Vol 4 Chapter 36: Work hard

Time passed quickly, and at the end of 1909, Ferdinand was pleasantly surprised that Queen Senia was pregnant again this winter, and this was already their fifth child.

Although he does n't know whether it is a man or a woman, Ferdinand is very excited. His concept has always been that there are many sons and blessings, especially since Senia is not too young, maybe this is their last child, Ferdinand Shows extra attention! (Note: Shenia was born in 1875 ~ 1960)

Of course, Ferdinand would not admit that he was affected by the environment! Former otaku, he doesn't have this idea!

In order to increase the population, since Ferdinand's succession, Bulgaria has begun to advocate the concept of "more lives, more education, more children, and more happiness" in public opinion.

After more than two decades of bombardment, this concept has become popular, and Ferdinand has inevitably been affected!

Even Bulgaria has introduced special laws to encourage childbirth. However, because the government was too poor before, substantial rewards were few and most were spiritual encouragement.

Now Ferdinand intends to amend this law again, and also intends to directly introduce laws prohibiting all miscarriages. Previously, this behavior had been restricted by religious beliefs and was not enforceable!

Oh, and now the Queen's pregnancy is the best publicity example! After all, the king and queen are working so hard to increase the population of Bulgaria. This is the fifth child. What reason do you not do?

Everyone is happy when there is a happy event, and now Ferdinand is happy all day.

In order to fully implement family planning, Ferdinand convened a special seminar for the cabinet, and strived to bring Bulgaria's population growth rate to a new level!

Although the little boy born now can't keep up with the First World War, it doesn't matter, isn't there another time? This time is just right. Thirty years later, it will catch up. If you are lucky, you may add another generation!

There is no such thing as late marriage and childbearing in Bulgaria. Many people are fifteen or sixteen-year-olds who have reached the age of talking about marriage.

In order to grow the population, the unscrupulous Ferdinand directly ignored all this happening!

Oh, he thought it wouldn't work. This is an ancient tradition. Besides, Europeans should have developed earlier, and physiologically, they are almost the same.

Besides, the children of the poor headed home early. The average life expectancy in this era was not long. Even in the early 20th century, the average life expectancy in Bulgaria was less than 60 years. It is definitely not possible to get married too late!

In fact, the birth rate of this era is still very high. The birth rate of the world's population has always been above 4%, but in Western Europe and Northern Europe, the birth rates of some countries have begun to decline.

The decline in the birth rate does not mean that people's willingness to have children will be low. The key is that due to the development of capitalism, many female workers have also entered the factory. In order to survive, everyone has to work. There is no time or capitalists can't afford to have children!

After all, in this era, there is no claim to protect women's rights and interests. As long as you are pregnant, you either have an abortion or lose your job!

Most of the working class in this era had little savings and lost their jobs. For an ordinary family, this means the beginning of a disaster!

Therefore, many people are forced to make a living and are afraid to get pregnant! In addition, some factories are also very harmful to the human body. For a long time, many people have lost their ability to reproduce.

These factors are the main reasons for the decline in population growth in Western Europe! This situation has an impact on any industrialized country. At present, Bulgaria's environment is slightly better.

After all, nationalism has dominated, and it has used morals to restrain the behavior of capitalists. They still dare not go too far!

At least during pregnancy, they will not be fired. Of course, the salary during the leave period is gone, and a little bit of living allowance will be issued if you do a better job!

Oh, this is mostly from Ferdinand! No way, who is it that the big companies in Bulgaria today are basically their own vests?

When the royal enterprises on the Ming Dynasty took the lead, of course, everyone had to respond. As a result, Ferdinand would have to spend tens of millions of levs every year!

As for private enterprises? People also participated in it. Anyway, this is not a standard, so just give me some money. And it can also be called by its name, this is the corporate social responsibility!

Several government-controlled newspapers in this regard are very keen to report such news. Rather than commend them for their charity, they are more willing to expose the ugly faces of unscrupulous capitalists.

Once exposed, it will be blacklisted by the government immediately, and many people will automatically distance you from you!

The killing power of this blacklist is very powerful. To put it simply: the railway will be permanently closed to you, no one will sell you many raw materials, and no one will buy the products you produce!

Oh, you can also find a way to transport by road and sell it yourself. The prerequisite is not to be discovered, after all, working with you is also to be condemned by public opinion!

Although they are very reluctant, in this environment, capitalists still have to disguise themselves as much as possible to give themselves a good reputation!

Once any behavior becomes a habit, everyone slowly adapts. Under the education of Ferdinand, over twenty years later, the social atmosphere of the whole Bulgaria has been renewed!

Many people even think that they are really a good person, and many capitalists inadvertently provide a little help to ordinary workers, although it is more likely that they are gaining their reputation!

However, this still makes the proletarian revolutionaries all over the world wonder. It seems that Bulgarian capitalists are another species. It is still a long way to go to spread revolutionary ideas in Bulgaria!

But Ferdinand knows that's all there is to it. Occasionally, there are cases of kindness, and more is done for fame!

In particular, powerful capitalists, for their fame, do not mind spending a lot of money. This is not fundamentally different from subsequent entrepreneurs' shows!

But it doesn't matter, no matter how you make a show, it's better than doing nothing! Ferdinand always pays attention to results, and he doesn't care about their inner thoughts!

Ferdinand clearly knew that to encourage fertility, it would not be possible to dump all these costs on the enterprise. Many small capitalists simply couldn't afford it!

Therefore, the government is still required to pay the money, but there are many aspects involved. The Bulgarian government has held several meetings to study it.


Prime Minister Constantine said in a dilemma: "Your Majesty, our government has carefully studied the legislative issue of encouraging fertility. This issue is not big and can be brought to Congress at any time.

However, it is a bit troublesome to issue maternity benefits. This also involves the issue of coverage and the formulation of specific standards, which is difficult to determine! "

Ferdinand asked in confusion: "What is the new population in Bulgaria each year now? If you adapt to the subsidy program, how much can you increase? Has the government calculated this?"

Constantine thought about it and said, "At present, the number of newborn babies in Bulgaria has been maintained at about one million. This proportion is already high in the European industrial countries, which can basically be equal to the Russians.

How much this number can be increased after the subsidy. Since there is no such precedent in the world and we have no reference, we can only roughly estimate that the normal situation should be increased by 10-30%. This may be related to the amount of subsidy. !! "

Ferdinand thought for a while and said, "This is indeed a problem. We must not only consider the birth of the population, but also the survival rate of newborn babies and the economic strength of the people. How much can they afford? And the future education issue!

We still have a lot of homework to do in this area!

However, I think the government can also set up a nursery. Once something happens to a family and there is no support, you can apply for the government to support adults! "

There is no doubt that the role of this kindergarten and orphanage is not much different, but this is more emotionally acceptable to parents!

It is estimated that as soon as the nursery school comes out, the number of people in the orphanage will be greatly reduced. At least many families will be thrown directly to the door of the orphanage because they are poor and unable to support their children!

Now this is even simpler. You don't have the ability to support, you can also give it to the country to foster! Anyway, it's your child, you can come and see at any time, and you can pick it up if you have the conditions!

This will undoubtedly alleviate the worry of most people, even if they ca n't afford it, they will be able to give birth, anyway, the Bulgarian government will pay for it!

By the way, the scale of Scouts can be expanded again. Although Bulgaria has received military training since elementary school, this is only supplementary. About one month of military training per year, some schools may be higher.

But the real scouts are still from orphanages. They will be screened from an early age. For those who are suitable to join the army, their main course is rigorous military training. When they grow up, some people will enter military schools for advanced studies, and most people will directly Enter the army.

These people are often the bravest existence on the battlefield, and their military qualities are higher than others. They are one of the main sources of grassroots officers in the Bulgarian army! (Also the main force of intelligence personnel and death squads)

As for whether the parent association will have any objections, Ferdinand said that in a country like Bulgaria, the national military service, even if not recruited into the army, the annual reserve training photos are to participate, the soldier has always had a high status, so far he has not heard It was said that someone was enlisted, and family members came to make trouble!

Moreover, being a soldier in this era is really the best opportunity for them to get rid of their fate. As long as they have made enough military achievements, they will immediately become a member of the ruler class!

The government guarantees distribution even if you return home, as long as you don't make mistakes, you will be guaranteed for life!


So after some discussion, Bulgaria's "Family Planning Law" was promulgated, and it just came to Congress to go through the process and it came into effect.

This "Family Planning Law" regulates the protection of pregnant women by law. Basically, Ferdinand copied it from future generations!

However, the wages during the maternity leave period are not fully borne by the enterprise. This part of the expenditure is mainly funded by the government. The six-month salary is paid according to the Bulgarian minimum wage. The enterprise mainly cooperates with the government to provide convenience for pregnant women workers.

For example, the law stipulates that enterprises with more than one hundred people must set up a special baby room to allow employees to take turns to take care of them and provide convenience for women and children!

In order to encourage fertility, starting from the third child, there are material awards of 100 levs issued by the state. The number of the fourth child becomes 200 levs; the fifth child is 400 levs; the sixth child is 800 levs ...

There is no upper limit. Theoretically, it is no problem to get rich by having children. The prerequisite is that all mothers and babies must be healthy and not die. Otherwise, money will be deducted!

Oh, fortunately, Ferdinand's later generations have read a lot of news about the super mother, not in units, otherwise they will encounter that kind of multiple births and come back several times. It is really possible that the Bulgarian government will go bankrupt for this!

Oh, Ferdinand admits that this is a painting that encourages fertility. In fact, those who can give birth to more than ten babies are rare, not to mention that it is necessary to ensure that the baby's health is not premature. With this medical condition, it is almost impossible. possibly exists!

However, after the sixth child, the title of Hero Mother can be obtained. The biggest advantage of this title is that during pregnancy, the company must provide them with full salary!

This has been there before, but it was made by the capitalists themselves. The main reason is that few people can get it. Of course, everyone is happy to show it!

Of course, this time the law also stipulates that if it is because the birth of a child hurts the body, the company has an obligation to switch them to a more relaxed job!

Simply put, just tell everyone to work hard, everything is left to the government, it does n't matter if you ca n't afford it, the country can do it for you!


The promulgation of the "Family Planning Law" has relieved the capitalists at the same time. They are really afraid that the government will directly throw all these burdens on them!

Don't doubt With the strong government of Bulgaria, this can be done! Earlier, UNHCR officials interviewed many socially responsible capitalists and discussed the issue with them.

Oh, this is also the negative impact of reputation. There is a sense of social responsibility. When the country requires you to take social responsibility, you cannot refuse it as long as it is within your ability. Otherwise, how can you justify your reputation?

Well, in fact, the initial investment is not too large, and the qualified annual is nothing more than a dozen or two hundred thousand people.

The salary for half a year is paid according to the minimum wage, which is tens of millions of levs. Even if the subsidy is added, it will still not exceed 100 million levs!

With the current Bulgarian fiscal revenue, it can still be easily afforded!