Vol 4 Chapter 29: Peninsula Strategy

Although the Greek peninsula is now occupied by Bulgaria, the 1.7 million Greeks on the island and the 700,000 Ottomans detained by the Greeks all need to be dealt with. If one fails to handle it, it may explode!

After all, Ferdinand pays great attention to the international image, and it is impossible to send the Greeks to the concentration camp, but the Greeks whose nationalism is deeply entrenched are obviously not so easy to integrate!

It took only one infantry division to defeat the Greek Bulgarian. Occupying the Greek Peninsula, Ferdinand has already sent three infantry divisions!

This is still under negotiation. The Greeks do not yet know the purpose of Bulgaria. They also hope that the powers will put pressure on them to force Bulgaria to withdraw from the Greek peninsula. The civil resistance is not very fierce.

After all, as early as ten years ago, the Ottoman army used the heads of the Greeks and Greeks to give them a lesson. Resistance is to die! Hard bones were basically dead in the last war!

Time has not passed, and everyone has not forgotten the horrors of the Ottoman army. Therefore, we are not afraid to provoke the Bulgarian army now, for fear of another killing!

Even the middle school teenagers who were active in the past have also quieted down. They also experienced that era. They left horrible memories in their hearts as children. Now they are seduced again and are quietly hiding and shaking. !!

Ferdinand knows that the Greeks counseled, but it does not mean that they are afraid to resist, but now Bulgaria has not challenged their bottom line. The most important thing is that they have not harmed the core interests of interest groups!

But this will soon change. When the Greeks show the true purpose of Ferdinand, they will certainly not be willing to be ruled. Resistance will come sooner or later!

At this point Ferdinand was having a headache about how to deal with the Greeks. After all, the contradiction between Bulgaria and Greece can no longer be eased. This hidden danger is better ruled out earlier!

"Now the Greek peninsula has been included in our pockets. If this negotiation is not unexpected, all countries will acquiesce us to annex the Greek peninsula, but what should the Greeks do?

What suggestions do you guys have, can you talk about it? "

The 6th Army Minister Popov took the lead in saying: "Your Majesty, we can learn from the Greeks' approach to the Ottomans before and send them directly to concentration camps to contribute to the construction of Bulgaria!"

Minister of the Navy Petrov added: "Your Majesty, to open overseas colonies now, a lot of labor is still needed, so why not send them!"


The military's suggestion made Ferdinand roll his eyes and make a joke. The number of Greeks is quite large. Although there are only 1.7 million in the Greek peninsula, there are a lot of Greek ethnic groups scattered around the world. , Bulgaria's international image is all over!

Although the powers of this era have no international image, Ferdinand still pays attention to the impact. At least after leaving the Near East, the international image of Bulgaria in the world is still good. If you do n't learn Italian, you can insert a bar everywhere. !!

"Similar, what's your opinion?" Ferdinand continued to ask

Constantine thought about it and said, "Your Majesty, the Greeks are very difficult to deal with. The best option is to send them all away, or even find a new place for them to build a country!

They cannot be left alone on the Greek peninsula. Just look at the Serbian region ruled by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Even if the rebellion is suppressed, the situation has not stabilized! "

Ferdinand nodded with satisfaction. This was the solution he wanted.

"Well, it's true. As long as the Greeks stay on the Greek peninsula, it is a hidden danger. If you want to maintain long-term peace, it is better to get them away! Let's think about what place is suitable for the Greeks?" Ferdinand showed his attitude

Since Ferdinand's previous plan was to turn the Marmara Sea into an inland lake, for Greece, it was only intended to cede some islands, and did not consider the issue of the Greeks.

But he carefully considered it later. Now it is very difficult to realize this strategy. At least the Russians do not want Bulgaria to control the Black Sea Strait. The St. Petersburg government is also very interested in this strait!

If the two countries are co-managed, then after the outbreak of the First World War, the Russians could get enough supplies from the outside world. By that time, the Allies would win the war ahead of time, and Bulgaria would have to deal directly with vitality after the war Tsarist Russia!

Thinking of this terrible result, Ferdinand felt terrified, so he temporarily abandoned the strategy of expanding to the Asia Minor Peninsula, and instead aimed at the Greek Peninsula.

After all, for the Greek peninsula, Ferdinand began making diplomatic preparations more than a decade ago, and leveled four of the six major European powers!

In the Russo-Japanese War, Ferdinand and Edward VII conducted insider trading on the Greek peninsula, and the two sides reached a consensus.

In the "French Insurance Agreement" and "British Insurance Agreement", the Greek peninsula was clearly designated as Bulgaria's sphere of influence. In the earlier "Russia-Russia Alliance", the Russians also promised to support Bulgaria's expansion in the Balkans. Including the Greek peninsula.

Just concluded a deal with the Italians. After all, Tripoli is of high strategic value to the Italians, and it is not easy to get them!

Oh, of course, in these transactions, Ferdinand has not directly told anyone, Bulgaria will bring the Greek peninsula into the homeland, and those words may have to be considered again!

This is the core reason why Ferdinand is anxious to get the Greeks away!

Anyway, as long as the Greek peninsula is gone, even the Greeks are gone, even if the powers no longer complain about Bulgaria's annexation of the Greek peninsula, they can only recognize by holding their noses!

Before that, the most important thing was to migrate some Greeks to leave, and then to move some Bulgarians into it. When the great powers appeared, it also caused the established facts!

It is estimated that the World War was about to explode at that time, and no one can take care of this little problem of the Greek peninsula!

The 6th Army Minister Popov proposed: "Your Majesty, or Libya! The most valuable port city, Tripoli, was given to the Italians. It is worthwhile to exchange the remaining coastal oasis for the Greek peninsula. ! "

Naval Minister Petrov quickly objected: "No! Libya is the only colony we have overseas. If we give up like this, where will we lose face!"

To house the Greeks, we can think of ways in the Ottoman Empire. They want to keep the Asia Minor Peninsula without paying a price?

Just ask them to provide a site and settle the Greeks. Anyway, the Ottoman Empire had a great career, and it would not be much waste to place such a million or two Greeks. It was just a small problem for them! "


Well, Ferdinand knows why the dispute is so fierce, in the final analysis, it is a "sea 6 dispute"!

This is inevitable for every big country. Although Bulgaria is a six-powered country, its unique geographical location requires that it must have a large-scale navy!

This is a reality that every peninsula country must face-Hai 6 must do it! It's just that the emphasis is different. In this regard, Spain, Italy and Bulgaria are facing similar situations!

Oh, the French can count too!

Considering the needs of the future strategy, Ferdinand chose to support Petrov. After all, Bulgaria 's naval power is very low now. If we do n't give them a reason to show it, Bulgaria will not even have a voice in the Mediterranean region in the future!

Once there is a conflict with a big country, everyone can directly block off the Aegean Sea, so don't want to show up in Bulgaria!

Anyway, I have to bite the Ottoman Empire this time, whether it is compensation or mowing, just give the option to the Ottoman Empire. If it doesn't work, consider Libya!