Vol 4 Chapter 40: The role of movies

After dealing with Portugal, Ferdinand was quickly attracted by a news, and a sound movie was born!

I ca n't help it. There are too few entertainment activities in this era. Whether it 's aristocratic banquets, stage plays, music, or art, they are not Ferdinand 's hobby.

In addition to the influence of previous lives, the bigger reason is that he did not have time to cultivate hobbies. It is estimated that Ferdinand himself did not find it.

国王 Kings of this era are not as leisurely as later generations. In an era of great confusion, Manuel II once gave up his rights is an example. He hopes in the ethics of politicians and waits for exile!

Alas, if you are unlucky and encounter a ruthless character, it is not impossible to walk around the guillotine!

There is also the pressure of world war. Under the pressure of survival, Ferdinand was forced to work hard to strengthen Bulgaria's national strength in order to control its own destiny.

Uh ... (the above is pure nonsense)

的 The birth of sound film marked the era of the great development of the film industry. Ferdinand knew that it was time to develop the Bulgarian film industry.

After all, cultural output is still coming fast! Traditional books, music, and art can only affect a small number of people, but movies can affect the world!

As early as 1896, the movie had already entered Bulgaria, and it caused a sensation in Sofia at that time.

电影 Since then, the film has taken root in Bulgaria. Ferdinand has also established a special film company. Now dozens of films are born every year and then promoted to the world.

However, because there are only images and no sound, the plot has to be greatly restricted. Too complicated things cannot be expressed through body language! At the same time, Ferdinand restricted the private goods, and restricted the cultural export of Bulgaria.

Alas, Ferdinand is not unprepared to climb the technology tree, after all, this gadget is very low-tech. Earlier sound films, which added a gramophone, connected sound and image together.

Alas, due to the outbreak of the first Balkan war, Ferdinand was soon forgotten, and it was not until now that he accidentally remembered it.

的 The films of this era have not yet attracted much attention, but he is only used as an entertainment tool, and Ferdinand is not ready to make too much noise.

"Little Carl, tell the film company to shoot more Bulgarian historical films. The original ones can be processed by art, with sound, and released to Eastern Europe again!" Ferdinand ordered

"Okay, Your Majesty! I'll do it right away." Carl said to Feidi South, and turned away.

Carr is not at all young, he is even older than Ferdinand, but in order to distinguish Carr, Ferdinand still calls it that.

Yes, he is the son of Karl, who took over after he retired three years ago. Oh, according to Ferdinand, by the time of the younger Carl, this is the eighth generation of stewards for their family.

Under normal circumstances, it will continue forever, when Xiao Carl is older, his son will still come to take over. As for whether the position is steward, it depends on Ferdinand's arrangement at that time.

This is also a tradition. The education they received from an early age is to be loyal to the Kohali family, learn how to be a good steward, and work for the Kohali family.

Whether it is loyalty or ability, Ferdinand is more reassured than others. Of course, he has no intention to change this tradition!

输出 Cultural export, Ferdinand is also divided into priorities, first Balkan Peninsula, then Eastern Europe, then Continental Europe, and finally America and Asia. As for other regions, it is naturally ignored.

Africa in this era is a colony and there is nothing to spread; Oceania has not yet been developed, there are few people at all, and it is economically uneconomical; Antarctica has only penguins, and the great mission of teaching penguins to learn culture, Ferdinand decided to stay Good for others!

Anyway, there are no restrictions on movies in this era, as long as they are not revolutionary, they can be circulated throughout the world.

Alas, in general, movie output is still a loss-making business! In many places, movie companies have to organize their staff to broadcast movies to locals for free.

The main reason is that the people are too poor. Even if they are shown in the open air and the ticket price is very low, they still look down on it. This is especially serious in Eastern Europe.

But it doesn't matter. Ferdinand was originally designed to export cultural values. It doesn't matter if you make money or not.

Uh ...

One sentence above, and a broken leg below!

Andreyev is a professional film projectionist in Delphi, but he does not work in the cinemas in the city, but has to travel to the countryside to show people movies.

In the beginning, movie companies went to the countryside to promote movies. A decade or so later, people have become accustomed to this form of entertainment, and the rich people in the countryside are also used to showing a movie when celebrating.

放 Now showing a movie is also a symbol of wealth. After all, in this era, filming movies is also very troublesome. All of Andreyev's possessions add up, and it will be a big carriage!

The price is naturally not cheap. Basically, the expenditure of a movie is the entire income of Delphi ordinary workers who do not eat or drink for more than half a year. For ordinary people, this is still a very luxurious thing.

So Andreyev's business is not good. When there is no business, he will also be screened on the square in the city. Every time it is watched by hundreds of people. The screening can earn hundreds of levs for one night. To break even.

I used to worry that if the performance was not good, the film company would lay off people to get him off, but after more than a decade, all this didn't happen, Andreyev also slowly relieved.

After all, compared with before, now it is profitable. From the perspective of Andreyev, the big names in the film company are all visionary, and it can take more than ten years to cultivate the market!

It is said that in the movie theaters in the city, each movie shows hundreds of levs, and thousands of levs are recorded every day, which makes Andreyev envious.

I often dreamed that when he showed a movie, he would have such a high income. By then, the commission of each movie would also make him a rich man!

But now it is different. Andreyev, like many Greeks, is worried about the situation in Greece.

希腊 Since the Greek-Turkish war failed more than a decade ago, the lives of the Greek people have been difficult. After the failure of the Second Balkan War, it is really impossible to survive!

The government's tax revenue is getting heavier. Now Andreyev's chances to go out to show movies are much less. Farther away, he dare not go, because he has to pay tolls several times. To money!

These are the after-effects of the tax package. Affected by this, it can be said that Greece's industry and commerce has suffered a catastrophic disaster, and few factories have to close down.

There are more and more unemployed people, prices have started to skyrocket, cities have become depressed, movie companies are going to close down, and Andreyev is worried that he will also lose his job.

He really loves this job. Although he has to go out and run around often, it is a bit bitter, but the movie company treats him really well. He has never withheld a penny of his salary and can do it every month. Get paid in full.

This was very rare at the time, Andreyev also cherished the job very much, and he was ready to continue working.

But the situation now makes him very worried. There are fewer and fewer people watching movies. Even if his fare is already very cheap, it is still unbearable for the unemployed!

Loss! Since the end of the Second Balkan War, Andreyev knows that the film company is losing money, the sign is that the cinemas in the city are no longer open daily!

Not to mention the fact that he travels in the countryside to a family, not to mention, he and several colleagues have talked about this issue, everyone's life is similar, and no business has been received recently.

A month ago, they didn't have to show a movie at the exhibition platform in the open air plaza because the box office was not enough for electricity!

Today is Sunday. The film company informed him that he had a meeting in the past. Andreyev got up very early and came out of the office with great sorrow to wait for the door to open.

"Andreev, you came here so early?"

I greeted Andreev's friend and colleague Irif Peter, who could see that he had just arrived.

"Don't you come too? The situation is tough now, I'm afraid we're going to be unemployed again this time, can we come earlier?" Andreyev said with a grin.

He said this a little messy, unemployment and early come, there seems to be no necessary connection!

But Irif Peter nodded and said with an expression more ugly than crying: "I hope Syria also needs a film projector, or we will say goodbye to this job!"

I can see that Irif Peter loves this job very much, and even if he knows that he may be unemployed, he is not ready to make a big noise at the film company.

In this era, the movie company is already a conscience company, and it is still very good for them!

Although the wages are not very high, they have a commission on going out to show movies. The usual income is still good, which is much higher than that of ordinary workers.

As a result, they still have some family background. In the face of soaring prices, they can still support it for the time being.

"If the price has been so high and we lost our job again, I really don't know where I can go except Syria?" Andreyev said with a grin.

Their net worth is limited. In addition to being able to run in Syria, they can only emigrate to the Ottoman Empire or the Kingdom of Montenegro, or to work in Bulgaria or Italy.

There are no restrictions in these places, but the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Montenegro were first excluded by them. It is estimated that the lives of the locals are not much better than them, and it is difficult to find a job!

Italy is not a good place, and the unemployment rate is still high. Where can I get these migrants?

Bulgaria is the easiest to find a job. As long as you are willing to go to mine, that is really easy to find a job. Most Greeks are not willing to eat that bitterness!

Of course, more importantly, just after the war between the two countries, most people still have 疙瘩 in their hearts, and they ca n't get through this hurdle in their hearts, so when thinking about this problem, they deliberately ignored it!

Alas, the conversation is limited to this. Film companies have regulations prohibiting participation in politics. The reason is: art knows no borders. If filmmakers participate in politics, they will become more innocent, and the essence of art will be in the back!

Although they don't know why there is such a rule, they still obeyed it. Anyway, they are all small people, and they cannot participate in national affairs.

In accordance with Ferdinand's usual style, of course, it is impossible to bear the crime of extortion by the Greek government. Obviously, he has to dump the pot.

The most suitable back pot man is undoubtedly an international capitalist. Now the Greek government has to increase taxes in order to repay international loans, which is the official explanation!

Even the Greek government also disclosed every financial income and expenditure, just to transfer the hatred, there is no way to debt the main money, you have to pay it back!

The deeper reason is that the dumped pot was given to the former and former government, all of which they borrowed indiscriminately. Now we have to pay it back. There is really no way for the government to increase taxes!

Now public opinion in Greece has been controlled. Nonsense newspapers have been closed down. The people involved do not know whether they went to see God or Satan?

Anyway, the opinions in Greek public opinion are very consistent now. It is because of debt repayment that it has caused the current dilemma!

斐 With the selfless efforts of Ferdinand, if the Greeks have learned their lessons, they will probably get rid of the bad problems of lending money, do not know if it is good or bad?

八 At eight o'clock in the morning, the door of the film company opened, and then a few minutes later Delphi City's manager Solkov came in and looked at his glory. The crowd breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that the result would not be too bad.

Everyone greeted Solkov very politely, and hundreds of eyes looked forward to him, hoping that he would bring good news.

Sorkov didn't hesitate and opened his door and said, "Tell everyone good news, our rice bowls have been temporarily saved!

The board of directors believes that a qualified company must have a sense of social responsibility. After careful research and decision: Given the current economic situation in Greece, everyone should work together to overcome the difficulties, so Wedel Films decided not to lay off staff! "

As soon as Sorkov's words were finished, thunderous applause rang out from underneath. Obviously this was undoubtedly good news for everyone!

As for the sense of responsibility of social enterprises, everyone is no stranger, and they all know that it came from the neighbor Bulgaria. Although the relationship between the two countries is not good, it does not prevent them from agreeing with this view!

A few moments later, Solkov said: "Given the current bad situation in Greece, the company has produced an inspiring public welfare movie. Our next job is to show this movie to the society for free Let everyone in Greece see this movie as much as possible, stir up their fighting spirit, and work hard for a better life tomorrow. This is the responsibility of each of us filmmakers! "

Uh ...

They didn't know that Ferdinand's order saved their work. Weddell was already preparing to abandon Delphi's market, but now it has taken a turn.

As one of the pawns to promote the export of Bulgarian culture on the Greek peninsula, of course, we must listen to the boss's command.

As for the theme of this public welfare movie? Of course, it is told to the Greeks that Syria is not so bad. Is there a large area of ​​farmland waiting for them to plant?

The purpose is simple: to soothe the hearts and minds, let the Greeks take the initiative to go to Syria, so that the current situation on the Greek peninsula is not out of control!

As for whether anyone can see it, Ferdinand is sure, as long as a smart person can see the theme of the film, but since a smart person, how can they say it?

After all, for the unemployed, staying on the Greek peninsula is already a dead end. Without a source of living, what is the way to survive?

If you are against them leaving, then you must find a way to feed them, otherwise civil outbreaks will happen sooner or later. For your own benefit, everyone can't say even if they know it!