Empire, Ankara, was no longer peaceful, and the Turkish Al-Shabaab could not stand it!

In 19o8, the Turkish Al-Shabaab controlled the garrison in Macedonia and launched a coup in early 199.

However, due to Ferdinand's butterfly effect, the Ottoman Empire moved to Ankara, which is more conservative, and the Turkish Al-Shabaab exhibition was also affected.

In Ankara dominated by the traditional aristocracy station, the Turkish Al-Shabaab's influence is much weaker, but due to successive failures on the battlefield, the army in the Ankara region has been continuously dropped to the front, which has created opportunities for them.

… (Relating to religious belief, 50,000 words are omitted here)

In Sofia's palace, Ferdinand is holding a meeting to discuss the impact of this coup in the Ottoman Empire.

"His Majesty, the Ottoman Empire has just had a coup, and the old nobles who are unwilling to fail will definitely fight back. This is a rare opportunity for us!" Pope Popov, the 6th Army Minister, said excitedly

"Your Majesty, I think it is time to negotiate with the Ottoman Empire immediately, or they may reach a compromise because of our intervention! Only after the war is over, they can rest assuredly!" The Minister of Finance objected


The Minister of the 6th Army advocated the continued expansion of the war. He received the support of the Secretary of the Navy, the Chief of Staff, the Minister of War, and the Minister of Defense.

However, the 6th Army insisted on continuing to attack the Asia Minor Peninsula, Com turned it into Bulgarian territory, while the Navy advocated attacking the weak Ottoman Empire in Jordan, Syria, and Kuwait.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer stands for receiving as soon as possible and ending the war at an early date, which is supported by the Cabinet.

Well, the military advocates continuing the war, but the offensive direction is different; the government's opinion is very consistent, and you will accept it when you see it!

The final decision was thrown into Ferdinand's hands. Intellectually speaking, it is the safest way to take it right now. Anyway, this time the gain is enough; but if the war continues, the possible gain is too tempting, which makes Fidi Nan is hard to give up!

After all, if you miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, until the outbreak of World War I, Bulgaria will have no chance to start!